Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Journalist discovers Journalistic Ethics.

Film at 11:00.

Alright, that’s a little too cavalier.

Here’s the story

New York Times Reporter Jailed for Keeping Source Secret
Published: July 6, 2005

WASHINGTON, July 6 - A federal judge today ordered Judith Miller of The New York Times to be jailed immediately after she again refused to cooperate with a grand jury investigating the disclosure of the identity of a covert C.I.A. operative.

Another reporter who had been facing jail time on the same matter, Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, agreed today to testify to a grand jury about his confidential source on the same matter, thus avoiding jail. Mr. Cooper said he had decided to do so only because his source specifically released him from promises of confidentiality just before today's hearing.

The judge, Thomas F. Hogan of Federal District Court in Washington, rejected a request by Ms. Miller and her lawyers that she be allowed to serve her detention at home or in Connecticut or elsewhere, and ordered that she be put in custody and taken to a jail in the District of Columbia area until October, or until she changed her mind about testifying.

Ms. Miller herself told the court that she would not reveal her source no matter how long they jailed her.

"If journalists cannot be trusted to guarantee confidentiality, then journalists cannot function and there cannot be a free press," she read from a statement as she stood before Judge Hogan. "The right of civil disobedience is based on personal conscience, it is fundamental to our system and it is honored throughout our history," she said before court officers led her away, looking shaken.

We appear to have found the journalistic principle to which Judith Miller is willing to stick.

Was it Benjamin Franklin -- or Captain Stubing? -- who, when Ted Baxter held out briefly on but heroically a matter of honor in the last episode of Mary Tyler Moore before collapsing back into his True Hollow Self, said something about, “when you see a donkey fly, you shouldn't be surprised when it falls…just amazed that it flew at all in the first place?”

Seriously, I cannot help but hope that the Queen of All Iraq understands that she has found herself, not in a legal crisis, but in an ethical one. And it might sound corney, but I cannot help but hope that as her principled position forces her –- however briefly -- away from the life she knows and into federal custody, that she might use her time to do a little of the old-fashioned soul searching.

See, for the youngsters out there, prison actually used to have another purpose.

As it true of most social issues, before the Christian Right gained ascendancy, the idea of incarceration ironically used to have a genuinely Christian component. However imperfectly it was executed, the idea of just shoving someone into an iron box for a Mandatory Minimum and mocking anyone that suggested that they might actually deserve a little humanity used to be considered both sadistic and stupid.

Back when Sadistic and Stupid weren’t prerequisites for higher Republican Office.

Of course, punishment the crime. Of course make the bad guys do their time and pay their debt. And of course, keep the truly dangerous locked the hell away from the citizenry.


But unless you’re planning on locking away everyone who gets busted for weed or burglary in prison forEVER (“Plan Gitmo”), you’d better figure out some way for them to use their State Mandated “Me” Time to do something productive.

There used to be a Progressive Christian Idea abroad in the land that a lot of prisoners weren’t genetically evil and beyond redemption, and that their incarceration could be used for introspection and moral instruction as well as being punitive. This was based on the radical idea that sometimes people can change if properly motivated and given the right tools.

Now is there a particular series of Penal Reforms I personally would recommend?

What the fuck? Do I look like a penologist to you?

(Actually I thought of going into that line of work -- the lab and field research seemed like they’d be fucking AWESOME – until someone told me that “penology” didn’t mean what I thought it meant.)

Besides, this is about Dame Judith, who I sincerely do hope will use the consequences of her honorable stance on not reveling her source as an opportunity to completely unpack the Ethical Toolbox and look at all of those other doodads and gimcracks that she has left to rot and rust.

She already has a killer job, and will most certainly command orders of magnitude more attention than usual once her case is resolved, so just imagine is she decided to use that chance to become a Giant? To stop shilling for the Thugs in Power, but instead, as the saying goes, use her power to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable?” To atone for being the sewer pipe though which the Administration and its creatures pumped their filthy lies out to a credulous world.

So good on you, Judith, for taking a stand.

That’s all.

No kidding.


That and this --

“Dearest Ahmad,

Prison is a lonely place, made even lonelier without the comforting feeling of your chubby feet resting on my back.

How tormented I am now by memories of our happy days together.

It is the little details that haunt me most. Your light, sweet crude scent lingering in the air long after you had gone. The wild, drunken 3:00 rides with you, Cheney and Wolfowitz through the back streets of the Tidal Basin as we spoke of the glorious future to come.

And I especially recall our “movie nights”, lying beneath you, gasping for air, after you had slaked your divine lusts, watching “Star Wars II" for the 7th or 10th time. You explaining to me that Saddam also had both a vast Clone and Robot army, outfitted with blasters and energy shields, in secret bunkers north of Tikrit...and me dutifully reporting your delightful tales in my newspaper the next day.

Good times, dear one. Good times.

It is lights out now, and I must go.

Know that the thought of being back in your soft, Oil Ministry arms sustains me greatly.

Your Once and Future Queen,



Anonymous said...

I've said it before; I'll say it again: You are a fucking treasure.

Judith longs for Ahmed and the good old in SERIOUS oxygen debt...:-)

Gotta put this up one more time, from "Get your war on" at (which is a KICK-ASS site for us....)

"You know what's most embarassing for the NY Times?"

"They didn't even charge Ahmed Chalabi a fucking marketing fee!"

And, we'll be hearing about this from you and Steve, and we damn well should:

103 members of the Iraqi parliament have just called for Bush to set a timetable for leaving Iraq, and some of them are saying that if he doesn't do it, they'll call for street demonstrations.

That's off Juan Cole's site, not CNN...(but you knew that...)

Also, Cole points out that the Iraq defense minister, meeting with his counterpart in Teheran, has given his assurances that Iraq will not be used for an attack by the U.S. on Iran.
Woops! There went a large piece of crockery, smashing itself to pieces on the hard concrete floor of the "reality" warehouse.

And, another one right behind it:

The Iraqi defense minister concluded an agreement for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to help train the "Iraqi Army"

That'll really bring the Sunnis into the "fold"...

My, my, my...what's a bunch of stupid, warmongering, fuckhheads to do???

There's more, on "Juan Cole's Informed Comment" some good stuff there today. (Actually, yesterday, it being 3 Am here...)

Anonymous said...

The most successful program to treat prison populations, basd on the metric of reduced recidivism (return to jail for another crime after time served) was conducted by Dr. Timothy Leary of Harvard University. Gave those folks a truly religious experience and changed their lives.

Perhaps my friend, this was the field research you were looking for, especially given the work you have been doing on the "el" as mentioned in the post above this one ;-)

Anonymous said...


Love the blog!

Maybe your readers should consider the etymology of the phrase "state pen", as in, a jail. In that sense, we all "know" what prison was supposed to be about: not throwing away the key but giving transgressors time to consider their ways.

Whatever. Love the blog!

Anonymous said...

Four Sudwerk Mai Bocks later, and perhaps some Micronesian pakalolo too (no perhaps, two lenyas), The Farang of America's tropics asks hisa question:

Is this: " Back when Sadistic and Stupid weren't prerequisites for higher Republican Office" the penultimate statement of today's D.C. maelstrom?

If it fucking isn't, would you kindly post what would be considered more apropos?

NOW I understand why The Rude Pundit doesn't link to this blog: If you can't stand the heat.....

And THIS!!!:"But unless you're planning on locking away everyone who gets busted for weed or burglary forEVER ("Plan Gitmo"), you'd better figure out some way for them to use their State Mandated "Me" Time to do something productive."

FUCK ME!!! In today's *news* (paid for and controlled by corporate America, and not independently confirmed) is that "the Pentagon has agreed to RELEASE up to 200 Gitmo inmates to Afghan authorities, to DETERMINE if they will be TRIED or RELEASED"(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). (sorry O'Reilly, you can't execute innocent Afghans, and imagine me having to state that)

"Four (ed. note: FUCKING ONLY FOUR!!!!!!!) of the inmates are to be held over for trial, after up to 3 years of incarceration"

Got that, my friends???

"Hundreds held", 4 to stand trial.

Oh. Fucking A wonderful.

So, Afghan authorities are to determine if they are to be tried in Afghanistan, or released.

GOLLY FUCKING JEEBUS, do you think there *might* be some 200+ *insurgents with attitude* on scene soon?

FUCKING NOTHING these imbecile Bushites do is SANE.

Unknown said...

Good post

Anonymous said...


What an original concept! The site is just swell and I use it a lot!
