We would love to sell out our Party and oaths of office in exchange for being dick-slapped in front of America by the most unpopular man in the world!
A Liberal walks into a bar --

No, wait. Make that...
10,000 Liberals walk into 10,000 bars.
They announce loudly, "I’d like to buy the House a Fourth Amendment."
The patrons, bar flies, pole dancers, pool players, happy hour chuggers, Ladies Night mojito sippers all turn around and in one voice ask: "Wuzza Fourth Amendment?"
There is no punchline.
Your Fourth Amendment reads:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
And tonight it is hanging by a thread.
From that Union of awful people who protect the Civil Liberties of Americans.
"No matter how often the opposition calls this bill a ‘compromise,’ it is not a meaningful compromise, except of our constitutional rights. The bill allows for mass, untargeted and unwarranted surveillance of all communications coming in to and out of the United States. The courts’ role is superficial at best, as the government can continue spying on our communications even after the FISA court has objected. Democratic leaders turned what should have been an easy FISA fix into the wholesale giveaway of our Fourth Amendment rights.
"More than two years after the president’s domestic spying was revealed in the pages of the New York Times, Congress’ fury and shock has dissipated to an obedient whimper. After scrambling for years to cover their tracks, the phone companies and the administration are almost there. This immunity provision will effectively destroy Americans’ chance to have their deserved day in court and will kill any possibility of learning the extent of the administration’s lawless actions. The House should be ashamed of itself. The fate of the Fourth Amendment is now in the Senate’s hands. We can only hope senators will show more courage than their colleagues in the House."
The Fourth Amendment is 54 words that our ancestors fought and died for.
But they are also 54 words that won't get you laid, won't score you that Big Promotion you've been gunning for, and won't make it possible to drive your family to the Dells this year without taking out a 2nd mortgage to cover gas.
Which is why these people

believe they can feed it into the shredder without most people noticing or caring.
But some people notice.
Some people notice that, in less than two years, Nancy Pelosi has proven herself to be a complete failure as a Leader and as a Democrat.
Some people have noticed that although Democrats rose to power on the strength of three, simple propositions being embraced by the majority of Americans --
1. The President of the United States had lied us into an illegal war from which we needed to extract ourselves as quickly as could be safely managed.
2. For reasons of profit and politics, the President of the United States was using every means at his disposal to undermine the rule of law in America and had to be stopped.
3. In pursuing his war and his attempted destruction of the Constitution, the President of the United States had committed specific, High Crimes for which the constitutional remedy is impeachment.
-- in her 1.5 years as Speaker of the People's House, Pelosi has not moved us one millimeter closer to ending Bush’s Iraqi fiasco, has “taken impeachment off the table”, and today has once again show herself to be completely captive to moneyed, anti-American interests and utterly unwilling to uphold her oath to protect us from a criminal and malevolent Administration.
Of course all of that is on one side.
On the other side, Nancy Pelosi is not the Speaker of the House.
She is the First Woman

Speaker of the House.
So we’ve got that going for us.
Democrats taking over the government after the next election is gonna remind me how much I hate Democrats.
No party discipline, no principles, no backbone. Just a bunch of weasel-y opportunists. Unfortunately for us all, right now they're the lesser of two evils.
"The Fourth Amendment is 54 words that our ancestors fought and died for.
But they are also 54 words that won't get you laid, won't score you that Big Promotion you've been gunning for, and won't make it possible to drive your family to the Dells this year without taking out a 2nd mortgage to cover gas."
Try and argue your former Constitutional rights ,
any of 'em, with some cocksucker that has a badge and a gun while they are in your face. I TRIPLE DOG DARE YA.
Good thing I have been practicing my subversive ways for thirty years.
Scared the living shit out of me last week, I got yanked over for speedin'.
Yes sir, No sir, Thank you sir. I did notice the Motorcycle cop looked to be about as old as some T shirts I still own.
Pelosi, Reid, and about a hundred and something soon to be former Representatives are hopefully going to be denied unemployment benefits.
BTW Drifty, I has a counter strike for yer earworm at my joint.
Fuck the fucking fascists.
"Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."
- Jerry Garcia
I am sorry to have had to choose the lesser of two evils, I want to be able to choose someone good for a change!
As I speculated at my place, I bet the Repubs have some really bad shit on high-up members of the Dem Congressional caucus. Shit like, maybe, high-up Dems were made aware of the Bush regime's torture schemes, and they either tacitly allowed it, or even explicitly agreed to it. I'm just guessing, but I bet they got something on these fuckers, cause otherwise this shit makes no fucking sense.
You mean Obama is not a Magical Unity Pony after all, but just another triangulating, centrist politician like .... {shudder} Hillary Clinton???
Who'da thunk it? Wow, nobody saw that coming!!!
Hmmm, Occam’s razor always comes in handy at a time like this {cuts wrists, sticks hands in basin of warm water...}
"They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one-half so bad as a lot of ignorance." -- Terry Pratchett
Thank you sir! May I have another?
Can we use the less rusty pipe next time?
Hey, at least we still got the 2nd?
without that there'd be nothing to live for.
Ooooooh Interleague baseball...
Crosstown Classic!
Politburo Pelosi.
As useless as tits on a bull.
Got a call from a DSCC fundraiser today. Told them I'm waiting to see what the Senate Dems do with the FISA bill. Told them if they don't stop the bill, they're not going to get any of my money.
It's just part of their plan to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It's what they do. over and over. Obama has a 15point lead at the moment, and the congressional leaders will be having none of that shit!
This does give us a clear list of "representatives" that need to be replaced, regardless of what else they've done or might every do, they've got to go .... so we've got that too, Drifty.
There was a story, back at the last go round, about pelosi knowing about the torture and one about la clinton's close ties to telecom. Perhaps this is hush voting to the clintons.
I still say the congress has NO authority to circumvent the duty of the judicial. Somebody wake those fuckers up.
Spot on, Drifty.
Who's been more damaging to the country over the past 18 months; Leiberman or Pelosi? At least with Leiberman he was up front about saying 'Fuck you'.
Pelosi has been a HUGE victory for the neo-cons.
The Entire Intelligence Committee is culpable from '01 forward for war crimes upon Iraq, upon renditioned 'terrorists' and for domestic issues including illegal spying.
Congres HAS to pass FISA with telecom immunity, in order to set the precedent and save their own asses.
Here's the 2001 Senate Intel Committee:
Here's the 2007 Senate Intel Committee:
Here's the House Version from '02:
Here's the House Version of '05:
Here's the House Version of the present:
. . . note that Pelosi did NOT keep Harmon as Chair, but appointed Silvester Reyes . . . I believe that was due to differences in their fundamental goals and beliefs, and Pelosi wanted to eliminate opposition to her bonding with The White House who had her by the gonads on previous intel issues as I state above.
And so, FISA w/ telco immunity protects the money machine that has its hand in ALL these elected officials panties, but it also sets precedent so the White House admin and the members of Congress listed above are NOT guilty by law of war crimes.
Just MY read on it all . . .
As usual,
We need a new Congress, badly.
They swore their oaths of office to the constitution. Therefore, by not upholding it, they are equally guilty. I'm for impeaching the lot of them.
they both are equally guilty. these are all political games.
hanep - Belajar SEO
The jelly spines of the worthless, Running Dogs who pretend to be Democrats -- Pusillanimous Pelosi, AIPAC BFF Rahm-E-mahn-El, Tired Old Man Reid et. al -- HAS been the focus of some forward-looking sites and groups. I'm just glad it's getting digital ink from Driftglass, too.
Here are places to Kick 'em In the Nuts & Ovaries --
1. No More Pelosi
Shirley Golub - at No More Pelosi - www.shirley08/index.php . Golub tried to body-check Wimp Pelosi at the Democratic PRIMARY Level in Granny P's San Francisco House District. (Rubber chicken TV ads; Golub Puts Everything "on the table")
Cindy Sheehan - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan is also trying to unseat Granny Pelosi. It is unfortunate, but Sheehan's high-profile as America's AntiWar Mom will be wasted in her run as a can't-win Independent. Sheehan will try to stop Surrender Monkey Pelosi as an off-slater in the general election.
2. Open Left//Matt Stoller
> openleft.com/frontPage.do OR
> Tell DC Establishment Enuf Is Enuf action.openleft.com/page/petition/dc .
Open Left has tried to catapault Deep Disgust with Our Democrat Surrender Monkeys into steamroller pressure against Her Wimpness Granny Pelosi, Geriatric Tiredness Harry Reid, etc.
3. Democracy for America HQ'd in (a) the only state to send Socialists to the US Congress; (b) only state with ongoing statehouse debates on seceding from the US to protest Imperial Wars. V.E.R.M.O.N.T.
DFA implements the Big Grassroots 50-state Strategy of Howard Dean: Political candidate and campaigner training; Working in the trenches; Worming Into Every State, even the Reddest of Reds.
Well, you know what the Elitist DC Surrender Monkeys of the DLC think of Taking' It To The Streets Howard Dean, right?? That's the Democracy for America badge of Extreme Crede.
4. Progressive Democrats of America SEE pdamerica.org. Progressive Dems never says die on Impeachment; has a NO SWEETHEARTS policy towards Democrat Bend-Overs.
5. Our Future: Take Back America at www.ourfuture.org/take-back-america-2008.
Oh ... don't forget to kick my senator Chuck Schumer's patootie either. Schumer heads the Dem Senate Campaign Committee that tries to raise Big Bucks for More Democrats -- ANY Democrats -- in the US Senate.
Schumer doesn't much care if those newly elected Dems are GOP-lite, broke-back surrender monkeys or people who take their oath of office seriously. Sheeee-it, Schumer would prefer the new Dems are NOT antiWar, proConstitution, antiTorture, etc. They are more difficult to manage from the Central Democratic Committee.
Chuck Schumer is the wonderful guy who sent CapD the following hat-in-hand pleading --
CapD said...
Got a call from a DSCC fundraiser today. Told them I'm waiting to see what the Senate Dems do with the FISA bill. Told them if they don't stop the bill, they're not going to get any of my money.
Good for you, CapD. It was Matt Stoller and Jane Hamsher (of Fire Dog Lake) who launched a "Don't Give the Running Dem Dogs a Dime" initiative ... when they promoted BlueAmerica direct funding.
"My Senator" Chuck Schumer is also the wonderful guy who rammed down our Department of Justice throats the worthless Bush sock puppet who occupies the throne recently ass-warmed by Abu Gonzales.
(Schumer also had the audacity to tell me, a constituent asking him not to lobby so hard for the new DoJ goon, that I just did NOT understand the burdens of Senate leadership. Pesky electorate.)
Driftglass pictures the Hall of Shamers: Rahm Emmanuel was Chuck Schumer's counterpart in the House of Reps money-money-mo' money committee. Rahm was so loathed by the filthy electorate, he was replace by Steny Hoyer. Better? Worse? Who Gives A Shit?
Thank you, again, Driftglass, for focusing on this issue of Deadbeat Democrats. As someone above said: Voting for the lesser of two evils (Bendover Dems) is STILL voting for evil.
Anonymous, you forgot,
Sounds like El Gato Negro to me!
So, having passed an Aliens Act, I'm saying we're ripe for a Sedition Act.
Why not collect the whole set?
I'll see your half-assed FISA bill, and raise you a bad-assed RICO bill!
with Democrats such as Steny the fuckwit Hoyer, Pelosi and Harry Reid..
We don't need no stinking republicans to screw us over..them damn Dems are doing a great job by themselves.
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