You like me. You really, really like me!

This relentlessly non-runaway bride story from WaPo.
Car Bomb Blast at Baghdad Funeral Kills 20Eleven more dead U.S. soldiers, and it’s not a headline anymore. 110 people total – since Thursday – and what’s on teevee? More stop-the-presses news that Bush is getting really cranky that evil reality is standing between him and the consumation of the violent anal encounter with Social Security he had promised his Fiscal Overlord. A neutered press corps asking oh-so-timorous questions of the Animatronic Bush-like Thing that Rove decked out in corpse make-up and rolled out onto the stage last...
The Associated PressSunday, May 1, 2005; 2:59 PM
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- A car bomb exploded at the funeral of a Kurdish official in northern Iraq on Sunday, killing 20 Iraqis and wounding more than 30, an official said, as the death toll in a wave of violence against Iraq's new government rose to at least 110.
At least 110 people, including 11 U.S. soldiers, have died since Iraq's first democratically elected government was approved on Thursday in violence aimed at deflating hopes in Washington and Baghdad that the installation of the new government would curb the insurgency. The government is due to be installed on Tuesday.
Ample evidence that the Iraqi Adventure was indeed based on a stack of lies and half truths heaped so high that a pile 1/10,000th the size would block a thousand stained, blue dresses from sight...
The dozen-times-over-discredited Bush Administration Baldfaced Lie Pez Dispense and Judith Miller’s personal Love Mole -- Ahmad Chalabi –- has inexplicably survived yet another excruciating encounter with reality and now bestrides Iraq as a Deputy Prime Minister in charge of oil. Well, not entirely inexplicable but I’m sure that the people of Iraq are just thrilled to have yet another one of Dick Cheney’s Muppets commanding the only vital resource they have left. It’s not like they’re clever or anything. It’s not like they’ll see though yet another transparent...
Can’t be bothered. Really, veddy veddy busy. I’m sure it’s all being taken care of by our brave, brave soldiers.
Push a little and then comes the same, old screed about luvin’ Murica and the freedom and the marching and so forth, but they sound so tired these days. Such an annoying inconvenience that in the days of hourly Administration truth "refomatting" they have to stop and try to remember which slogans to shout.
Kind of funny, really, hearing the Quisling Moderates having to take 4-5 hits ofvf the Frank Black/Blue Velvet Angry Inhaler to stoke up a good rage about how unfair...something...is.
So robotic. So fucking automatic.
Even their funny dissembling about why it’s somehow not the height of hypocrisy that they-that-demanded-this-war (And yes, Mr. Goldberg, I’m looking in your direction) should not be they-that-fight-this-war has hardened into a mechanical reflex. A coward’s carapace beneath which they cringe and shout out “We Won, You Lost, Get Over It” every time the Dear Leader announces that two-plus-two-equals-Rutabaga and that the world really glides majestically along on the back of a Giant Weasel that will bestow upon all things the miracle of compound interest and Eternal Oil if we’d all just clap our hands and believe in TinkerBush.
They just don't want to be bothered with all the next-day mess their Big War Slumber Party has caused, because the dirty, little truth about our brave 101st fighting keyboardists is this: for our wingnut bellycrawlers, the Military are the new Good Negroes.
Happy, Noble Savages doing the work that God Hisself put them here on this Earth to do: keeping their pasty, white trailer-trash asses safe and gas cheap and plentiful.
Way to go, New Noble Negro! Jus’ lookit’ him jump ‘n’ run ‘n get blowed up by them roadside thingies..servin’ the White Man so good an’ proper.
These inbred fucktards always need a lower caste to look down on so they can feel like Real Men...and all the better if they can give the low caste cannon fodder a righteous Here! Here! before they send them off to get wasted so that fat-ass Barca-Lounger Republicans can be incrementally more comfortable.
Illegal war? Corrupt U.S. puppets? Torture? Murder? Assassination? Who the fuck cares as long as we can fling our Disposable Boys in Uniform at the problem.
But serve in the field with them?
Tidy up this clusterfuck just because I caused this clusterfuck?
Volunteer to share the risk with the...”help”?
Are you insane!?
Don’t you understand the Divine Plan at all?
God put them here to die for the Greater Glory of Fucktard Nation.
God put Fucktards here to Rool The Earth, and to shed a tiny “noblesse oblige” tear every now and then for the low-born who had to die to make the SUV’s go vooooom!
Jesus. Read your Bible. It’s all in there. Somewhere.
Kind of funny, really, hearing the Quisling Moderates having to take 4-5 hits ofvf the Frank Black/Blue Velvet Angry Inhaler to stoke up a good rage about how unfair...something...is.
A candy-colored clown they call the sandman tiptoes to their rooms every night just to sprinkle stardust and to whisper, "Go to sleep, everything's alright......"
This calls for a level of cynicism which I'm not sure I can reach.
I mean, if I believe that "love" is more than just a four letter word, then someone, somewhere, needs to remove this bloody-handed conniving SOB with what has to be just 1/10 of one life left, from the picture.
I hate to wish that on anyone, but when you think of the part he, and his followers, have played in getting us to where we are now....well, then, it's hard to wish for him to sail off into
retirement sunset in Switzerland or London.
Let him stay, and challenge the insurgency to hone their skills.
Like Steve, I bet they-re up to it.
"TinkerBush"?? Damn it, drifty, now I'm going to have nightmares tonight, I know it! Well, I shouldn't be so hard on you, as they'll doubtless be funny nightmares. ;)
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