“The Most Important Yet Underreported Story of the Decade” edition.
So what was the most the Most Important Yet Underreported Story of the Decade?
I would argue that it was

this guy.
Consider that, for decades, American media partitioned itself into a Villager Division (which exists to promote a wholly ridiculous establishmentarian narrative based on an artificial set of “real” American values) and the Wingnut Division
(which exists to promote a purely fascist/corporatist agenda by endlessly and obsequiously praising

this guy.
By telling him – endlessly and obsequiously -- that he is really
this guy.
This guy will slavishly listen to anyone – at a bar, at the gun show, at church and on the teevee -- who reinforces his ridiculous conspiracy theories, bigoted beliefs and debased Christianism. He will, in fact, pay any price to any clown with a microphone who promises to absolve him of utter failure as a citizen, take him down from a bloody cross he himself built with his own, two hands and nail some imaginary Dirty Fucking Hippie up there instead, which is why Rush Limbaugh is sitting on top of a mountain of gold, why Glenn Beck’s rating and ranting go up and up and up, hand-in-hand:
Fox News host Glenn Beck's national dominationIf we were a nation with 30 million angry, active rocket scientists, political historians, economists or religious scholars…then the president of PBS would be commanding the high seven-figure salaries, and Conservative cesspit dwellers would be busking for change on America’s street corners, reciting goony free-verse “values” paeans to tax-cuts, shotguns, Reagan and Jebus.
By Dana Milbank
Sunday, January 3, 2010
It's official: Americans admire Glenn Beck more than they admire the pope.
This news, at once unsettling and unsurprising, came from the Gallup polling organization on Wednesday. Beck, the new Fox News host who has said President Obama has a "deep-seated hatred for white people" and alternately likens administration officials to Nazis and Marxists, was also more admired by Americans than Billy Graham and Bill Gates, not to mention Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. In Americans' esteem, Beck only narrowly trailed South Africa's Nelson Mandela, the man who defeated apartheid.
The 45-year-old recovering alcoholic and Mormon convert has become the first true demagogue of the information age. His nightly diet of falsehoods and conspiracies on Fox, and his daily outrages on the radio, have propelled his popularity past even Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. His method is simple: He goes places where others are forbidden by conscience.
Death panels? Government health insurance for dogs? FEMA concentration camps? An Obama "civilian national security force" like Hitler's SS or Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard? An administration official advocating forced abortions and sterilization agents in drinking water? Beck trafficked in them all in 2009.
GOP chief: Post-Reagan Republicans compromisedBut we’re not.
By DOUGLASS K. DANIEL, Associated Press Writer Douglass K. Daniel, Associated Press Writer
In "Right Now: A 12-Step Program for Defeating the Obama Agenda," released Monday by Regnery Publishing, Steele says the GOP should acknowledge where "we most glaringly compromised our principles" in the past decade and hold its elected officials accountable.
"We must support Republican officials who assert these principles," he writes. "When elected Republicans vote against Republican principles, the voters must withhold their support — withhold it vigorously and consistently."
The GOP chairman also defended former Vice President Dick Cheney's harsh criticism of President Barack Obama, saying that he, too, believes Obama tries to avoid directly acknowledging a war on terror.
Steele focuses much of the book on familiar GOP denunciations of President Barack Obama's overall policies ("a roadmap to failure"), the $787 billion stimulus bill ("a reckless, wasteful, pork-laden spending spree"), liberal views on manmade global warming ("A threat to life on Earth? Depends on whom you ask") and other issues.
To regain the public confidence, Steele says the GOP should, among other things, expose the "reign of error" inherent in liberal policies, contrast conservative and liberal principles, and highlight the damage caused by Obama's policies while explaining conservative solutions.
We’re a nation with 30 million angry Goobers whose bloody political paw prints are all over virtually every act of Conservative fuckuppery and treason this country has suffered for the last generation.
We’re a nation with 30 million "Party of Personal Responsibility" Pig People who are desperate to skip out on taking Personal Responsibility for eight years of cheering on the catastrophes they're now whining about; eight years which had been preceded by another eight years during which these same mob of drooling halfwits screamed for Bill Clinton's "socialist" scalp.
We’re a nation in which those 30 million culture war cannon fodder idiots – lovingly hand-crafted by Ronald Reagan, Lee Atwater and Karl Rove – are also 30 million voters.
30 million viewers and listeners.
30 million consumers.
This guy

and 30 million more like him, have created a Black Hole of Stupid so large that has swallowed American civilization, and from which virtually nothing intelligent, thoughtful or honest can escape. It is the tidal forced caused by the sheer metric tonnage of this guy’s fervent, screeching, indestructible ignorance and rage that has warped the culture, dragging us all inside an Imbecile Media Event Horizon from which honest journalism cannot escape.
Because of hard-wired need to pander to this guy, old “Five Deferment” Dick – who spent eight years dealing with the press like he worked over prisoners at Abu Gharib; keeping them shackled, harmless and abused by underlings until they said what he wanted them to say – now no longer has to even bother with cameras, microphones and follow-up questions. Now this disgraced war criminal that holds no political office at all can literally phone his treason in
Dick Cheney is an unemployed man with a lot of dyspeptic grievances to bleat out into the world. But for whatever reason, he lacks the means to type out his malingerings himself, so it's a lucky thing that John Harris and Jim VandeHei have agreed to be the webmasters of his LiveJournal, which people call The Politico. There, he can make all sorts of nonsensical assertions without ever being asked a follow-up question. This is the journalistic equivalent of watching two succubi re-enact some of the more graphic and degrading scenes from Requiem For A Dream, on the internet. I could say a lot more, but let's face it: I'd only be repeating Alex Pareene's excellent summation of this wonderful, life-giving relationship.
And be 100% certain that it’ll get be bumped to the top of the news queue on virtually every major network.
On “Meet the Press”
DAVID GREGORY: Republicans have been very critical of this President. And accuse him of returning to a pre-9/11 mentality. Of becoming lax in the face of terror. Of essentially letting America's guard down. Former Vice President Dick Cheney said this to Politico this past week. Let me put his comment up on the screen.On “This Week” :
"As I've watched the events of the last few days, it is clear once again that President Obama is trying to pretend we are not at war. He seems to think-- he has a low key response to an attempt to blow up an airliner and kill hundreds of people, we won't be at war. He seems to think if we bring the mastermind of September 11th to New York, give him a lawyer, and try on civilian court, we won't be at war.
MORAN: That will be part of the (inaudible) if you know, no question about it. And I just want to turn, Congresswoman, to the – to the political issue. These -- these disagreements about Guantanamo Bay and the response of the administration raised the political stakes undoubtedly and inevitably in Washington.On “Face the Nation”
The former vice president, Dick Cheney, had this to say in a statement. He said, "We are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren't, it makes us less safe. Why doesn't he want to admit we are at war? It doesn't fit with the view of the world he brought with him to the Oval Office. It doesn't fit with what seems to be the goal of his presidency, social transformation, the restructuring of American society."
Do you think that's an appropriate comment from the former vice president?
BOB SCHIEFFER: Chip Reid, Vice President Cheney has been leading the Republican attack. He says that the President simply is pretending that we’re not at war with al Qaeda. Isn’t-- isn’t the President going to really have to step out and take some decisive action here if for no other reason and just to counter this kind of criticism from the other side?On “Fox News Sunday”
WALLACE: I don't have to tell you — we've got a little over a minute left — politics has reared its head in the discussion this week about the response to the Christmas day attack. This week, Vice President Cheney had this to say about President Obama.Because however continuously and catastrophically wrong they are, however many times everything they touch turns to radioactive shit, and however many, baldfaced lies they tell,
Here it is. "He seems to think if he closes Guantanamo and releases hardcore Al Qaeda-trained terrorists still there, we won't be at war. He seems to think if he gets rid of the words "war on terror," we won't be at war. But we are at war, and when President Obama pretends we aren't, it makes us less safe."
there will always be a Douchbag Conservative chair permanently held open at every media table

because of this guy.
Awesome post. As always.
I'll double that, double.
You really hate that guy. But you know what makes him better than you? He probably doesn't hate you at all. In fact he'd probably offer you a beer.
You on the other hand, are snide, vicious, ugly, arrogant. I'd much rather be around "that guy" than you.
From what I've seen from over here in the UK, I'm constantly glad to be an englishman.
The conservative party over only want to protect themselves from taxes, and help the rich. David Cameron may be a empty and friendly face, but he and his cohorts are reasonable in that they acknowledge the left as legitimate opponents, something the US right wing seem incapable of doing.
lieutenant obvious--I used to work with Moran back in my college years, when I'd take construction monkey jobs in the summers so I could earn some money to pay my tuition for the next year.
I got to know Moran real well. Every fucking morning, Moran would greet me with his big, friendly, shit-eating grin. He'd say, "Hey! College boy! Come do this!"
Moran took great delight at being better than me at everything during those summers. He outranked me, and he had complete control over me during the workday. I did whatever Moran told me to do. Yes, and sometimes we'd hit a pub after work and share some beers and good times.
Ever since, I've thanked Moran often for what he gave me in those summers, which was a reason to return back to college each fall so I could have a decent shot at rising above that bitter, bitter fuck, Moran.
Perhaps you are responding to a different post. But the page after page of vitriol against "this guy" had in its very purpose the delegitimization of "this guy" as a political opponent. And in case you didn't notice, the author of the screed isn't a member of "this guy's" clan; he believes that he is among the rocket scientists and PBS presidents who should rightly be the philosopher-kings of this nation. "This guy" be damned, he's not a legitimate political opponent.
@ Blader@Utubercles,
Well, be proud that you've risen so much above that "bitter fuck." Isn't it enough that you have? What's the point of clinging to the same bitterness and hatred? How much have you really risen then?
You on the other hand, are snide, vicious, ugly, arrogant.
I have it on good authority that Driftglass is actually dashingly handsome.
Dig the t-shirt...Watching Olberman with Brit Hume testifying.
I would recommend that if one can't handle the prose, one should then stay out of the verbage.
An absolutely brilliant post. May it repeated far and wide.
Absolutely Driftglass!
Never a need to mention the brilliance that abounds here.
And that Lieutenant Inobvious? Anyone who doesn't see the constant hate and contempt flowing from the Cheney no-life form is the least of our problems.
Grace on you.
And may I send all my readers to you?
Someone obviously hasn't figured out that "this guy" for all his rage...
And displays his ignorance with his rage, proudly. That's the worst kind of ignorance. It's not a typo when you use sharpie pen and hold it up for a camera.
Yes, Physioprof, as a blogger who has had the good grace to meet the man f2f, I can attest to his dashing good looks AND grace when met with those of lower education and breeding. There is a big difference between snide superiority and simply refusing to suffer idiots and fools.
Those who would criticize for the first don't understand the second. I recommend to them coming back after you've blogged for five years, signing in with a link to your place. At that point I'll buy that blogger AND dg a beer.
Lt Obvious
I am related to Moran. I see him everytime I go back for big family reunions. He's a total Douche, thru and thru. Uses the N word all the time. When hating people he does not know or deems to be of a lesser humanity isn't enough, he goes after family who don't tow his line of crap. He's a mean drunk and cruel to his own family. His children don't speak to him anymore, he will never see his grandchildren, and he passes the blame freely and as far is it will go.
Moran is the new set of curtains on the Titanic that is the GOP.
Anchors away!
Excellent post Driftglass!
I don't mean to step out of line here...but I think lieutenant obvious obviously needs to pull his head out of his ass.
I must say, this is certainly among your very best!
Indeed, 30 million (or more!) MORANS are bringing us all to our knees as a forward moving, progressive republic. There was a time when they could simply move to the frontier and make something of themselves (or kill Indians or be killed by their own ineptitude). Now? They can't even get the factory job their dads had because the dudes at the top of the corporations shipped those jobs to poorer MORANS in 3rd world countries. And when our MORANS complained, you're right, they bought the easiest, most digestible lizard brain lines from reactionary right wingers who have always used MORANS to keep their grip on regional and/or economic power.
Sorry to trail on belaboring "the obvious," but dang Drifty! This was a good one.
Gilly would be proud man.
Moran wouldn't offer me a beer. Moran doesn't consider me a "real" American and would rather pretend I don't exist.
Brilliant riff, but you far underestimate the number of pig-people. It is more like thirty percent of the population, or close to 100 million. Look at the poll numbers, the percentage who still hung in there loving Bush to the end, the percentage who think Obama was born in some country they couldn't find on a map, etc etc. There are lots of these idiots, they are all very loud, and they all vote Republican.
Private Nebulous -
I'd rather have a philosopher-king for a president than a gibbering idiot.
Let me guess, you're one of those idiots, and you're being defensive because secretly you have nothing to be proud of, such as a brain or a sense of compassion.
Who are the snide, vicious, ugly arrogant ones? It's not us. It's the gibbering conservative morons.
They are the kind of people whom, when they are psychologically broken or otherwise brought to their demise, I have a party about because they are the enemies of progress.
Insecure little moronic turd you are; you're just intelligent enough to see your real position in society as a brainless asshole. But only just.
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