I kinda hope it’ll look something like this.
My earliest political memory is Nixon resigning.
He had won with a crushing victory in 1972 – not a Bush squeaker but a genuine hammerblow landslide. He had that mad, “Now I can kill you all” glitter in his eyes, and radiated the kind of oily, dark electricity that one can imagine incubi are flush with when they've completely slaked their vile appetites and roasted the bones of their last enemy: The Vampire Nixon…Triumphant.
Good, strong men and women wept at the though that this shambling, criminal thing could be re-elected.
How could their countrymen be THAT blind?
Well of course their countrymen weren’t blind so much as they lusted hard and deep for a Master.
A Strong Man who would pound their disobedient children for them – kill them if necessary -- until they bent a knee to Dear Old Dad’s world view. My old man didn’t really like Nixon – OK, no one liked Nixon – but he loved the idea of Nixon. The idea of a de facto dictator who perhaps bought his Sans-a-Belts and short-sleeved white work shirts from the same Sears as he did. An American Pinochet with the courts in one pocket and the cops in the other who would fucking well beat the rest of the planet with a crowbar until they straightened up and showed a little God Damned respect.
Gooks, Commies, Hippies. Uppity Niggers and Castrating Feminists…it didn’t matter. The tacit promise of Nixon was that he’d find a slot in the Infantry, or cheerfully washing dishes for the Silent Majority, or in the cold, cold ground for all of them.
Plus Nixon was, in his way, a genius. He had the whole thing buttoned up, and had purged everyone but his hand-picked, buzz-cut fascist ideologues from his Imperial Presidency. And the press – well most of the press – were only too happy to treat the newly mandated Sith Lord with prostrating deference.
And a little over a year and a half later he resigned in disgrace. It all unraveled that fast. It was an entire Fake Government built on extortion and cronyism, sabotage and bribery and when the lid started to come off, and the public got a glimpse at the wormy, diseased meat under the makeup they were horrified.
And what part of what made The Fall come so quickly was the availability of an alternate metaphor for Nixon. Every, single thing Hunter Thompson has said about him turned out to be vividly true. Every caricature the Left had fashioned during their Long War now looked as clear and unaffected as family vacation photos. The bottom fell out of the Republican Party: Oh my God! He really DID say and do all of those terrible things. And once the veil was pierced, once there was a seam blasted through the Teflon, the alternate metaphor began clicking into place very quickly.
So I’m a hopeful guy. Nixon was a powerful man. Genuinely smart and ruthless, and during the last years of his terrible reign world events actually moved in his direction.
Bush is basically a weak and cowardly man, who gets bumfuzzled every time he gets caught more than five feet away from his handlers and his prepared remarks. Cut him off when he starts gibbering on about Terra and Freedom and Marching and without his radio-controlled Underoos or whatever mood-stabilizer-cocktail they whack him up on when he has to talk and he reverts right back to the peevish, clueless, thin-skinned little drunk that was an embarrassment to his family for most of his adult life.
The lies he and his whole crew told the whole world to get his war on are starting to blow back home. And when the whole enterprise is built on lies – rotten from the rafters down -- when it starts to come apart, it implodes faster than you would have ever dreamed possible.
So am I making any promises? What, do I look stoopid?
But when I squinch my eye closed reeel tight, and let my imagination off the leash for a little run, I can easily see the Summer of 2006 and Bush exiting the White House under protest – maybe under guard – and it sounds just like this..
Bush: Me? What happened to the Wingnut Wahabi Christian Party I believed in? The Wingnut Wahabi Christian Party I fell in love with? The Wingnut Wahabi Christian Party that believed in me? Well, there's plenty of places I can go where people believe in me!
USA: Well go! The sooner you're out of our lives, the sooner we can go back to being the country in this little flowered dress that you sang the thermos song to.
Bush: Well I'm gonna to go then! And I don't need any of this! I don't need this stuff, (he pushes all of the indictments off the desk), and I don't need you.
I don't need anything except this (he picks up an Air Force One ashtray) and that's it and that's the only thing I need, is this. I don't need this or this.
Just this ashtray.
And this flight suit.
The ashtray and the flight suit and that's all I need.
And this commemorative map of Iraq.
The ashtray, the flight suit and the map, and that's all I need.
And these matches with the Presidential Seal on ‘em.
The ashtray, and these matches, and the map and the flight suit.
And this lamp shaped like James Dobson’s sweet, sweet pecker.
The ashtray, this matches, and the map and the lamp AND the flight suit and that's all I need.
And that's all I need too.
I don't need one other thing, not one …I need this!
The flight suit, and Daddy’s chair, and the map, and the matches, for sure. Well what are you looking at? What do you think I am, some kind of a jerk or something? And this! And that's all I need. The ashtray, the map, the flight suit, this magazine with MY picture on it and the chair.
[Outside the White House]
Bush: And I don't need one other thing... except my Vice President. (Cheney growls) Well I don't need my Vice President.
Gee, in my fantasy he is bound and gagged as they rush him to the Hague. And now, in the fantasy just next door...
Frog marched sounds good. Real good. But, being right in the middle of a vast geographic area of "red, red, red" I can tell you one thing that is grossly *under-reported* even in all that twaddle about his appeal to the religious: there are a good number of people who truly believe and who are preached to about it every Wednesday night and Sunday morning that he is *chosen* by God. Period.
And so...if he "lied" it was "for a good reason." No one *believed* in Nixon that way. They liked what he had on offer but they didn't think he was annointed and that sometimes he "had to do things whose meaning would be revealed to the righteous later." This is what several millions of many hard-core evangelical Protestants believe. That these devout people are being played is undeniable. That they will realize it depends only on one thing---that he is revealed beyond argument as betraying them and their *religious values*
One little tiny crack in this wall of belief was observed the other day. Tired of hearing how he was "gonna end babykilling" I ---who avoid any political discussion at work for very good self-preservation reasons given my job and so look to be apolitical but "probably just like us!"---I said that I was surprised there was no anti-abortion amendment out there to the states yet. Well, said my two colleagues who are very political and very religious, the Democrats are holding that back. How says I? They have majorities in both houses, the courts and have the White House. If they really really wanted it it would be done. That turned a damn light on in their heads. They are now planning on "asking their pastor." Can't wait to hear the answer to that---but I loaded them up with simple questions and simple info on how an amendment is created and sent to the states.
That is the sort of thing that will sink them and makes me KNOW that Dobson, et alia are making *deals* with the Replicant Party. My sincere colleagues believe they are working to end "murder" (their definition, not mine) up there in DC, now they are wondering how a Christian-gentleman can not have that "ranked above Social Security!! Babies are dying now!" (the last my impassioned quotes that sent them scurrying to talk to friends)
He gets caught screwing over the religious rank and file and esp if he is unequivocably caught lying about his "beliefs" as he promotes them publicly it will be over. Otherwise, don't hold your breath.
Wow, first you write about the scary child molester, who really is the face of evil, and then about Richard Nixon, who was also one of the more profound faces of evil.
You're becoming the Thomas Harris of the blogosphere. Be careful out there.
Oh, and I agree completely that the rotting timber of the present administration is going to go fast and hard and probably pretty soon. Thank you for so perfectly envisioning it.
Majikthise has a link to an essay by one Tim Shortell, who states that "faith" relieves people of the need to think. If we can only get one or two people in the hinterlands of the Red States to actually think Critically about Dubya and his Administration, the whole rotten edifice will be doomed.
Agree that we could see a very rapid unravelling -- or none at all. We seem to be operating inside one of those complex systems in which events stubbornly rotate in a particular orbit despite large perturbations, but which could be pushed into a completely different orbit if the perturbation occurs at exactly the right time and place.
Interesting thing about the Fundies is that they also have this weird belief in an AntiChrist who's supposed to be making an appearance long about now, if you believe we're approaching the end times. It might be possible for the true believers to be flipped that way. The AntiChrist is supposed to appear to be a really holy guy, remember, who is secretly working Satan's side. Don't know what would be the sufficient push, however -- maybe if there were incontrovertible proof that Bush was behind 911. Given all the incontrovertible proof before their very eyes of crime and corruption now, though, maybe even that wouldn't be enough.
What a perfect finish.
Can't you see Biggus Dickus himself deep throating some impeachable shit to "persuade" Chimpy that the "hard work" is just too hard, and that he might be happier swilling everclear at the ranch?
I want a Democratic party with an electoral machine that can put someone as hopeless as Dubya into the presidency. A machine that can make his every gaffe forgiveable. A machine that can provide him with an indulgent news media, a congress that works for his every socialistic whim, a court system that will fulfill his most idealistic notions of justice. Because no matter how inept he might be, the principles for which he labors will produce a better outcome than we've seen under George W. Bush.
tee hee hee....'swilling everclear', such a pretty image.
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