Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Million Hits?

Damn. I was told there'd be strippers.

So I sez to him, I sez, “No, I ordered a hickory Daiquiri, doc”…

Oh. Hi there.

Didn’t see you come in.

So it turns out this blog passed a million hits some time ago. My old counter -- abandoned for the sultrier, statuesquer, stiletto-heelier Statcounter after the first year -- got me to over 200K, and Statcounter tells me that under its regime, I’m way over 800K.

So I did the maths.

And then I went "Whoa..."

And being as how I don’t belong to any Blogger Sodality

“A social group organized to achieve particular goals.

A social group based on shared interest or voluntary participation.”


“A form of the Church universal expressed in specialized, task oriented form as opposed to the Church in its local, diocesan form."


“A non-kin group organized for a specific purpose (economic, cultural, or other), and frequently spanning villages or towns.”

Lovely word, isn’t it?

Anyway, since I was raised feral by blogwolves in the Busse Woods Forest Preserve and don’t belong to any such a thing as that, I lack certain social graces and do not know what the folkways and traditions covering such a matter may be, only that if I break them I’m sure something dire and welt-producing will happen.

So I had to fall back on consulting that crappy Dissonant-Level Bloggers Manual -- “The Collected Saying of Judge Roy Blog and the Law West of the dKos” – which, as I'm sure you know all know by now, Liberal Central Command issues to all Lefty bloggers (along with a hefty check from George Soros) once you make it past the one-year mark.

Well the manual seems to have been translated from the original Czech by a Korean technical writer while his hot German girlfriend talked dirty in his ear, but here, in daring violation of the Protocols of the Elders of Huffington, I will publicly reveal the Secret Rules governing the Procedures for the Millionth Hit:

In opportunity its millionth concussion, Ordinance certifies the attachment of it, remind it go down to crack rooms and it pretends stationed, nature surprises itself in a party, which from hit COUNT Monsieurs small letters of receivable from customer her (such pleasant work in one lace and for each office have really emandbeduerfnis these small make to hold Homo sapien details of the ceremony of workplace that living together to it lead inevitably) in the Obstruktion under some threadcake arid of Walgreens with side a Spam umbilicus, (if whether forgot in, it that will play connected in a speed), or into some threadcake this terrific of iversion of the rums of this baker's shop of compression of the Block of an author vertigem induzido immediately, that deeply you not to rub know attached two adjectives per week. which it induces and the characteristic will make, speech them autumn in small quantity it is inconvenient to be like that and it is profound and it spreads out.

Which, being a kind of helpless suitor of Lady Lingua’s affections, I got myself good and Rosetta-stoned and painstakingly reverse engineered into this more user-friendly version:
On the occasion of your one millionth hit, The Rules decree that you post it, celebrate it, go down to the break room and pretend to be surprised at the Hitcount Party the tiny ladies from Accounts Receivable have put together (they do such nice work on a shoestring, and every office really does need someone to handle the small, vital, human details of workplace ritual such ecosystems makes inevitable), choke down some dry Walgreens threadcake with a side of spam (if they forgot and had to throw it together in a hurry), or some of that terrific rum upsidedown threadcake from that Swedish bakery (if they like you enough to have planned sufficiently ahead), make a sweaty, uncomfortable little speech and thence fall into the grasp of a vertigo-induced writer’s block so profound you won’t be able to rub two adjectives together for weeks.

So I have done my million, eaten my cake (The Accounts Receivable ladies went top-shelf and got a most excellent assortment of stollen from Dinkel's. Got me all misty-eyed, it did) and made my sweaty little speech. And have given myself a long, quiet, contemplative "ohmmm" of a moment to ride and enjoy and be genuinely awestruck and grateful at the cool strangeness that, even excluding hitching a ride on the occasional “hot lesbian three-way sombrero dance” Google search, and even factoring in the periodic visits from non-carbon-based life forms, so many, many people have found their way down that long WPA cobblestone road far off the main highway and over the footbridge to castle driftglass and my Little Shop of Humors.

And finally I must be off into the heart of the city in search of the beast that is searching for me. Because having had more than a little experience with the phenomenon, I know that somewhere out there, a 1,000 pounds of smelly, gristly writer’s-block is waiting to land on my chest with both feet, and whisper “Who do you think you are? Don’t you realize there is no future for the lone blogger? Don’t you realize no one wants to read anything longer than three sentences? Don’t you realize how many other, better writers there are? Don’t you realize how many people are watching?” in my ear.

He is an old acquaintance of mine, and like Frank Miller in “High Noon”,

I know he’s a’comin’.

And the sooner me and him square off and have it out, the better.


Oilfieldguy said...

Congrats, drifty, on your eleventy-skillion hits. Not from a bong, I hope. Is it 4:20 yet?

Robert Chamberlain said...

Not to sound like a ridiculous fanboy or anything, but congratulations. I'm not a big "commenter" (as in never); nonetheless, I check in everyday in eager anticipation of being able to read your work. It is truly and deeply appreciated. So thanks, and good luck.

Anonymous said...

ifn that block comes round bothern you send him over . Gota block party where i live with a muse tied up in the basement.

Anonymous said...


Everything robert said applies here too. I checking in every day. As for you lone bloggers, I sure miss Billmon, and I hope the blog gods continue to shine on you, to give you the desire to carry on and may your muse always be near at hand. We really appreciate you. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

driftglass rocks. all there is to it.

TeddySanFran said...



Anonymous said...

Just for the pleasure of it I read through every time -- I hope I don't make up too big a part of the 10^6.

Here's wishing you continued blog-spiration and exponential increase.

Without voices like your's on the wide open prairie a much less interesting place it would be.

Bill said...

Congratulations, driftglass!

When it comes to readers -- the more, the many-er! But there is only one driftglass.

Keep it up! (as the actress said to the bishop)

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars..
I'd be rich.

If I had a Million parts, I'd have to be patient;


Organic Mechanic said...

driftglass, we revel in your brilliance w/ the invisible ink. thank you so much. you could be reaping a fair amount of pesos for those million pairs of eyeballs but you keep to the hero's clean playing field. thanks for that, too.
peace on your cottage. the Muse will not forsake you.

Anonymous said...

Devout thanks, drifty, from a fan who, like you, "believes in the human mind."

Congratulations!! Never mind worrying about writer's block. We'll take the lean times with the fat--and times have been very, very, fat indeed at castle driftglass.

joe frantic

Anonymous said...

Conga rats, driftglass!

May you get all the millions of hits you deserve.

And no nasty writer's block.

The Minstrel Boy said...

i don't regret any of the hits that i racked up here.

thank you drifty.

confusion to the enemy

you can be a good republican
a good american
in today's world you can't be both

damn straight sir.

Anonymous said...

Show no mercy drifty, bring your biggest six gun and don't blink.


cieran said...


For you, writer's block would be a minor pest, not a major beast. You with writer's block would be a better read than most of what is written in even the best blogs.

(and an infinitely better read than all that is found in the corporate media)

So happy millionth, DG!

(you don't look a day over a hundred thousand!)

Fran / Blue Gal said...

Congratulations, honey. Couldn't happen to a more talented guy. xo

Anonymous said...

Writer's Block = The Kingpin

Driftglass = Spidey & Daredevil all rolled into one.

It'd be one helluva fight...but we all know who wins.

One million hits?

There's a very good reason for it.

It's the quality of the writing, and the mind and heart behind it.

One million hits.

Straight merit, baby. Something Friedman and Brooks wouldn't know sh*t about if it crawled out of their keyboards, chewed off their hands and spit 'em back at 'em.

One million hits...and every damn one of 'em deserved.

Crush 'em, dog. Just keep crushin' 'em.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, DG

pygalgia said...

Well deserved.

Myrtle June said...

Congrats Driftglass!!!

Always a pleasure :-)

Oilfieldguy said...

Ha ha ha! No matter what befalls the irth I shall always have the top spot on Drifty's millionth hit acknowledgement post.

I consider myself a fledgeling blogger, who works more than full-time supplying an addicted nation.

My "handle" in the blogoverse is true, I am truly, Oilfieldguy, and have been in the patch for over twenty years.

Your posts, Drifty, are more than contemplative, but inspirational, and a template of that which I desire to become.

In a small way I hope to add to the embarassment of riches contained in the anti-Republican majority of the blogosphere.

I am a bit-player, for now, in the blogosphere, but I am a published playwright and poet who recognizes talent as a million others have as well.

For me, I place you with Digby the pundit and Glenn Greenwald the stuffer of rightard words down aforementioned throats.

You, Drifty, are more properly categorized as a Zen Master Jedi Knight Light Sabre Blister Producer on the body politic infliction of Conservative Dark Ideology.

The rightards have diarreah of the mouth and constipation of the brain. I am totally unconcerned with writers block.

A new policy or statement issued from the RNC is a very potent enema.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I love your writing and you WILL NOT have writer's block. Enjoy.

Jay Allbritton said...

The first time I come here and you're over a million. Fantastic.

I never got my manual after passing one year. Who do I take that up with? Kos?

Anonymous said...

You're one in a million.

- mac

lukery said...

dg, you rock. thanks a million.

driftglass said...

thank you all, tons and tons.

Dave said...

Congratulations Drifty!!

I would have sent strippers if I'd known earlier.

Keep the cannons loaded and don't let up. The 2nd million can't be far off.

Anonymous said...

Nice job! And a suggestion in the event that, heaven forfend, you do experience any writer's block in the future: a nice glass of Jameson on the rocks.

Anonymous said...

One meeeeeeelllllion hits on the ol' counter... wowser. High five. And me? I cherish this space BECAUSE the posts are longer than three sentences. Don't ever change, Drifty, you're perfect as you are.

Yoga Korunta said...

Congratulations, Driftglass!

Anonymous said...


Congrats Drifty,


Anonymous said...


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Proud to say I have contributed my fair share of those million hits. Keep 'em comin', dude!

Anonymous said...

Does that include the hits on the Spamcatcher Mark 2? ;-)

All that needs to be said:


I'll raise a glass of Single Malt 4:20 to ya later!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. May there be billions more.


Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

Congratulations and keep 'em flying!

Anonymous said...

damn, late to the party, again. is there any threadcake left? ;}

and congrats on the meeelllions and meeellllions of hits