in King Dubya’s Court.
(Pictured above: my impression of what Holy Joe’s Inner Freaked Out Child is looking like these days.)
There’s a saying that goes, “When you’re sick, that’s all you are.” That came to mind when these three items of interest blew in on the wind this last week. Because for whatever lateral thinking, synaesthetic reasons, they seem to me to be strongly related.
First, this idiocy passed on via Steven Gilliard...
Atrios posted this up and I wanted to comment.JournamalismWell, let's try.
Murdoch's rag in London:“Any payola allegations or some quid pro quo deal involving Markos and myself are complete fabrications,” Armstrong responded on the web last week. The two bloggers believe it is revenge for their success as opinion-formers, which in the words of a friend “has freaked out a lot of people”.
Moulitsas himself has said little about the controversy, short of rubbishing The New Republic and other critics. In an e-mail to supporters, he suggested: “It would make my life easier if we confine the story . . . let’s starve it of oxygen.”
The email in question had absolutely nothing about any "controversy" regarding "payola allegations" or "quid pro quo" deals, and was only about Jerome Armstrong's SEC issues.
First, Shapiro works for Salon, who once hired whiny ass titty baby Jake Tapper. Second, that's not how it works. You could kiss Kos's ass all day long and that doesn't mean the community will rally behind you. Kos is not some kind of kingmaker, he basically serves as a community center for a lot of other people's ideas. His power is more like Steve Rubell's at the height of Studio 54 than some kind of powerbroker.
You go to Kos because that is the happening place to be seen, that's it. It's not because we are barons and he is our feudal lord.
When someone makes a better site, that's where people will go.
I have friends who dislike Kos and his site, but like me and mine. So, does that mean I am insufficiently loyal to him and his "cause".
Why do reporters persist in being lazy? Why?
Which is a pretty damned good question, and it never, ever gets answered.
This whatever-it-is gets a deeper and more ridiculous framing by the recent embarrassing hindbrain eruption from David Brooks entitled “Respect Must be Paid”, reproduced here because they keep that shit locked up at the NYT. And proving once again that there would be a lucrative market for Cranial Depends, should anyone want to go halvsies with me on the initial investment.
Observe while BoBo

unleashes a veritable whiny-titty-baby humannequin wave attack of these kinds of strawmen…
“They say that the great leaders are gone and politics has become the realm of the small-minded. But in the land of the Lilliputians, the Keyboard Kingpin must be accorded full respect.
The Keyboard Kingpin, a k a Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, sits at his computer, fires up his Web site, Daily Kos, and commands his followers, who come across like squadrons of rabid lambs, to unleash their venom on those who stand in the way. And in this way the Kingpin has made himself a mighty force in his own mind, and every knee shall bow.
Of course, in Bobo’s case, to get to the General Theory, you have factor out the fact that here is someone who is essentially a royalist. A lad lashed from 401K to book deals to gonads in a Gordonian knot of self-interest and self-image to the sinking, stinking hulk of Modern Conservativism. A failure on so many intellectual levels that it would be hard to catalog them all without a bar code reader, a staff of fifty, a long weekend and a step ladder the size of the St. Louis Arch.
But it’s more than that.
So let us consider last, but not least, the problem of Holy Joe: That vexing Connecticut Manqué in King Dubya’s Court who cannot seem to get it through his Neutronium skull that Democrats do not like it when he plays loyal Media to Bush’s Jason.
We do not like it that he routinely and merrily stabs Democratic Values in the back and lobs them over the side of the boat to help the Dear Leader make his escape.
The summary is also via Mr. Gilliard…
The Lieberman conundrum
A party at war
What has mystified me from day one about Lieberman's campaign is the way he's actually campaigning. He seems to be oblivious about offending the vast majority of war weary Democrats, by calling them haters.
The thing which is weird is that Lieberman, with all the advantages of incumbency, seems to be intent on pissing them away.
What is even more striking is that he's setting up the anti-Lieberman party for every pol who asked him for help and got a cold shoulder. Lamont may be inexperienced but he's got a lot of organic suppport, driven by Lieberman's arrogance.
What is clear from the local papers is that Lieberman has made a lot of enemies over the years and all the blogging in the world couldn't create them. The explosion of the Lamont campaign, something I didn't think would be much more than a challenge to teach him a lesson, is about to cost him his seat.
So let me posit the following in response to Steve’s original, rhetorical question and tell you the Parable of Xerox PARC, which I’ll bet most of you already know.
See, once upon a time, there was a Big Company called Xerox.
They made copies.
And lo, one day the Corporate Overlords who ran the company saw the dark cloud of something called the coming “Paperless Office” looming darkly on the horizon. And being Overlords with tons of cash and an abiding interest in people using lots of paper, they gathered up the finest engineers and programmers and thinkers and suchlike in all the land, handed them a sack full of loot, sat them down on a lovely campus in Palo Alto and gave them their charter:
“Invent the Future.”
(Not that Xerox ever really had a lot to worry about; every “breakthrough” in paperless office technology has been accompanied in my guesstimation by a four-fold increase in dead trees products.)
And they did! These gadgetteers, code-poets and jimcrackologists sat around on bean bag chairs, smoking the finest Andean hash, canoodling like jackrabbits and cranking out things like the Graphical User Interface, networks, workstations, laser printing, object-oriented programming, AstroGlide, that invisible dog-walking dealy and next-generation plastic vomit that is still in use today.
(OK, about the hash, canoodling, AstroGlide, and novelty items I may be wrong. Or just lying. But about the rest, ’s God’s Truth.)
And so why doesn’t every frigging computer, peripheral and accessory on the face of the Earth have the word “Xerox” tattooed on it?
Because when the Corporate Overlords got a long look at what their geniuses had wrought, their only observation was, “But it doesn’t make copies.”
And so the Future – fully functional and in voluptuous detail -- languished in the PARC labs because it was owned by men who could not comprehend what it was they were staring at. And, prisoners of their own limitations, they let it sit and rot until young Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak stumbled on this ultimate swag bag.
The boys picnicked on Xerox’s riches, absorbing the implication of what they were seeing in days – implications that were completely lost on the men who had bankrolled the endeavor.
And even though they managed to pluck only a few of the shinier baubles from the vast PARC treasure-city, the Steves nonetheless managed to change the world forever.
Because like Bobo and Holy Joe, Xerox was unable to project its imagination outside of its own hierarchical vision of how the world must be.
And understand that Bobo’s drivel about Kos comes from someone who, being a died-in-the-Brooks-Brothers Conservative, simply cannot imagine a non-hierarchical organization. Cannot understand what a movement looks like. Cannot comprehend the notion of a system where there are entities other than Law Givers (Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, Dobson, etc.) and Followers.
A round table.
His conception of the orderly world is top-down. Master-servant. Then add in the fact that his conception of the political world is also deeply infected with that wretched fallacy of false bisection that I natter on about from time to time.
Since the Right has so obviously failed, and since Brooks cannot face that fact in the wild without risking complete personality implosion, it is therefore imperative for Bobo to imagine the Left and Right as perfectly, equipoisedly balanced Gemini twins; equally awful, equally culpable and identically odious in every way.
The raucous Lefties must somehow be just like the venomous Right, and since the Right has carefully cultivated a lock-steppin’, order-takin’ rank-and-sheeple for the last 30 years, thus it must also be on the Left.
This blinding fiction becomes a chauvinism desperately in search of a figurehead, and so into that role Maximum Leader Markos gets slotted, and the press falls dutifully into line.
To beat Howard Dean, the Right needed him to fit the frame of the “angry/crazy” Lefty, so they took one shout at one speech radically out of context and so let it be written: So let it be done.
They needed Kerry to be a Coward, so in roared the Swiftboaters.
And they need the Progressive Movement to be a commie fiefdom ruled over by Kos, Michael Moore and Nancy Pelosi, so Bobo rants out this kind of hysterical gibberish because being a neatly numbered Borg – a dutiful 1 or 0 in the buffer of the Great Conservative Indifference Engine -- is the only method of organization he can grasp.
Just as being the Beloved and Maverick Senator from Connecticut is the only reality Holy Joe can accept.
If someone runs against him, that someone must ipso facto be unfit and possibly insane.
If the citizens can’t stand him, clearly the citizens are idiots.
If he makes his hay sabotaging his Party and our Principles, clearly Party and Principle must change to accommodate his Unalloyed Senatoriness.
What’s Good for Lieberman is Good for American, and so it has become literally beyond Lieberman’s capacity to understand that it is his positions that have gotten him into hot water. Incapable of self-reflection or self-correction, he must find the fault for his situation outside of himself. And the final, absurd logic of his peevish, ego-mad Paternalism dictates that if Democratic voters don’t know enough to renominate Himself, that is the final, water-tight proof that Democratic voters do not know what in the fuck they are doing.
To protect them, he must contravene their wishes. To serve them, he must disregard their will.
The bad news is, there is little point in trying to “debate” such people. Even though, time after time, observable results show their positions on virtually every issue to be dead or hollow or disastrous, you know God Damned well that, even in the afterlife, as he is being slow-roasted for screwing over the poor, Ronald Reagan is still dipping into his wallet for his favorite anecdotal lies, trying to “prove” to the Almighty that the only beneficiaries of the social safety net were Caddy drivin’, large livin’ Welfare Queens.
For the last 30 years they have had their talking points laid out for them by their Brain Caste like their favorite Sunday-go-to-meetin’ togs and bonnets and no amount fact is going to wash the minty-fresh truthiness of their deplorable ideology from their mouths.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is, like Xerox, in the end their fealty to an ossified heirarchy deprives them of the ability to distinguish between gold and Fool's Gold, and they end up picking the wrong fights, waging the wrong wars and going to the mattresses (or wingnut madrasses) to protect the wrong assets.
In the end, robbed of sight and smell, they almost never seen the hammer falling or catch a whiff of the poo they’re drowning in until it’s far, far too late.
Beautiful post.
But why, dear friend, did you feel the need to imply that one of my Geminian twins might be *gasp* a poo flinging republican?
us blues,
Metaphor must be served and certain sacrifices had to be made.
I'm totally with you, Drifty, on the Kos thing. A difference must be made between Markos the man and Daily Kos the community. Daily Kos is as good as its contributors, and like all dailies, it has its good days and its not so good. To the extent that Markos has set himself up to speak for the blogosphere, and I believe he has, the MSM has lazily used him for good and ill.
All the big boys, C&L, the General, Kos, etc. have a lot to live up to, and they may or may not be around in five years. The blogosphere is a young pup, and the only sure thing is it will change.
Thanks for another great post.
Another brilliantly expressed post sir!
Thank you very much.
One, two, three... Happy Birthday, Mr. Resident.
Elegantly done, my friend. Thanks. I only hope Lieberman goes down in flames, but I worry with people like Boxer coming to his rescue. The fact that the Inside the Beltway crowd of Dems can't imagine the new world order that Lamont represents is sad to me. And I hope they get their come-uppance.
If we can't genuflect to Markos, can we do so to you, Oh King of Castle Driftglass?
-- One of the Knightesses of your Roundtable
Daily Kos is as good as its contributors, and like all dailies, it has its good days and its not so good.
Like the NYT, Truthout, WaP0,
Another great post. Do you suppose that Mr Brooks have ever read Kos?
It's the perfect analogy DG, and I always come back to the Truman Show when I think about it.
"We accept the reality we are presented."
These guys take it one step further and demand the reality that they have been living in even though it is, as you are wont to say, smelling somewhat of poo.
Any sacrifice for the cause of Maximum Leader Kos!
A family member has just had his book published --- in this book, his position is, the decline and fall of the West is due to a) feminism b) psychotherapy c)modern warfare being too namby-pamby. We need to be more brutal and more violent. Said in pretty language for several hundred pages. Reading their stuff, i.e. Brooks and other drum majors gives the quick rundown of the thinking. They think they are fighting "Marxists" and "hippies" and state sponsored terrorism. They are stuck in the 50s and 60s . They do not see the world as it is. They are unable to interpret reality. Interesting. If reason is "heart and mind together", they are incapable of it, having no heart, and a mind that only responds to mechanisms, and to the siren song of yesteryear, where their imagined triumphs lie. Selah.
....thats gonna be SOME hammer...
Maybe it's the late HST's Million Pound Shithammer.
I'd be happy to throw those drowning in poo a cinder block or 2, never let it be said I don't have a generous nature.
Excellent post as usual.
On fire as always. We await your next brainstorm.
Something else occured to me. Delay ran in teh primary & then pulled out for the general, just to fuck with the people who stopped supporting him. (among other reasons....) Is Joewentum haeding down the same path???
(lets try that again)
...With apologies to Douglas Adams..
..."Thor looked at him with INCREDULITY. Then a little wisp of SMOKE curled upwards from his nostril. There was a tiny little FLAME in it, too.
..He gripped his belt.
..He expanded his CHEST to make it TOTALLY clear that here was the sort of man you only dared to CROSS if you had a team of SHERPAS with you.
...He unhooked the SHAFT of his HAMMER from his belt. He held it up in his hands to reveal the MASSIVE iron head. He thus cleared up a possible misunderstanding that he might merely have been carrying aa TELEGRAPH pole around with him."
....Something like that?????
That photo, plus your Inner Freaked Out Child line is too funny...and sadly true.
I emailed my Senator, Boxer, yesterday with a polite but forceful protest of her intention to actively stump for Rape Gurney Joe. I mean, I know they are friends, but a REAL friend lets their buddy know when they've gone off a cliff. They don't stand back and applaud their descent.
You want to see the all-time worst music video on the planet? Go to my place and check out Hasselhoff's latest and laugh yourselves sick. Or don't laugh and sick, anyway...
Jeebus, driftglass, this is the best analysis of Liebermanitis I've ever seen. Well done, as usual!
hey, does Bobo's shirt match his lipstick, or is it just me?
Bravo DG!
gawd this madness would be funnier if I weren't already living a carbon copy moment of the Zero_X company 'disconnect'. I find this biz strategy/seppuku is repeated endlessly thru time on so many scales. groan.
Scariest picture ever. I think my heart stopped for a second or two.
That picture is going to haunt me every time I see Lieberman's face (which may not be for much longer...)
Anyone who has ever had the unfortunate experience of seeing a mask-slip on someone they thought they knew will find it viscerally upsetting. True evil doesn't look like what Rowdy Roddy Piper saw when he put on his sunglasses in "They Live." In reality, it looks mostly human...but not quite.
It's the not quite part that is so frightening.
This was great, driftglass. Well spoken.
I hadn't heard the Xerox story before. Jeez.
..."i'm here to chew some bubblegum and kick some ass....
..And im all OUT of bubblegum.."
(and the shot-for-shot homage they did on SouthPark..the Timmie-Jimmie fight?
Actually, the biggest power wielded by Steve Rubell at Studio 54 was the ability to decide who got IN. If you don't think that power is significant, you're not paying attention.
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A typical dictionary definition of hypnosis states that it is: a state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion. However, anyone who has tried hypnosis (and any self respecting hypnotist) will tell you that this is a very simplistic view of the subject!
A much better description comes from the Free Online Dictionary which states that hypnosis is: an artificially induced state of consciousness, characterised by heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction. So what does this mean and how can it be used to your advantage?
Well, the subject of hypnosis has been discussed and pondered since the late 1700s. Many explanations and theories have come and gone though science, however, has yet to supply a valid and well-established definition of how it actually happens. It's fairly unlikely that the scientific community will arrive at a definitive explanation for hypnosis in the near future either, as the untapped resources of our 'mostly' uncharted mind still remain something of a mystery.
However, the general characteristics of hypnosis are well documented. It is a trance state characterized by extreme suggestibility, deep relaxation and heightened imaginative functioning. It's not really like sleep at all, because the subject is alert the whole time. It is most often compared to daydreaming, or the feeling you get when you watch a movie or read a captivating book. You are fully conscious, but you tune out most of the outside world. Your focus is concentrated intensely on the mental processes you are experiencing - if movies didn't provide such disassociation with everyday life and put a person in a very receptive state then they would not be as popular (nor would TV advertising be as effective!). Have you ever stated that a film wasn't great because you just couldn't 'get into it'???
This works very simply; while daydream or watching a movie, an imaginary world becomes almost real to you because it fully engages your emotional responses. Such mental pursuits will on most occasions cause real emotional responses such as fear, sadness or happiness (have you ever cried at a sad movie, felt excited by a future event not yet taken place or shivered at the thought of your worst fear?).
It is widely accepted that these states are all forms of self-hypnosis. If you take this view you can easily see that you go into and out of mild hypnotic states on a daily basis - when driving home from work, washing the dishes, or even listening to a boring conversation. Although these situations produce a mental state that is very receptive to suggestion the most powerful time for self-change occurs in the trance state brought on by intentional relaxation and focusing exercises. This deep hypnosis is often compared to the relaxed mental state between wakefulness and sleep.
In this mental state, people feel uninhibited and relaxed and they release all worries and doubts that normally occupy their mind. A similar experience occurs while you are daydreaming or watching the TV. You become so involved in the onscreen antics
Great Review! Well written and quite descriptive as well.. If any item or topic comes out then you should be the one releasing it to the public and make it known! The way you describe it is very intriguing and feels like candy to my ears, if that really makes any sense :) but you catch my drift.. In one of my classes, we were given a paper with instructions of how to build a swan made of aluminum foil and we had to explain to our group verbally how to construct the swan.. It was difficult! But, manageable and we came second in place, but it was tasky :) Nevertheless if you post anything else up I will most definitely check it out! Great review!
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