Brand new picture...
...same old crap.
America's Paper of Record shares with us the Very Latest Breakthrough in injection molding thermoprose Bobospeak mass production technology: "Tom Joad Gave Up":
Both parties helped kill off California’s pro-market progressivism.
Some assaults came from the left...
Then there was the growing power of the environmental movement...
Another assault on California progressivism came from the right...
As jobs disappear, legislators are fixated on transgender rights and deals for lobbyists...
What’s needed is not a revolution, but a restoration and a modernization of what California once had.
Dear New York Times,
I know a guy, can write you da sweetest little algorithm you ever seen. Twice a week, it'll poop out identical, perfect, steaming, 800-word-long logs guaranteed indistinguishable from the run-down, played out, vanilla-infused-excreta you're slinging now -- forever -- and for about 1/10,000th the cost.
If you order in the next 24 hours and mention offer code "Ellsworth Toohey" --
"Don’t set out to raze all shrines—you’ll frighten men. Enshrine mediocrity, and the shrines are razed."-- I can get him to throw in a subroutine that will periodically crap out a random, gushy paean to Ronald Reagan, John Thune, Scooter Libby or any of two dozen other bilaterally symmetrical Conservative Authoritarian Daddy figures of your choice, no extra charge.
Act now: supplies are limited.
Yours in Christ,
Malcolm Tuckers's has his own potty-mouth take on Bobo here:
tell us you sent it, please!
1. I leave remarks and links @ the NYT Op-End column section once in a while. Sometimes they are scrubbed; sometimes not.
2. My posts are all public record. No stamp is required. Anyone can read them.
3. My posts are all linkable. Anyone who wishes to -- including you -- can forward them to anyone they wish.
What's he doing in California? What's he doing referencing Steinbeck? Bobo go back.
I believe he is there auditioning for the part of "Chick Morrison" in the upcoming direct-to-video production of "Atlas Shrugged".
Doesn't Bobo live in NY? Aren't most of our 50 states in financial trouble?
Anyway, big reasons our state of CA is screwed up include:
1) legislature that takes 2/3 majority to do anything, hence nothing gets done and the heavy lifting is given to voters in the initiative process, which laws are then overturned by the courts.
2) lousy tax structure, i.e., Prop 13's commercial loopholes, lack of oil extraction tax, low rates for high margin earners...
The bashing of the public sector employees gets tiresome. My career was spent serving in the public higher education system in CA. The salary was never huge because we were in "public service", felt like we were doing good work, and there were other benefits. One of them is the small pension I now draw. Which, BTW, I paid into for a number of years (rarely mentioned) and which *was* wisely invested in order to provide returns. It's not the employees nor retirees fault that financial & real estate boys ran the system into the ground in their greedy rush for more.
I'm an East Coast guy, and I admit I know little about California's current problems. But when I was in high school and college in the 60s, their public school system was the envy of the nation, K-college. UCLA and Berkeley were hard to get into, but they had a marvelous junior college system that allowed people to prove themselves worthy. It seems to me that it all started to deteriorate when Reagan got in, and accelerated after prop 13. Anyway, that's how I remember it. I'm sure there's a lot more to the story.
Regan: the first obvious puppet for Special Interests. He was trotted out, read his lines, and went back inside to nap, while the corporate Wall Street greedheads began turning the USA into a 3rd world kleptocracy.
They're almost done now, about all that's left to oppose them are Teacher's Unions and Nurses Unions, and a few other UNIONS: so guess what groups (along with Muslims) are now being loudly blamed for our country's problems?
KWillow, but they are being more subtle in taking out librarians...
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