Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Huckster Hears a Who

Pity poor driftglass.

Because sometimes (like this time), no matter how well-tilled the ground may be, I'll find myself helplessly in the grip of doing up a post for no other reason than the headline that pops into my head cracked me up too hard not to.

And so I end up with..."Huckster Hears a Who".

Via "Crooks & Liars"

Huckabee Endorses “Egg As Person” Concept
By: Nicole Belle

While I was watching and transcribing Mike Huckabee’s appearance on SNL this weekend, I kept thinking he is so good at being likeable that if you don’t have a clear sense of what he really stands for, it would be easy to be swayed by Huckabee. But then a story like this comes down the wires and you realize that it is really, really important to know EXACTLY what candidates do stand for. Denver Post:

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on Monday endorsed a proposed Colorado Human Life Amendment that would define personhood as a fertilized egg.

The former Arkansas governor and Baptist minister also supports a human-life amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Huckabee spoke favorably about the Colorado ballot initiative, sponsored by 20-year-old Kristi Burton and her Colorado for Equal Rights group, during his Friday visit to Colorado Springs.

On Monday, Huckabee lent official support to the measure.

“This proposed constitutional amendment will define a person as a human being from the moment life begins at conception,” Huckabee said in a statement.

“With this amendment, Colorado has an opportunity to send a clear message that every human life has value,” Huckabee said. “Passing this amendment will mean the people of Colorado will protect the sanctity of life from conception until natural death occurs.”

Shorter :

And Huckster called back, “I can hear you just fine.
But Liberal ears aren’t all Jebussy like mine.
Are all of you down there making a big holy ruckus?
'Cause those activist judges are all out to fuck us!
Are you sure every Who down in Who-ville is working?
Check the whole blasted blastocyst! Is there anyone shirking?

And of course, as every working writer knows, once the original starts selling, you need to have as sequel

in the pipeline.

Pity me.


Anonymous said...

Great, some stoopid bimbo from CSprings is trying to poison my home state's Constitution with this bullshit. I'll bet this little (expletive deleted) hasn't seen the irony of the name she picked for her organization- I wonder if she is also fighting for equal rights for GLBT folks too.

*crickets chirping*

That's what I thought. God damn these christopaths, we need to put them on a fucking boat and send them to an island far, far away. Preferably near the North Pole.

/venting my spleen

Anonymous said...

fucking brilliant sir

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Dat's a biggie!

Anonymous said...

Ouch. Horton Hatches the Egg is my all-time best bedtime book for my kids. Life will never be the same.

This is an indignity exceeded only by Gavin's defilement of "Pocketa! Pocketa! Pocketa!" at Sadly, No! (scroll down to the bottom of the post, before the comments).

LittlePig said...

Aw now Stony, if it's good enough for Mr. Geisel, it's good enough for Thurber.

Mr. Natural said...

BIG INHALE....GACK! That's good shit, drifty! The real sad thing is, we could end up GETTING huckaball for preznit. McCain is stumbling and bumbling as only a dug-up corpse of a republican can do, and who the fuck knows WHAT our ever-lovin' Democrats might end up doing!