Saturday, May 18, 2019

David Brooks Wonders How David Brooks Ever Came To Be

From Mr. David Brooks of The New York Times yesterday:
How did we in our business get in the spot where we spend 90 percent of our coverage on the 10 percent of our lives influenced by politics and 10 percent of our coverage on the 90 percent of our lives influenced by relationship, community and the places we live in every day?
To begin to understand how truly hilarious this paragraph is, you must first understand that Mr. David Brooks has spent his entire professional life snugly wrapped in a cocoon of privilege. comfort and willful blindness.

You must further understand that Mr. Brooks has spun this cocoon by assiduously courting the favor of the wealthy and the powerful.  

And you must finally understand that Mr. Brooks has done this by first listening carefully to what his wealthy and powerful benefactors wish the world to be and then using the elite position at the apex of American punditry his wealthy and powerful benefactors have given him to spin them fairy tales in which he speaks with sweeping confidence about the nation and its problems in language that his his wealthy and powerful benefactors want the hear.

When it came to pass over and over and over again that Mr. Brooks' fairy tales did not align with the real world at all -- that his ex cathedra pronouncements were, in fact, spectacularly and often bloodily wrong -- he would use his elite position at the apex of American punditry to deflect.  To deny.  To change the subject.  

Here's one of literally thousands of examples:
"Since Nov. 6, the G.O.P. has experienced an epidemic of open-mindedness..."  -- David Brooks, November 20, 2012
At the time Mr. Brooks wrote this, one of the greatest existential threats facing this country was the accelerating and terrifying devolution of his Republican into an out-and-proud dungheap of rage, bigotry and ignorance.  It was a threat which was having long-term and catastrophic effects on the "90 percent of our lives influenced by relationship, community and the places we live in every day", but it was also a threat which  Mr.  Brooks' wealthy and powerful benefactors absolutely refused to believe was real and absolutely did not want to hear about.

And so Mr. Brooks went right on doing what had always worked.  What had always maintained his cocoon of of privilege and comfort.  

He and every other Beltway pundit just like him used their elite positions at the apex of American punditry to spin the lies their benefactors wanted to hear.  

In this respect, Mr. Brooks has been an absolutely reliable Republican lieutenant, working for a different branch of the same wingnut army as Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter.   As I wrote back in 2012 ("Conservative Avengers Assemble!")
And what happens on those uncomfortable occasions when shredding the complex tapestry of the actual past and replacing it with pro-Conservative fiction leaves all sorts of the untidy loose ends?

Well, Mr. Brooks usually solves that little problem by simply lying about it.  And why not?  I mean, it's not like there any professional downsides to Conservative pundits lying anymore.

There are no sanctions for lying Conservatives.

No one shuns you.

In fact, just the opposite is the case:  in mainstream America political media, the only people who are routinely and rigorously sanctioned and shunned are people who persist in blabbing uncomfortable truths, which is why Mr. Brooks will almost certainly get away with his whitewash of history.

Because as we saw with the Tea Party (There. Is. No Tea. Party.) and Fox News, this nation is packed to the rafters with Conservatives who are so desperate to wish away what they have said and done for the last 30 years -- so frantic to pretend it never happened or that they were never a part of it -- that they will pay people to whisper that sweet, sweet lie to them over and over again.

Conservatism's foot-soldiers and cannon fodder will handsomely remunerate people like Limbaugh and O'Reilly and Hannity and Beck and Coulter and Gingrich and on an on and on to tell them that their paranoia is patriotic, that their bigotry is heroic,and that all the Very Bad Things that have ever happened were caused by gays, women, scary brown people and Evil Liberals.

And to the meet the more refined tastes of Conservatism's think-tankers and moneyed  middle-management, they have bullshit purveyors like David Brooks:  oak-aged, well-marbled, top shelf lying at top shelf prices.

This is where the modern Both Sides Do It lie was born.  Both Siderism became the adamantium shield behind which Mr. Brooks and his many imitators and underwriters could hide in comfort and safety every time they fucked up.

Or to put it another way, lying about American culture and politics on behalf of his powerful benefactors from the myopic safety of his Beltway holdfast has been David Brooks' career-armor for 30 years.  Lying about American culture and politics has put several very expensive roofs over Mr. Brooks', put food on his table, put his kids through college, a helped fund his wife's divorce attorney's vacation home. Lying about American culture and politics has put Mr. Brooks' face on Meet the Press and PBS and his voice on NPR.   Lying about American culture and politics has landed him hundreds of Aspen Institute and lecture gigs, several insanely lucrative books deals, and a job at Yale teaching kids about humility.

So when Mr. Brooks stands atop his mountain of unearned privilege, gazing sagely into the distance, stroking an imaginary beard and musing --
How did we in our business get in the spot where we spend 90 percent of our coverage on the 10 percent of our lives influenced by politics and 10 percent of our coverage on the 90 percent of our lives influenced by relationship, community and the places we live in every day?
-- I have no idea what the fuck he is talking about.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Andrew Johnston said...

This might be the first time in my life I've seen anyone involved in the press lament the fact that newspapers don't do more human interest stories.

dinthebeast said...

As a disabled person who relies on the ACA for my healthcare, I have to say that politics affects 100% of my life, and without it, I might not have one.

And oh yeah, I almost forgot: Fuck you, David.

-Doug in Oakland

Robt said...

What is astounding to me with my humble level of education in Etymology.

How David Brooks throughout many stages of his life. defies most other cycles of life.
His ability to spin a new cocoon when his old existing one doesn't provide the life sustainability to survive and when he become vulnerable to predators.

Metamorphosis is a general once in a lifetime for the insect world.

Virus/ diseases (Germs) are in a constant altering of its original state.

Humans, mammals have educated means of to change and alter their behavior and not necessarily their physical forms.

Brooks appears to be a discovery that astounds the science world. On all of these nature's known norms.

Changing physical appearances as the Camel eon changing to colors to camouflage itself to mislead who it is is another astounding discovery in science With the Discovery of Brooks adapts with.

This discovery may prove the Science Fictional alien creature that Shape Shifts physically to appear as anything.

The discovery of the well named, "Shape shifting Brooks Eternal Metamorphosis Elitus" has excited the scientific world.

Is only now scratching the surface with research and its DNA similarity to the GOP.

emjayay said...

And that 90% of coverage is about 90% reporting on Trump's latest ignorant third grader level tweet or about who's ahead and who's behind today in some campaign. It's 90% meaningful content free.

Meremark said...

David 'sucks' Brooks dies as Driftglass stabs again and again.
The beauty of dead Brooks is not that Drifty's truths kill the sucky liar but, rather, that Drifty's wordwallop flattens the suckshit wimpwords hack.

Driftglass writes real good. Brooks can't write. Writing kills fakes. period