Friday, January 31, 2020

A Year From Now, I’ll Be Very Surprised If There Is Not Some Grand Square in Washington D.C...

... that is named for all those heroic Republicans who found the courage to mildly rebuke President Stupid long after they left office and had no actual power to affect anything anymore.*

From a disreputable Libtard blogger somewhere in the middle of Middle America, four years ago:

Paul Ryan: Alas Poor Reagan, I Knew Him Well -- Update

The Hamlet of Janesville is still very busy these days wandering the halls of Congress, hiding out from his own party and talking to ghosts. So please stop asking him about how close he is to his inevitable capitulation to Il Douche:
People Mag Says Paul Ryan Insisted He Not Be Asked About Trump

A Father's Day profile of House Speaker Paul Ryan in the celebrity lifestyle magazine People portrays the lawmaker as a devoted father who takes his kids' sugar intake seriously.

But the story also contains a curious disclaimer noting Ryan requested the magazine not ask him about his party's presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, as a condition of the interview.

That disclaimer reads:
And while his job does require some weekend phone calls to take care of business, Ryan says he doesn’t want to talk politics with his kids. (Or with PEOPLE. One condition of the Speaker getting on the phone for the magazine’s special Fathers’ Day gallery was that he not be asked about his party’s presidential nominee, Donald Trump, whom Ryan has famously declined so far to endorse.)
When People's writer made a closing joke about Trump, Ryan responded with a chuckle, "I'm hanging up now!" before ending the call, according to the story, which ran online under the magazine's Celebrity Babies vertical...
On a golf course far away, John Boehner is working on his short game, enjoying a Rusty Nail and laughing his orange ass off.

The Day of Capitulation has arrived --

From the Respectable Chief Political Correspondent for Politico (who is busy pimping his books) today explaining to us rubes that we don't appreciate the fact that expressing even a flicker of post-retirement courage is so very, very hard for Republicans!

Unless we burn their lifeboats here and now, when Paul Ryan finally leaves this vale of tears and his funeral pyre of 1000 copies of Atlas Shrugged lights up the sky for miles around, they shall say of him, "There are many different kinds of courage in the world, and Paul Ryan had the most important kind of courage of all.  He had Republican courage.  The courage to take food out of the mouths of hungry children and medical care away from the sick and dying in order to provide his wealthy donors with tax cuts.  Those decisions were not popular, but Paul Ryan did them because Paul Ryan was a fucking hero!"

And somewhere at the back of the crowd someone will dare to shout,"Fuck you!  And what about Trump?"

And that person will be dragged into the alley and beaten until they shit blood by other Republican men and women of extraordinary courage.

* In case you do not recognize the reference:  
In September 2003, Iraq war architect Richard Perle famously stated that the Iraqis “have been liberated” and that “a year from now, I’ll be very surprised if there is not some grand square in Baghdad that is named after President Bush.”

Driftglass Legal Defense Fund

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