Sunday, October 09, 2005

Damn, lost my bet.

Maybe Baccarat's my game.

I had $5 on the “Blame Clinton” tactic, but Dollar Bill Bennett went with Page Two of the GOP Weaseling For Dummies handbook instead.

Of course, since the GOP only has a two-page playbook, I was basically betting on Red...

Ah well. Next time.

This from Yahoo News...

Bennett Blames Media for Stir Over Remarks
By JULIANA BARBASSA, Associated Press Writer

Former Education Secretary William Bennett on Saturday blamed the news media for distorting his remarks about aborting black babies, saying he had intended to make "a bad argument in order to put it down."

Bennett, making his first public speech since the comment aired on his radio show last month, said the meaning of his remark linking the crime rate with black abortions was reversed in many news reports.

"I was putting forward a bad argument in order to put it down," Bennett said, drawing sustained applause from nearly 4,500 people attending the Bakersfield Business Conference. "They reported and emphasized only the abhorrent argument, not my shooting it down."
"He heard our outrage and our hurt, but he didn't say he was sorry," said Irma Carson, a Bakersfield councilwoman. "We didn't take (his comment) out of context, because there's no context in which those comments would fit."

Many in the largely white crowd attending Saturday's conference said it was clear to them that Bennett was using an extreme example that did not represent his views to make a point.

Not exactly shocking – the douchbags of the Right have literally never had any strategy for head-faking their way out of their own cowardice, criminality, Middle Class seppuku and outright treason past blaming the Press and blaming the Big Dog.

At this point – with the GOP controlling every branch of government and the press having long-ago visited the vet for that special, calm-down, “tutoring” surgery – none but those with their mental dribble glass vastly more than half empty and falling could possible be dupe enough to buy this prattle any more. It’s not even really a “tactic” at this point. It’s a mindless spasm, with a heavy emphasis on “mindless". A post-death-reflex, and the longer One Party Rule goes on in these United States (Half a decade and counting), the more desperately retarded these clowns sound, and the more intellectually insulting they come across.

But big, BIG ups to Dollar Bill for being unable to keep his ball-gag socket shut and helping keep this story alive and sprinting!


E. Normus Johnson said...

"{splutter, choke, splutter) but, but... Robert Byrd! Robert Byrd! Robert Byrd, dammit!

Anonymous said...

Excellent, e.normus. I do not understand for the life of me why that one hasn't been trotted back out to the faithful.

Maybe Rove Central is having trouble with talking points delivery times these days. Can't imagine why...

Anonymous said...

That's what you get when you go up against a seasoned gambler, Drifty.


Anonymous said...

The GOP excuse roulette wheel has three points:

Blame Clinton
Blame the media

and when there's no other way out:
'He did it too'

Depending on context, 'he' is either the terrists, in the case of torture, or the Democrats, in the case of any kind of domestic corruption. It coincidentally reinforces the frame that democrats and terrorists are interchangable.

Anonymous said...

they were saving Klinton for the gumming by Freeh on 60 Minutes and the allegations of Katrina profiteering by James Lee Witt

Anonymous said...

Given that rates of crime decrease as age increases, it is therefore true that we could lower the crime rate (albeit 20 years out) by aborting all babies. The argument Bennet claims he was trying to make would have been adequately made in that manner. By his gratuitous inclusion of the unnecessary modifier "black", he revealed himself to be the racist he is, and can no longer rely on the "I was just making an argument" defense.

"Abort all babies" = just making an argument.

"Abort all black babies" = making a demonstrably very different argument.

And Bennet is smart enough to appreciate the distinction.

Anonymous said...

When in a hole, stop digging. Somebody throw Bennett a shovel!

Anonymous said...

The GOP excuse roulette wheel has three points:

Blame Clinton
Blame the media

and when there's no other way out:
'He did it too'

That'd be the "0" and "00" spots that give the house their margin. If it weren't for those two spots, the house would not get a guaranteed profit.

Just goes to show that you do, indeed, have to bet responsibly.

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