Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Moderate Squad

Yes, this is neither entirely fair nor accurate: the cultural templates available have their in-built limits.

But it is more or less what we have.

And for all of our faults and flaws and political stretch marks, across the board what we have trumps the royal jelly right out of what they have.

And anyway, admit it: you're really just pissed that you didn't Photochop it first.


Anonymous said...

Only thing I'm PO'd about, Driftglass, is that I can NOT do this dreamy, evil, digital wizardry. :)

But I don't need to, cuz you're the man on this stuff. Hope you don't mind, but I ripped your King Lear quote (Only a mad man ... a whore's oath) to beat up the falsely "non-partisan" and hypocritically "bipartisan" wrinklies of AARP in my New Year's Activist Resolution, which the AARPers were foolish enuf to ask me for. (We're supposed to defend an exclusive socialized medicine program like Medicare; but the AARPers won't come out of their privileged closets for Edwards or Universal Health Care ... cuz it's commie socialized medicine. ?)

At any rate, I can not ask Billy Shakespeare for permission. So I'm notifying The King of All PhotoShops. Thanx.

Phil said...

A most excellent idea and a masterful photo shop job.
Why, you ALMOST made Hillary attractive, which will now cause me to have cognitive dissonance.
Thank you, sir.

Anonymous said...


On a semi-serious note, I have wondered what Obama would look like if he let his hair grow into an Afro style, instead of clippering it so short.

res ipsa loquitur said...


Fran / Blue Gal said...

I just love it when ipsa says "Solid." And of course, Peggy Lipton went on to far greater things with her cherry pie at the Double R Diner in Twin Peaks. Yum.

Lovely work there, dg.

WereBear said...

Photoshop all you want, you mad genius, you...

But I will lay all sixties television flashbacks at your door for, oh, the next week or so...

Granted, they are always strange...

Imaginista said...

Oh I am crazy about this! It's excellent... and yes, I am pissed I didn't think of it first. But not surprised.

Love, Scout

Anonymous said...

As a pretty solid Pchopper myself, I'm LMAO and duly recognizing an excellent photo-mod! Well done, Mr. Glass.

Thanks for a zing of inspiration, too.


Unknown said...

damn good pie, blue gal...

Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

Clarence Williams III guest-appeared in some episodes of "Twin Peaks". It would have been neat if Michael Cole had shown up as well, and the three of them solved the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer. :)