A “Thank You” to D C Media Girl.
She did something nice (she knows what it was), which made me smile...
...which, sure, is kind of a scary smile, but that’s just how my face is wired: no reflection on the deed that inspired it.
But while was rummaging around internets looking for an appropriately respectful photo – a nice, from-the-waist karate bow felt about right -- I came across this other picture...
...which I had to post for no sufficiently good and explicable reason other than it made me laugh out loud, which led to this other picture...
...that just made me think of Bogart all over again and the line from “The Big Sleep” where he confronts Herr Doktor Senator Frist (Fine! In the version playing in my head! Are you happy now? Jeez, what a stickler.) and says:
“My, my, my! Such a lot of guns around town and so few brains! You know, you're the second guy I've met today that seems to think a gat in the hand means the world by the tail...”
That’s “gat”, Fristy.
All of which only goes to show, the harder I try to make it classy, the more that’s just not gonna happen.
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Drifty--thanx for the "Casablanca" still. That is my all-time favorite movie.
I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find that BLOGGING is going on in here, Monster from the Id
Yes, great as Casablanca is--and it is indeed one of The Greatest Movies Ever Made--I prefer The Maltese Falcon, with it's equally great line "The cheaper the gunsel, the gaudier the patter".
And damn! is The Big Sleep a great movie! Not the original, which is a bit of a mess, but the re-edited version that's the one they always show on TCM. If you haven't seen the re-edited version, check it out on TCM, it's in regular rotation.
Bogie + film noir = Godhead.
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You have probably taught your child not to talk to strangers, and in many situations, they would remember this. But the Internet is different.
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I think people often overlook the importance of grooming their pets as a way to contribute to their overall good health. Here are just a few more tips on pet grooming. You must groom your pets whole body including the legs, tail, and underbody if you want to do it right.
You must groom certain pets from the skin outward to truly be effective in taking care of their coat of hair and keeping it healthy. Comb through the unseen healthy hair and remove the shedding hair; this is what most groomers do first before cutting your pet's coat. You must groom some animals all at once while some other animals have so much hair that it is esier to do a little at a time each day. You know your pet is well mannerd when it will sit still and alow you or a professional to perform regular grooming and maintenence without any fuss. If you feel you just don't have the time or desire to do it yourself, its time to call the professionals. Your dog will love you for it, and you'll feel great about it too. Hope this was helpful.
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