Monday, July 18, 2005

A whole letter...

And not a “fuck” in the carload?

Pictured is Ms. Dawn Turner Trice, who writes a liberal-ish column for the Chicago Tribune. She’ So-so. Usually doesn’t leave a huge impression on me.

Her politics are all right, but she gets a little nagging for my tastes. Matter of taste and degree I suppose. Ms. Trice also worked her way under the leathery hide of the odious La Shawn Barber enough to provoke a rebuttal to one of her columns, so I have to give it to her for that.

She’s no Royko...but no one is – especially John Kass; the dyspeptic mope they gave Royko’s real estate to -- so there’s no sin in that. Clarence Page consorts with the Evil Ones, but still lays some solid board-feet upside the Administration’s skull often enough that I’ll read him. I find Ms. Trice just a little...too nice. She hedges her words. Corks the tips of her sword and curls her prose inward in that Liberal, lets-all-try-to-get-along kind of way that bloggers have spoiled me out of.

Sometimes that drives me nuts.

Or, to paraphrase a Morpheus-line from “The Matrix”, “Stop trying to hit them...and HIT them.”

So she had a column in the paper today, and I sent her an email about, and here they both are. This is not some outraged “open letter” to Ms. Trice: just what she wrote, and then what I wrote to her, printed here for two reasons;

First, her column today caught my eye because in addition to what I wrote to her, I disagree with the premise -- “Rove's role, fate in CIA scandal just a sideshow” – on general principle.

Iraqgate may be the worst scandal in the history of the United States...and it is only now rousing the interest of the Rip Van Winkle press who climbed into bed after the Clinton Impeachment and have stubbornly slept though everything since. It may well be the worst in our history for the simple reason that it combines the most despicable elements of both Vietnam and Watergate. It is -- in itself -- both the greatest foreign policy disaster in at least a generation and a filthier and more cancerously metastasized example than Watergate of a criminally corrupt Presidency subverting the Constitution and using its Executive powers to cover up its crimes, personally destroy its critics and raze Democracy itself.

I would agree that the Karl Rove Treason is a sideshow only if we can agree that “sideshow” in this context means an important, Second Ring act in the overall, Three Ring Circus that is Iraq.

Rove is to Iraqgate what the break-in at Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office, or finding ten’s of thousands of dollars in bribe money in the wreckage of the plane crash outside of Chicago that killed Mrs. Howard Hunt, was to Watergate: They are each part of a much larger, more horrifying, despotic whole.

Rove is also a sideshow only if you believe that we are only competent to focus one thing at a time, and I think and most of us are smarter than that.

And, second, I wanted to prove to myself that – if needed -- I could put on a rhetorical suit and tie and compose a whole, proper letter on the subject of The Rove that was courteous, had a “thank you” in the right place and refrained from using the following phrases: “zombie cocksucker”, “toeing the NASCAR of State into the Wall of Clusterfuck at 220 mph”, and “White House political Schistosomiasis.”

And still get my point across.

So there ya’ go.

Here's her article:

Rove's role, fate in CIA scandal just a sideshow

Dawn Turner Trice

Published July 18, 2005

I'm considering printing up T-shirts that say: It's the war, stupid!

If we look at the story about Karl Rove and the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame in the narrow scope of whether special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will be able to indict Rove, we miss a bigger story.

That's the one about how the Bush administration consistently has used questionable tactics (paying "journalists," prepackaging news stories, disparaging adversaries) to promote its policies, seemingly at any cost.

If administration officials merely were peddling "No Child Left Behind" or the privatization of Social Security to the party faithful, we probably would tune it out as we would an infomercial.

But this is war, and the truth about our involvement in it has to trump toeing the policy line. Soldiers, civilians and their families are paying the ultimate price daily. The war continues to raise the question of whether, as the Downing Street Memo says, "intelligence and facts were fixed around the policy."

It doesn't matter that the assertions that Iraq was amassing WMDs have been proved unfounded. It doesn't matter that there has been no connection between Iraq and Sept. 11. The administration has taken a "that's my story and I'm sticking to it" stance that's bordering on shameful.

But the marketing of this war hasn't happened without the media and the public being willing consumers.

We, the media, faced with our own scandals, have been skittish about ferreting out missteps in Washington. The media get hot on the trail of something gone awry in this administration, but have cooled by the time the spin doctors do their thing. Consider Newsweek's speedy retraction of its story about accusations of prison guards mutilating the Koran at Guantanamo Bay.

We, the public, haven't been clamoring for more information about whether we were misled about invading Iraq. In part, we can blame our short-term memory and attention deficits. But there's also our fear, which this administration has been adept at parlaying into big-time political capital.

But when it comes to the war, the truth shouldn't be glossed over or distorted to fit into sound bites.

Whether Rove is indicted in the Plame scandal or not shouldn't cloud our getting to the bottom of whether this whole ordeal began as a way to get revenge on Plame's husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson. He accused the administration of twisting facts to justify an Iraq war. Were the facts really twisted?

And here's me:

Dear Ms. Trice,

Thank you for today's column; "Rove's role, fate in CIA scandal just a sideshow." I would, however, disagree with you in two particulars.

You wrote, "We, the public, haven't been clamoring for more information about whether we were misled about invading Iraq. In part, we can blame our short-term memory and attention deficits."

That simply is not true.

About 49 million of us went to the polls last Fall and voted Democratic EXPLICITLY because it was obvious to us that the current Administration had lied to us. What became equally -- and frighteningly -- clear to us was that 51 million Americans (especially the so-called Red Staters) couldn't care less about the fact the President lied, about Iraq, about Global Warming, about Social Security.

About anything.

If you look at the PIPA poll of voters before the election, a staggeringly high number of Republican voters passionately believed things that were just flat-out wrong. That Saddam Hussein had planned 9/11. That he had a nuclear program. That there were AQ training camps in Iraq.

Wanna bet how many of these same people also believe in Creationism?

This is not an accident. The GOP relies heavily on the fact that its base is stupid, superstitious, fearful, racist and easily led by what I can only describe as radical right-wing Christian clerics . Democrats I know are more than happy to talk about this war and where it is going and always have been: "clamoring" would putting it mildly. However more and more my Moderate Republican friends are the ones who are stuffing their ears with cotton and saying they don't want to hear any more "negative" stuff about their Dear Leader. Apparently lying, cheating, stealing -- even treason -- are all IOKIYAR ("It's OK...If you're a Republican.")

The only "virtue" left in the GOP seems to be blind loyalty to the person of George Bush -- no matter how much he lies -- and the only sin is ever admitting any error or any kind. And remember, this is the same moralizing, hectoring, holier-than-thou crowd that tirelessly hunted Bill Clinton for seven years and impeached him over trivia.

There is no "we" in this equation.

So when you say, "We the public..." you mean "Republicans."

Which leads me to the second point which I would dispute.

You wrote, "We, the media, faced with our own scandals, have been skittish about ferreting out missteps in Washington." Skittish? I'm sorry, but this language is entirely too weak: the media, in fact, has simply abandoned its responsibilites and deserted its post, en masse.

Actually, it would probably be fairer to say that we don't really have a media at all any more. We have Hate Radio and Fox News, which are unapologetically the Bush Administration's "Pravda". Then we have the "objective" media who refuse to take a position on...anything. Did the Holocaust happen or not? Is Creationism just as valid as Evolution? Global Warming?

Or, as Paul Krugman famously said, if the Mainstream Media had to report on the shape of the planet, the headline would read, "Earth Flat or Round? Opinions differ."

So with half the press useless, craven and, for reasons I find unfathomable, completely unwilling to confront those in power...and the other half of "the press" little more than the propoganda arm of the Bush White House, I think "skittish" is putting far too mildly.

Thank you again for your column.


Anonymous said...

Well, I know who SHOULD be in Royko's chair. Let us know when they syndicate you.

Watch 'n Wait said...

us blues: The reading public would purely love driftglass's column every bit as much as Royko's, but the corporate owners would not only fire him, but the guy who hired him! Remember who you're dealing with here...

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with you, us blues: Our host would have to tone his act down way too much, to get syndicated.

This junkie wants nothing to get in the way of the pure, uncut driftglass, in all its Rabelaisian splendor.

jurassicpork said...

I think they'd also follow up the firing of Drifty and his benefactor with saturation napalm bombing of the building and its environs.

Man, Drifty, that's must've been frustrating to have to put on that back brace and stand up nice and straight like a civilized human being when in reality you must have, fucking MUST HAVE been churning inside to get down on all fours and cut her off at the ankles by chewing them off then spitting the bone, blood and gristle in the face of Scotty McClellan and the Washington Press Pool. How's about you give us the *real* letter to Miss Trice without the MSM's all-too-endemic Nice Guy Filter?

The two instances of dereliction of duty that irritate me the most is One, The Downing Street Minutes (I refuse to call them the Downing Street Memos because an HR Director sending out an email to everyone in the company reminding them about Casual Friday or that movie tickets can be had for five bucks each at Human Resources is a fucking memo) because, as the "liberal" NY Times snootily dismissed it, the Minutes were "a British election story". And Two, and this aggrieves me the most, the utter, complete and bewilderingly inexplicable failure to not report on the bulge under Bush's jacket during the debates with Kerry, which was such a fucking no-brainer that Stevie Wonder with a sleeping mask, a blindfold and double cataracts in each eye could've seen them for what they were, a fucking transmitter! A transmitter manned by a bloated boob of a political strategist at one end and an ADD-addled assclown who couldn't ad lib a belch at the other. "Well, maybe, just maybe, now, that bulge wasn't really a transmitter. Perhaps the President is a cyborg and perhaps a cable had broken through his synthetic skin. Is it really worth embarrassing the President over something so personal?" Terri Schiavo should've been a reporter. She could've won a Pulitzer in any of the last fifteen fucking years against those George Romero rejects in the MSM.

I'm in a VERY foul mood right now because the Red Sox just lost their seventh game in their last nine, to lowly Tampa Bay, on one unearned run on three hits and Johnny Damon's fucking 29 game hitting streak just came to a screeching fucking halt and God motherfucking help ANY fucking Republicans who cross my fucking path or darken my fucking door tonight.

Rob7534 said...

LOVED it Driftglass!! Absolutly loved your rebuttle.

Anonymous said...

Dudes! The Daily Drift is already syndicated. Why in the world would he want to appear in only 300 newspapers when he can appear to millions on demand?! The traditional press is dead (I know, I spent 25 years in it), and Drift's honest, witty and intelligent writing will catch on.

'Course, he can't give up his day job just yet...

P.S. Thanks to Sarah's post on Eschaton for leading me here. Who says nobody reads Haloscan all the way thru! lol

Anonymous said...

Tell the truth, felt a little like Eddie Haskell, didn't you?

By the by....I see that Rude Pundit is staging a one-man show in NYC, featuring readings of his columns and some material written especially for live performance.

I'm just sayin'.......

Anonymous said...

All I was trying to say above is that driftglass should be getting the bucks and cred that criminals like Judy Miller haul in. Fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way, but without having to impersonate Clark Kent. The man has Talent, I just want him to reap the rewards.

Zappatero said...

you could have used "butt scoot" - I like that one.

Mister Roboto said...

Tell the truth, felt a little like Eddie Haskell, didn't you?

LOL! "That's a nice column you wrote, Mrs. Cleaver." :-P


There's at least some consensus that the contraption Bush was wearing underneath his suit during the debates was some kind of defibrillating/ heart-monitoring thingamajig for heart patients. That makes sense, as his lifestyle prior to his 40th birthday is the sort that would give a person serious health problems later in life, and had that really been a radio receiver with Karl Rove at the transmitting end, you would think DUH-Bya would have been at least a little more articuate than he actually was.


You're an intelligent guy, so you have probably figured this out, but I thought I should remind you that should your letter be printed (unless you reqested that your name be withheld), you'll be "outing" yourself once the letter is printed.

darrelplant said...

I liked Royko. I even kind of liked him after he ripped off an article of mine.

jurassicpork said...


Please. Please don't. Bush doesn't have a defibrillator. That's Cheney you're thinking of. Why doesn't Bush have a bulge under his coat at any other time? It was under his coat just during the debates, which is why the Left Blogosphere was aflame about it and the NY Times and everyone else tactfully ignoring it. Bush is in perfect health and does not need a defib.

Someone at the NY Times blew up and enhanced the photos of Bush's back and ran it by someone who's an expert in surveillance equipment and he agreed that the bulge was exactly in the shape of a late-model transmitter used by covert operatives.

Anonymous said...

I agree, usblues... altho cred is much more important than cash...

driftglass said...

Thanks to you one and all who want me to make out like a fat rat somewhichway or another. May we all live long, lewd and well!

Royko's...irreplaceable. Knew everybody, went everywhere.

You'll never hear me saying bad things about cash. I'm a workin' man and proud of it.

my email was just to let her know what I think -- no different than if I'd run into her in a bar -- but I keep 4-5 disposable email accounts going at any given time (in addition to personal ones), and none are likely to be a giveaway. Thanks for your concern.

Eddie Haskell :-) Ms. Trice isn't terrible...but way too timid. And we all have "church" and "court" and "smoove" faces that we don for various occasions. Nothing wrong with it -- different drivers for different screws -- but the trick is not to compromise your principles just because you've decided keeping the bullwhip in the drawer is actually an effective strategy now and them.

But yes, then of course I have to come over here and swear like a Cheney to get my invective electrolytes back in balance :-)

Anonymous said...

I loved Royko, and now YOU are my Royko. Recharge your invective juices and get back in the game. I also liked your letter and will watch to see if/how she responds.

I don't understand her premise, if the Downing Street Memo is a big deal about a war based on lies and fixing intelligence. What the hell did she think Rove was doing to Wilson, except FIXING the nuclear scare. The possibility that Sadam could have nukes created the fear that sold the Iraq war to democrats, independents and doubters.

Quote-of-the-Month: From Randi Rhodes:
"If Karl Rove is a whistleblower, then Jeff Gannon is a whistle!"

Good luck, and keep up the good work!

Mister Roboto said...


If he hasn't been seen wearing the device at any other time, then I guess it was a radio receiver. He must be such a dullard that he was so inarticulate even with Karl Rove feeding him talking points. I can just imagine Karl Rove at the transmitter-microphone thinking, "Sweet Baby Jesus, it's going to take every fucking trick in my book of political black magic to get this twirp re-elected!" Fortunately for the Shrub, the book in question is a very large volume!


Okay, so what you sent wasn't an actual "Letter to the Editor". Very good. (I know from my own experience with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, AKA the Milwaukee Journal-Pravda, that it is highly unlikely such a letter would ever see print anyway!)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've been writing letters like this directly to the press since 1998, it's my avocation. I figure if I can make comments like this to a blog, why not address the wicked ones directly once in a while. Sometimes they write back, sometimes they don't, doesn't matter.

It seems an actual letter is sometimes better and it's important to get the right party and the right address, usually not a big deal in the age of the Internets and another fun little subproject. My method is to wait for someone or something that really gets me going, which is usually once a week or so. Try to tie in my direct experience –- make the points, but my own points in my own way, not canned (of course stuff infiltrates into the noggin' from obsessive blog reading).

We have a Sinclair affiliate where I live, for example, and the weekend last Fall when they announced their 'Stolen Honor' deal, I got the name and contact info for their local station manager and wrote him that I would not fucking rest until I drove Sinclair out of town, that was now my mission in life if it took ten years, I intended to get down to work and enjoy every minute.

Then scraped their website for preferred advertisers and started working on 'em right away and copied him on all correspondence. Knocked off a couple too before it was resolved. God that was fun.


Unknown said...

Great post, I enjoyed reading it.

Adding you to favorites, Ill have to come back and read it again later.

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Anonymous said...

How to Get Famous -- In only 90 Days!
by Joe Vitale

"I am indebted to the press of the United States for
almost every dollar which I possess..." -- P.T. Barnum,

Charlie Stratton was a little boy who would not grow. He
was destined to be less than three feet tall.

His parents accepted the fact that he would never become
a full sized adult. The neighbors felt sorry for the nice
family and their midget. But no one saw an opportunity for
greatness. No one saw the potential for fame and fortune.
No one, that is, until one man came along in 1842 with an
eye for hidden possibilities. That man was P.T. Barnum.

Barnum taught the child to sing and dance. He taught him
to express himself, to accept how he looked, to feel good
about who he was. He also taught the boy how to charm and
entertain crowds. And he named the young prodigy a name
that still lives today: General Tom Thumb.

Years later, after Tom was rich and world famous, his
Connecticut neighbors would shake their heads and smile.
"We always thought little Charlie was a nice boy but not
very special," many said, "but we never knew he would
become a celebrity until Barnum took him and Barnumized

P.T. Barnum took many people who were talented but
unknown and made them rich and famous. While Jenny Lind
was known as the greatest Swedish soprano in all of
Europe, few had any idea who she was in America. Yet
Barnum hired her, managed her, promoted her, and Jenny
Lind became so famous that 30,000 people met her ship
when it docked in New York in the mid 1800s. Again,
Barnum had practiced the art of "Barnumizing" someone.

And to prove that his techniques worked, when Lind
decided to save money and manage her own concerts
without Barnum's help, her crowds grew smaller. Lind
didn't get media attention. And she returned to Europe
without fanfare. Yet it was the same Jenny Lind that
the crowds had gone wild to see under Barnum's art!

That art is not lost today, of course. Throughout 1997
I smiled whenever I saw an article on the singer Jewel.
Here you have a woman barely out of her teens, with
only one CD released at the time, making front page
headlines and cover stories on national magazines.
Last I heard she had been hired to write her
autobiography (!) and was paid more than a million
dollars for it. Yet Jewel is barely an adult! How is
this happening? Clearly, Jewel is being Barnumized.

And that's how anyone can become famous today. You
need someone skilled in the art of Barnumizing. There
should be a latent talent or trait that can be
publicized, of course, but even that can be gotten
around. Richard Branson, the tycoon founder of many
businesses, including Virgin Records and Virgin
Airlines, Barnumizes himself by creating balloon
flights around the world. Whether he actually succeeds
at the trip doesn't matter. His events bring himself
international publicity. And he is not promoting any
talent except maybe the bold desire to be famous.

I've been personally fascinated by publicity and
publicists since I began researching P.T. Barnum a
few years ago. Here's a taste of some of the people
I've discovered:

* Harry Reichenbach was an audacious silent movies
publicist who made people famous in the early 1900s.
In fact, his incredible creative ideas helped stop
World War I.

* Edward L. Bernays helped make such stars as the
singer Caruso famous. And he got American women to
smoke with a publicity event he helped orchestrate
in 1929.

* And publicists today continue to Barnumize people
like chicken soup authors Mark Victor Hanson and
Jack Canfield. One reason Deepak Chopra remains a
bestselling author is the publicist behind him:
Arielle Ford.

But let's forget actors and actresses, authors and
speakers, singers and celebrities for a moment. What
about the average person? What about you? Can you be
Barnumized? Can you be made famous?

Without hesitation, I say yes. The secret is in
hiring a publicist who knows how to find or create a
news worthy subject out of you or something you do.

There isn't any one way to fame that fits for all
people. Sometimes all you need is one wild event to
draw attention to everything else you do:

* Barnum once showed a preposterous "Fejee Mermaid."
The curious half-monkey-half fish increased his
ticket sales 33%.

* In our own century a circus once displayed a
"Unicorn." While everyone knows unicorns aren't
real, ticket sales increased 55%. Again, the one
publicity stunt drew crowds to see everything else
being offered.

But you don't have to be wild and crazy to get
attention. In an article I wrote titled "Hidden
Selling," I talk about the various people who are
getting rich and famous by sponsoring events that
serve a good cause. Bill Phillips, for example, is
selling people on the idea of getting fit. He gives
away his book, and a video, and holds yearly
contests. He donates his money to the Make-A-Wish
Foundation. All of this is making Bill
internationally famous. How does he make any money?
He sells nutritional supplements. Back this fact is
"hidden." What Bill is doing is getting fame, and
then using that fame to make money. Very, very

One of the easiest ways to begin to seek fame is to
write a book. You still have to promote the book, of
course, but as an author you have an excuse to get
publicity. That's what Evel Knievel wanted when he
called me. He wanted me to help him write his life
story. He knew that a book could bring him more
fame. (I turned him down.) Many other people know
this fact, too, from Donald Trump to J. Paul Getty
to Madonna, and that's why they write (or hire
someone to write) books for them.

By now you've heard the quote from Andy Warhol that
in the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.
My belief is that if you create fame for yourself
that sticks, that fame will be a credential you can
bank on for the rest of your life.

Take Evel Knievel. His publicity stunts Barnumized
him in the 1970s. Yet we still know his name today,
thirty years later. He wedged his name into public
awareness through his fame tactics. And he's still
cashing in on his name. In fact, his name is so
strong that it has helped launch the career of
another daredevil: Evel's own son, Robbie Knievel.

Most people know the name Tom Thumb today, as well.
Why? The fame Barnum created for his little friend
still lives. Fame can do that for you, too. It can
become a lasting advertisement for who you and what
you do. From then on, everything you touch will get
automatic attention. Tom Thumb used to sell toys
and other products. So did Evel Knievel. As a
result of their fame, these otherwise mediocre
products sold. The products weren't important, it
was the name associated with the products. The more
famous the name, the more easily the products sold.
That's why Pepsi hires the latest hot stars to
appear in their commercials. Their fame brings
favorable attention to Pepsi.

But what if you can't afford a publicist? Easy.
What you have to do is become your own publicist
and Barnumize yourself.

Let me explain:

A year or so ago I wrote a news release that helped
make Jeff DeLong---barely 28 years old---wealthy.
The headline read:

50 Ways to Leave Your Lover (or anyone else);
Unusual cards don't greet, say Hit The Streets

Paul Krupin of the ImediaFax news bureau sent it
out by fax and email. As a result, Jeff did twenty
radio interviews the day his release hit. The
Associated Press picked up the story at least twice
and spread the word to the media nationally. The
number of times the story was reprinted is
impossible to tally. But as a direct result, Jeff's
website sales blasted to $20,000 a week.
(A week!)

What made his news release so successful?

1. There was news here.

I didn't have to dig too hard to see that Jeff's
greeting cards were newsworthy in and of themselves.
(You send his c-ya cards out when you *end*
relationships.) Too many people send out news
releases without any news. They are thinly disguised
ads. Editors hate ads. They want NEWS.

2. We tied it to current news.

Valentine's Day was right around the corner. While
Jeff didn't want to tie his release to that event,
I knew that doing so would cause the media to grab
his release. It helped make his news relevant.
Whenever you can tie your product or service to
existing news, you up the odds in being used by the

3. We distributed the release to select media.

Paul Krupin hand picked a list of media contacts.
What you send out has to match the interests of
those receiving it. Don't send artillery news to
an anti-gun newspaper.

You can get publicity for virtually any product or
service. The media is desperate for news. Provide it
and they'll advertise your business. But how do you
find the right news angle? There are at least three
ways: (1) Have news, (2) invent news, or (3) tie
your business to current news.

Jeff's release was an example of one and three. (His
cards were news, and we tied it to Valentine's Day,
which was current news.) Here's an example of number
two: Inventing news.

When Barry Michaels in Australia hired me to write a
release for his clothing store, I had to hunt to
find the news angle. I talked to him and learned that
because he was getting bogus orders online, he
started calling virtually *everyone* who contacted
him. This turned out to be a breakthrough. Customers
were in awe that a retailer in Australia would call
them. Not only did Barry stop the bogus orders, but
he increased his sales with this extra personal
service. So I wrote a news release with this

Retailer Finds Way to Turn Bogus Orders Into Profit;
Australia teaches the globe how to make money online

As a result, the Investors Business Daily called him.
Since that is a national publication, Barry's news
release will turn into *thousands* of dollars in free
publicity. Very nice.

Finally, let me tell you what I did a few months ago.
In mid-June I bought a mermaid. Yes, a mermaid. P.T.
Barnum had one and I figured it would be cool if I
did, too. It turned out to be a disappointment and I
felt like an idiot for getting it. But then I saw a
publicity opportunity. So I wrote a news release
(using method number two) that began with this

Barnum Expert Suckered Into Buying "Real" Mermaid;
Discovers curiosity as powerful marketing tool

The response stunned me. The editor of the American
Legal Association's newsletter asked if they could
run the story. Radio hosts wanted to interview me.
An A&E Biography TV show on Barnum plugged my book,
causing my book to sell out overnight. Ah, I love

The point is, news angles are everywhere. Start to
think like a reporter, get creative, and plug you
or your business *within* your story. It's the key
secret to getting rich and famous today----within
only 90 days---and with or without a mermaid!

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