Thursday, May 10, 2012

Stupid Shit David Brooks Says

"I don’t think [President Barack Obama's] feelings are evolving. I think his political positioning has. Have you noticed that four years ago Obama thoroughly rejected Dick Morris-style campaign tactics and this year he has embraced them. Morris is a poor political commentator, but his campaign methods seem to have won the day."

-- David Brooks, 05/09/12
Ever since President Obama finally began ignoring Mr. Brooks' brilliant strategic advice (keep serially capitulating to every batshit demand made by the lunatics who run the Republican Party until they suddenly start to see reason and give him a tiny fraction of what he wants) Mr. Brooks he has been one bitter, peevish, butt-hurt little crank.

Still, I'm willing to bet that rolling around the grounds of Stately Whine Manor naked and baying about hippies at the top of his lungs without anyone calling the cops probably takes a little of the sting out of Mr. Brooks' hurt fee-fees.


Anonymous said...

Please, by all means hack to shit all the stoopit things that David Brooks says. But please don't defend anything he has to say out Obomney. That just plays into the myth that we have a meaningful two party system.

If the upcoming election is only about the degree to which psychopathic authority types will be permitted to probe and control body cavities, then let's vote Rombama and then take to the barricades. Better that than re-electing the duplicitous Obomney and have him work the radical right agenda through the back door as usual.

Our choices are both hand puppets. One may be on the left hand and one may be on the right, but the star performer is one and the same.

Zipperupus said...

Anonymous, your logic was applied during the years 2000-2008. This nation was ransacked to the tune of trillions.

There is a difference between the two parties and candidates. For all their patriarchocorporate oligarchical sympathies, one party has narrowed down all avenues of power and voice to fucking insanity and the other has not.

The democratic party is a structure that entertains the slightest opening for liberals to have a voice and a small but vital representation. Liberals, since the great hardhat/rainbow coalition schism of 1972, have failed to do the groundwork to be the the scary base. Democrats, outside of a few districts, can openly hate the liberal base as a means of winning over low information swing voters that retain an Archie Bunker mentality. The GOP have become prisoners of their southern strategy.

Rather than pray for the Rombama to be elected as a magic means of mobilizing the liberals into concert, I recommend convincing those that don't vote to do so, and find people brave and willing enough to run for local offices in order to solidify a ground game. It's about power, sir.