Wednesday, February 04, 2009

B.A.D. Moon Rising

Special thanks to Jon Swift, Skippy, and Blue Gal for making sure that, once a year, the act of making sure our auld blog acquaintances who till the rocky digital soil not be forgot is a deliberate and formal one.

Because whatever you hear -- whatever the experts tell you -- blogging is not primarily about aggregation, traffic strategies, platforms, widgets, tweets, hopfrog inverse pingoat capture tricks, RSS, ASS, blobbery versus raptorness, CPC, Captcha quizzes, cloudsliding, Google Adsense Disorder, blog derivative swap instruments, pageflakeishness, blam salting, podnovafication or shakin' your Chitka-maker.

(Although you should probably pay attention to about half of those things.)

(Since the other half are mostly stuff I made up.)

Blogging is about writing and community.

It is the oldest of wines in the newest of skins, so whether you want to sell soup or change the world, you'd better be able to do more than shout "Buy My SOOP!" or "Fuck You!" into a box canyon.

You'd better be able to build a clean, compelling narrative about the world as it is, as it should be, and how to get from here to there. You'd better be able to find or make a community that shares your vision. And you'd better be able to stock an armory with vision and vocabulary sufficiently clear and powerful that any fellow traveler can pick them up, point them in the right direction and not blow their toes off.

Blogging is about crafting the word and passing the word using a medium seemingly designed by God Almighty to insure maximum inclusion and democratization, which is why when a cartel of some of the Left's most prominent A-List bloggers who had built their name and modest fortunes pushing the highly we're-all-in-this-together message of "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" decided to purge their rolls of all us icky little low-traffic ankle-biters, the general reaction was "WTF!?"

It still is.

Because if blogging is about writing and community, then the very last thing a real blogger would ever do is "bind the mouths of the kine that tread the grain".

Which is why, February 3rd, all the coolest bloggers of New Gauchestan "Look up and Link down" by identifying five smaller-than-thine sites worth your attention and sending some eyeballs their way.

Like these cats:

Progressive Eruptions

Melina who writes her heart out at RIP Coco.

All things nihilist.

Gin and Tacos

Mannikkomaki (for all those whose better names were taken.)

I also want to shout out a personal thank you to Mike Finnegan and John Amato at the Very Big Blog I hang out at from time to time. "Crooks and Liars" is a powerhouse; a genuine media empire (from Forbes) --
Professional musician John Amato founded his political blog Crooks and Liars in October 2003. It's now one of most widely read progressive political blogs on the Web, and Amato, sometimes referred to as "the Vlogfather," is credited with helping pioneer video blogging.

-- that bootstrapped itself into existence in realtime and before our eyes using an unbeatable blend of fine writing, music and hot, fresh, topical video, all while taking great care to never lose its inclusive, small-blogger-friendly touch.

Which takes some doing.


Anonymous said...

Dude, if it weren't for you and BlueGal and other kick-ass bloggers, I wouldn't be blogging today. I love you all!

Here's my B.A.D. post:

Distributorcap said...

i am going to extend BAD to five days from four - because so many are so BAD they are so GOOD

(and thanks DG for all your inspiration, support, knowledge and laughs - it works! for me)

Anonymous said...

Good post Drifty. I feel the Crooks N Liars love, too. Daily read.

Anonymous said...

I would blogroll some smaller blogs but I really cannot think of any that are smaller or generally less trafficked than mine. *Shrugs* it's all good therapy even if it's not read widely. I am of course looking for any love if there is love to be found.

Super J

Dr. Know said...

I'd participate, but can't think of a blog more pathetic and meaningless than my own. Blogovating since '98, it's long past time to get a life - far away from this cretinous southern state.

Anonymous said...

I would blogroll some smaller blogs but I genuinely cannot think of any smaller. I will of course beg for a little love if there is love to be found.

Not as big and badassed as he pretends to be,
Super J.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double. Weird wordpress login moment there.

Super J.

Melina said...

Hey Drifty- Thanks for the linky. In a world that today was full of shit: dysfunctional family shit and actual chicken shit (which is hard to deal with in this weather!) you gave me a smile and a boost to think that you read my dribs and drabs from time to time. Im touched...really I am...
I also like the others you linked to.
So I am growing my blogroll such as it is with all these suggestions from our b.a.d cohorts.
There is just not enough time to read ...I need weeks to begin to catch up.
Thanks for cheering me up on a dark day;-)
And I guess Im gonna have to follow you on twitter...have you tried the twitpics? Thats what I can send pics from your phone to a widget on your blog.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

Drifty, the day you send pics from your phone to a widget on your blog, I have to be there. That is all.

Thanks for running the video and proving once again that under that "misanthropic intellectual" veneer, you are both the finest writer in the room and a devoted and invaluable net citizen.