Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday Morning Comin’ Down

"Babble, Babble, Oil and Squabble" edition.

Between Wall Street capitalist billionaires recklessly stabbing civilization in the throat for profit and Petro capitalist billionaires recklessly shooting civilization in the spine for profit, it hasn't been a good week for the media stooges of and apologists for reckless capitalist billionairism.

BP sent its press flak everywhere to look soulfully into various cameras and express BP's official, corporate regrets that they didn't "wrestle this thing to the ground" as if they were Hercules besting Antaeus, and not a gang of cheap, corner-cutting, hustle-bucks who gambled with other people's future and lost once too often.

Of course, the usual Establishmentarian Clowns like David Fucking Brooks were out as well, playing their little tunes on their little Conservative pan pipes, but their heart wasn't much in it: the Black Hats here are still too blatant and the crime scene still too active for them to even attempt to hose it all down with some Centrist-both-sides-are-wrong camouflage claptrap.

(Not that they have much to worry about: even as I write this, I'm sure deep inside some Mellon Scaife or Koch Family-funded Wingnut think tank somewhere, tales of imaginary Socialists patsies and/or scary brown people are being fabricated that will keep the ideology of the ruling class starched and white and clean.)

As usual, the most daring strategy of all was piloted by Fox News: bury the real news as agge4sively as possible, and...
Chris Wallace (breaking his Botoxed affect with a jackalish grin) : The Sestak Affair! I like that name!

The Sestak Affair? A guy was offered a non-paying advisory job in the hopes that he’d step out of a primary fight where some other guys wanted still another guy to win. The first guy demurred, and has since burnished his Independent Resume by ginned up what is a common-as-dirt-if-not-widely-publicized political practice into an act of High Heroic Overcomingness.

And now, taking Sestak's stoopid and running with it, Fox News and various Republican bottom-feeders have upped the rhetorical ante on this trivial and perfectly legal transaction until, in Wingnutland, it constitutes an offense so serious that:
  1. It trumps the worst environmental disaster in American history in terms of news value.
  2. It warrants hearings and subpoenas and Independent Prosecutors. And stuff.

And of all the detestable tools in the Hate Media toolbox
only Fox News would have the huevos to task Liz Cheney with leading the charge with statements like this:
"I think there are some things that clearly rise to the level of needing independent investigation."
And this:
"There is not an impeccable record of integrity there on the part of the former president. "
And this:
"Clearly, you need somebody to come in and take a look at exactly what happened."
And this:
"There is a lot here that just smells funny."
And this:
"I want to know what the president knew."
And this:
"This is very reminiscent of the campaign finance scandals back in the mid-'90s when they were selling the Lincoln bedroom."
And this:
"I think the American people have a right to know here."
And this:
"Were any laws broken? Was an offer made?"

Yes, that's Liz-Spawn-of-Dick Cheney -- the degenerate daughter of the depraved, unrepentant and conspicuously uninvestigated, unindicted traitor and war criminal of a Vice President -- who is calling for independent investigators.

Liz-Spawn-of-Dick Cheney -- whose entire professional life is nothing but the poison fruit of her Daddy's bloody, treasonous career -- who insists that this all "smells funny".


Of course, neither you nor I nor anyone we know will ever be allowed within 1,000 yards of the Villager Circle Jerk – nowhere near close enough to point out the obvious and sickening hypocrisy of the blood-soaked thugs at Fox smirking and whinging on about the horrors of a little political horse-trading.

And since today was just another Mouse Circus freak show the only one near enough at hand to put any of this on the table was Fox House Liberal Juan Williams, who of course said nothing.

Here, Malcolm X explains why someone like Mr. Juan Williams could sit obedient next to this blatting evil week after week and yet not bestir his well-remunerated ass to ever interject anything rude enough to interrupt all the ho-ho-ho jolly good fascist fun

up on Massa Murdoch's plutocrat plantation.


T_P_K said...

Driftglass, the media tools is one of your most brilliant pieces ever; but I dream someday you'll shorten all of their fucking chrome shafts to 1/8 of an inch, and turn their ugly faces red.

You da man.

tsisageya said...

Driftglass, I am only a commenter with no blog of my own. I've waited all day for this.

Is this heaven?

P.S. My word verification is pummel. Yes, this must be Heaven.

gruaud said...

Don't ever stop.

Kathy said...

Can the non-job offer to Sestak drown out the (entirely expected) actions of Israel? Or will Fox and the rest of the media turn to the "BP Blowout" (I like that name!) to distract people from unprovoked murder in international waters? Can Fox beat YouTube?

Distributorcap said...

it is hard to believe that Lizard Cheney is actually WORSE than her father.

someone not only peed in the cheney gene pool, they also took a crap and covered it with Gulf oil

driftglass said...


Glad to help.

It is a lot less fun than it used to be.

Fox viewers believe what Rupert tells them to believe. That's what makes them Fox viewers.

Evil is the family business.

Mie84 said...

Nice post.