Saturday, October 02, 2010

Ventriloquist Discards Finger-Puppet

From Raw Story:

Breitbart disowns O’Keefe, demands apology for failed ‘love boat’ prank

By Stephen C. Webster
Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

Conservative media personality Andrew Breitbart is backtracking from his association with right-wing prankster James O'Keefe for his failed, sexually explicit "love boat" sting against a female CNN anchor, demanding his longtime ally apologize to fans.

"[In] my dealings with [CNN reporter Abbie] Boudreau, she and her producer, Scott Zamost, conducted themselves professionally, and I believe James owes them a candid and public explanation," Breitbart wrote Friday evening.

"From what I’ve read about this script, though not executed, it is patently gross and offensive. It’s not his detractors to whom he also owes this public airing. It’s to his legion of supporters."

Both right-wing figures have been criticized for less-than-honest attacks in the media. Breitbart was a highly vocal defender of O'Keefe after the prankster crafted a deliberately misleading attack on anti-poverty group ACORN, which Republicans had long cast as a boogyman potentially working to steal elections.

Note to all Future Breitbart Ratfucker Number One Wannabes,
No matter how high up Pig Mountain your native sociopathic abilities may take you, at every step along the way please remember to look very carefully behind you to check out one, vital piece of data: If there is no hand up your ass, then you're The Boss; if there is, then you ain't.

Now if for some inexplicable reason you find that --
  1. you are not The Boss, and;
  2. your frantic, repulsive antics designed to earn a coveted Ratfuck Pellet of Approval from The Boss actually ended up splashing mud on The Boss;
-- expect to find yourself face down in a shallow grave on the Island of Discarded Puppets so fast it will bend light. No matter what promises your New Media Mangiafuoco whispered in your ear about making you a Real Boy, you will vanish into the oblivion of Future-Trivial-Pursuit-questionhood while the next eager, amoral gunsel with a FlipCam and bootleg copy of Vegas Movie Studio Pro will move up the ladder to take your place.

Ironically, for all of the paranoid, uninformed muttering on the Right about Chicago-style politics, this actually is the way "the Chicago way" works.

Yours in Christ,



Maturin42 said...

What a medallion for your resumé - "failed to meet Andrew Breitbart's standards of journalistic excellence"!

(Note to Drifty - Andrew's lower jaw is not articulated. Close observation will reveal it's his creepy upper lip)

Phil said...

God Dammit Drifty, I am already dealing with a fucked up key board from the last time I was here. The " B" and the "V" stick like a motherfucker from one wasted beer that came out of my nose.
Seeings how we are both unemployed and I come here voluntarily I won't charge ya.

By the way, when does one guy covered in Cheeto dust and Mountain dew constitute " Legions"?

I guess I am legions now, mopping up beer again, you rotten bastard.

My best to you.

Oh, ya gotta love it, word verification is ingrateo, that would be me. Fucking ingrate that I am.
Keep up the good work my man.

StringonsStick said...

Seeing O'Keefe get tossed out of the getaway car has been very entertaining; I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

Roket said...

Oh darn. Looks like the fringe on their confederate uniform is unraveling.

Anonymous said...

If only the puppet master with his hands of Breitbart's ass, and the one up his ass, and the one up his ass. Ooops video mirror loop...

Anonymous said...

James O'keefe and Ashley Todd should compare notes.