"Atlas Shrugged: A Thousand Pages of Bad Science Fiction About Sock-Puppets Stabbing Strawmen with Tax Cuts."Oh lord:
-- driftglass
Ayn Rand-Inspired Sci-Fi Musical The Anthem Sets World PremiereOn the one hand, Anthem is very bad, short science fiction (as opposed Atlas Shrugged, which is very bad, looong science-fiction). So if very bad science fiction is like unto, say, shooting yourself in the foot, then turning very bad science fiction into a musical on purpose is like taking another, bigger bullet and sloooowly pounding it through your through your other foot with a ball peen hammer.
Jason Gotay, Remy Zaken, and Randy Jones will lead the cast of the political piece.
By Hayley Levitt • Apr 8, 2014 • New York City
The Anthem, a sci-fi musical inspired by Ayn Rand's novella Anthem, will make its off-Broadway world premiere at Culture Project's Lynn Redgrave Theatre this May. Performances will begin May 20 in advance of an official May 29 opening...
On the other hand, I want to write the lyrics for at least one of the tunes so much it hurts.
*Judges would have also accepted The Lyin' King and The Wealth Producers. What other musical parody names can you think of? The ones that crack me up will be posted with attribution on the front page of this blog.
The Muzak Man
Rocky Whore Picture Show
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Producing Much of Anything
The Book Of Moron
Shlock Of Ages
I forgot one:
My Unfair Lady
Little Shop of Whores? (That's kind of copying gratuitous up there but I think mine will resemble the Anthem show if it's any good.)
On a Clear Day You Can Talk for 90 Pages
Rent (the Seekwell)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Going Galt
How to Destroy a Country: L. Ron Hubbard was an Amature
The Producers (and The Parasites)
Ain't Misbehavin' (as long as it's selfish!)
(You'll all be) Les Miserables
The Best Little Whorehouse in Galt's Gulch
Evita! (was a Collectivist!)
Good afternoon, Mr. Glass.
It doesn't fit, but "The Phantom Menace of the Opera".
Enjoy your day.
---Kevin Holsinger
Springtime for Greenspan
Aynything Goes
Ayn Err the musical
Oh! Taxcutta!
The Gulches of Madison County
A Galtians Guide to Love and Murder
I can only hope this is as much of a disaster as the Atlas Shrugged movie. I still remember CATO spamming everyone in the area to come over and watch the movie and trying to induce people with food.
A Little White Music.
The Sound of Moochers.
Money Girl, featuring the show stopping power love ballad "Sheeple".
That's all I got for now.
Tea for One.
The Book of Mamon
Les Mis - The Comedy!
Footshoots - the story of how moochers in a small town discovered the joy of dancing while their betters shot at their feet. Features the show stopping power love ballad "All Those Parasites".
Ayn of the Dead?
Yesterday the Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comic had a philosophy professor, newly arrived in hell, talking to the devil, who says: Here's your copy of Atlas Shrugged II, it's really good! For every page you read, it gets two pages longer...
-Doug in Oakland
Ka'ching Awakenings
Oh, Taxcutta
Whoops, SL beat me to it...
Merry Paupers
Man of La Mucha
Ayn Misbehavin'
How to Succeed in Business Without Human Emotion
Butterflies Aren't Free
Guys and Dollars
Many's the Moocher.
Sweet Venality
Ayn Folk, Ayn Reich, Ayn Musikal
Leggo my Ego
A Canticle for Greedowitz.
D'Oh, shoulda thought of this earlier.
Given the success of the "Atlas Shrugged" movies, how about...
...wait for it...
Prometheus Tanked
"A Little White Music"
Love. It.
PAL52 here:
Irma La Douche
Phony Girl
'Jack Welch exists to answer the question: "What would Louie Gohmert be like with $750M dollar walking around money?" '
I have the perfect song and lyrics. Wait for it, 2nd part, "I was reading Atlas Shrugged, how the rich all get mugged..."
OTOH, there's always 'Anthem' by Rush but they'd probably have to swipe it judging by budget.
@marindenver: Thank you!
La Cage aux Fox.
Sweet Venality
@Joseph Nobles: Thanks for the inspiration. How about"Bleep" Charity!
Bob and Carol and Ted and ALEC.
Good afternoon, Mr. Glass.
"Gold Diggers of 2014" ("Gold Diggers of 1933" is where the song "We're in the Money" came from)
"It's Not Easy Having Green" (Muppets)
Enjoy your day.
---Kevin Holsinger
How to Succeed in Bullshit Without Really Trying
(the sun will go ot tomorrow...)
Actually, the movies have been better than the book. How many books can you say that about?
--Leslie <;)))><
(the sun will go ot tomorrow...)
Ahem! I beat you to that by days TG.
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