Starts thinking he’s this guy..
That’s when the MOAB hits the shithouse
On being “right”.
I’ve always thought Job was a good story for a lot of reasons.
First, you have the Devil and God just sorta walking around and hanging out like a young Felix Unger and Oscar Madison on Spring Break. God’s kinda fussy and anal and OCD, eternally worried that the Hospital Corners of the world aren’t turned in tight enough and at perfect 90-degree angles.
And the Devil wants to gamble.
“Betcha Job’d turn on you if you messed with him.”
“Fuck you. Job’s a righteous motherfucker. And to be clear -- since the odometer hasn’t rolled over into Jesus-mileage yet, and we’re still in Ten Commandments country – when I say “righteous” I means “Righteous”. Old School.”
“Oh you lying pussy! You had to wipe these cheese-eaters out once already, and they still can’t get their shit straight. Job’d flip on you like an IHOP flapjack. You shoulda stopped on the fifth day and gone kayaking like I told you to.”
“Fuck you twice. What, did you forget I created your slithery ass? C’mon, who’s your Almighty Daddy? I know you’re the Prince of Lies, so do your worst. Job’s a stone, standup soldier.”
“Alright then: take his family out and then see who’s crying, bitch.”
“Bring it on, bitch.”
And like that.
God – the Lord Creator of the entire 12-billion-year-old Expanding Universe – and the Prince of Darkness with so much time on their hands the can just kick around the old Neighborhood, whining about how all the good restaurants are gone, and whatever happened to Jimmy – not Jimmy with the scoliosis, but the other Jimmy, who’s Mom was so effing hot, and Bobby O. said he made out with her once when she was drunk, but everyone knows what a liar Bobby O. was -- and, shit, three bucks for a cuppa coffee?!
Second, I like Job because of what it forces the honest reader to think about what we mean when we talk about “right” and “wrong”.
In Job, God broke his own Word to Man, and Man couldn’t figure out why.
It upset the whole deal.
God promised Man that if Man would just obey the law scrupulously, everything would be Jake. God was fantastically rules-based in those days. There were hundreds of them covering every tiny detail of your life. Body modification and what you could do on what days of the week. Shellfish. How garments were to be made and worn. What sacrifices to make, and when, and what you were supposed to say before, during and after each one.
On and on, and categories of rules were more-or-less co-equal, and all wired together.
God didn’t care if it was a man handling pork or porking another man; you fuck up even a little bit and you’d better be wearing asbestos underpants and your stoning-proof hat...and the thing was, everybody but one guy fucked up.
The game was rigged, which among other things is always bad for morale.
There are some rules – such as, say, those against killing and eating other people – that I want to see rigorously enforced. No, correction: that one I want to see obsessively enforced. But a law against letting a sick or dying man or woman – your Mom or Dad – smoke some weed under the supervision of a doctor to help ease their pain or boost their appetite is both cruel and ludicrous.
Jumping a whole Testament ahead, that’s a little of what Jesus was trying to get across before the Young Republicans for Pilate decided to Gitmo his ass for the Pubic Good. (Or is pointing out that operating under the Original Patriot Act, Jesus was swept up and rendered away to a more execution-friendly jurisdiction, humiliated, tortured and murdered and that it was all Perfectly Legal a little to harsh for the Fake Christians in the House?) Jesus taught that the fetishization of The Law as something that was Holy unto itself is just another kind of Idolatry.
I used to have a poster of a dozen or so of the more famous Blue Laws that have ever been on the books. Things like no monsters are allowed in the City Limits, or that you were not allowed to shoot Indians from the streetcars. See, you can make any idiot thing you want into a Law, but enacting a statute that declares Pi = 3.00 doesn’t make it so.
This was part of the message of JC – that the spirit of the Law trumped its letter, and oftentimes in the wrong hands the Letter actually became the enemy of the Spirit – and this is the precise point at which lot of us irreversibly part company with the Wingnut Republicans. Because if laughing our asses off at “Reefer Madness” taught us nutty kids anything, it’s that when Authority gets on the wrong/bad/demonstrably-crazy side of an issue and just can’t correct itself and admit to making a mistake, things get bad in a hurry.
When Authority just keeps hammering intractably away at some idiotically dogmatic and factually absurd message like, say, one hit off a joint will make you homicidally insane, it doesn’t just fail, it fucks with your head. With the whole social order.
Earlier I wrote an essay involving a child molester and the sanctity of the Law that many of you responded to very kindly and thoughtfully.
This, for me, is the other side of the exactly same issue.
The Law is a sacred thing, but it’s not a physical object, and it only works its mediating magic and keeps us from spinning off into a very Dark Age if we believe in it. If we have confidence in it. If we can trust that it is, in fact, impartial and that no one’s meaty hand is on the scales and tipping justice against us.
And as with Nixon, once the public finds that the good-name of the Law has been pimped to provide cover for morally indefensible behavior, we lose faith in our institutions, and the consequences are ruinous.
This is another of the malevolent viruses that this Administration has turned pneumonic and is breathing into every corner of our lives. By making war on Reality itself, and by using a razor-thin (and ill-gotten, but not in a Diebold kind of way) mandate as if it were a magic wand, Bush corrodes the very meaning of “authority” itself. Perverting it from “one who knows WTF they are talking about” to “one who must be blindly obeyed whether or not he knows a damned thing and whether or not he has a malicious agenda".
It divides citizens up in a way that cripples Democracy.
One group – the weak-minded and/or the Biblical Literalists and/or the fanatically dogmatic – are prone to doing as Job did: they believe that the definition of “right” is to mechanically and unthinkingly follow every ritual that the Law or the Party of the Leader (since they all blur together) requires with perfect fidelity. As long as the contract is free is spelling errors, is properly notarized and signed and initialed, they believe they have done “right”. That they are above reproach and criticism because Authority cannot be wrong – because it’s, y’know, AUTHORITY, -- and so they can sleep the sleep of the just. And the fact that contract is with the Devil and the terms are evil is a matter of sublime indifference to them: the rituals have been followed, the sacrifices properly made and so all is right with the world.
Like Science, for the ignorant and the totalitarian, the Law is just magic. One day, torturing someone to death is Wrong and the next, hocus-POTUS, it’s as legal as sea-water.
See? Magic! And so if you can simply bundle up all of your filthy crimes and get the whole job-lot declared “legal”, you have nothing to answer to.
It’s the legislative version of being Born Again. And Again. And Again.
It’s why Bush made such a huge deal about being “within the Law” a year ago every time anyone snuck a question about torture past the minders. Even as he was saying that “Everything we did was within the Law” he had his crack Geneva Demolition team working on a way to degrade, deface and ultimately destroy any rule against torture SPECIFICALLY so that he could wear the fig-leaf of legality to cover his deliberate perversion of the very thing this country is supposed to stand for.
And it exposed yet again the Great Divide in the land.
Those who fetishize Authority and the Letter of the Law, and are dead to its spirit and intent, are rendered literally incapable of seeing anything wrong with what Bush has done.
And to those of us who cherish the law because of its spirit and recognize its primary and irreplaceable value as the thin and terribly fragile guard-rail that keeps Democracy from skidding off into oblivion, we see clearly that, of all Bush’s crimes, he could not be commit any greater atrocity against the nation than the way his Administration has systematically gutted the law of it’s moral authority.
Finally, I like Job because God frankly comes off looking like a rat bastard who fucked up and has to resort to pulling rank when He’s caught behaving badly. A rather massive prick of a deity and a helluva bad boss to work for.
In other words, highly relatable.
And to correct a common misconception, in the end, Job wasn’t patient at all. Job was, in fact, rather pissed off. In the end Job basically gets up in God’s grill and asks where God got off punishing him when he has obeyed the Letter of God’s Law scrupulously. In fact Job was singled out for having his family killed along with the rest of his torments precisely because he was the most righteous man on Earth.
It was sorta like a Press Conference, and Job got off a really good question.
And God answered, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements--surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Or who shut in the sea with doors, when it burst forth from the womb; when I made clouds its garment, and thick darkness its swaddling band, and prescribed bounds for it, and set bars and doors, and said, 'Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed?"...which, all things considered, is a pretty effective answer.
Not a pleasant answer, but according to the internal logic of the story God (being God) is the Creator of the Law, Job, Job’s family, the Devil and the ground on which they stand, so making the argument that He did not have to be answerable to the Law – that He transcended the Law – may suck dog water and come across as peevish and egotistical, but He has a point.
Meanwhile, in more mundane and modern circumstances, when answering a similar question from Jim Lehrer, George Bush said: “When you're the president, you don't have to explain what you do. That's the nice thing about being president.”
And when talking to Bob Woodward on the same topic, Bush said: “One of the interesting things about being President is that I don’t have to explain myself to anybody."
George Bush nonchalantly asserting the He does not need to be answerable to anyone. That he doesn’t owe any explanations of his actions – no matter how murderous or despicable – because he is Authority, and as in the Bible, His Authority is the actually the fountainhead of Law.
Like God Almighty, George W. Bush transcends the Law.
Man. too bad Bill Clinton never got that memo. That one that says that Presidents are not accountable to anyone for anything: that once elected, he can tell everyone in the Universe to fuck off. The one that would have brought down the wrath of the godly on Ken Starr’s Ahab-ing of Bill Clinton year after year as a, “War on People of Faith.”
But then again, Clinton was not chock-full of that extra special Conservative Christian Wonderfulness that makes a mere man swaggeringly Infallible on all matters.
Had Clinton followed exactly the same policies as he did, but been a Republican -– had he thrown in his lot with the Party that curries and cultivates that Arrogant Ignorance, Theological Certitude, Political Power and Economic Dominance that gave us 400 years of slavery, a century of Jim Crow and an ongoing bumper crop of Red State bigotry and diseased religious fervor year after year after year -- they would have named their first born sons after him for the next five generations and offered up their wives and daughters to him, naked, gift wrapped and slathered in pecan pie.
But he wasn’t an Infallible Fundamentalists Republican. Instead he was a deeply Christian they impeached him.
And now George Bush asks, “Where were you when I laid the Foundation of ‘Murrica? When I wrote the Constitution all by myself, and fought off the evil doers with my bare hands.”
And his followers kneel, believing that unswerving fealty to their Master – to ANY Master – is the only measure of a virtuous man.
Praise ye with great praise! Preach to us, Brother! Praise him in the the name of JAH RASTAFARI, Almighty God!
That Bible stuff sure has a certain swagger behind it.
Yeah, I like Job too.
On 9/11 the US was attacked and the American people invested a lot of faith in George W. Bush. They were willing to cut him a lot of slack. But as you correctly point out, the dumb-as-a-post jerk went way too far. He is actually undercutting the very foundation of America and all its ideals.
"I don't have to explain myself." WTF? What are you talking about Dubya? EVERY President has had to explain himself to the American people. That's the way it works.
Keep it up Drift. The precision and logic of your arguments has got to help bring down these lawless mofos.
Love this stuff I was losing faith in the American Dream You give me hope. NOW WHY HASNT THAT LIAR BEEN IMPEACHED?
On 9/11 the US was attacked and the American people invested a lot of faith in George W. Bush. They were willing to cut him a lot of slack.
Yo Eddy, some of us NEVER cut him any slack, not that day or any day. Just so we're clear about that.
"Keep it up Drift. The precision and logic of your arguments has got to help bring down these lawless mofos."
which begs the question, drifty and the rest of us are preaching to the converted, so, what the hell else can we do ? speaking the truth outloud makes ya feel good, but frustration increases the longer this crap goes on. while i won't give up trying, i have yet to have any affect on the ones from the other side in my acquaintance, who have their heels dug in the same as me.
Job is actually thought to be the oldest of the books in The Bible. Satan in this book is actually "God's District Attorney" (Satan actually means "the adversary", and here the term is intended in the courtroom sense) rather than the fallen archangel who became the Father of Lies and Prince of Darkness.
Hey us blues, I never cut that mofo any slack either, hated him from day 1. But 91% of Americans had a favorable impression of him after the 9/11 attack. So at that moment he could have done a lot. And after Afghanistan went so well, perhaps even more so. So if he had devoted a lot of resources to hunting bin Laden and *really* improving homeland security (including ports, chemical plants, etc.) he could have continued in immense popularity. (While I still would have hated him as a total moron, a liar, and a deserter.)
But no, he chose to invade the wrong country because Saddam was mean to his daddy and anyway, Saddam had a lot of oil. Complete fucktard.
He will be a thoroughly reviled president in just a few months. The Repugs are imploding. Guys like Drifty will help, every little bit counts.
Kurt Vonnegut said Job is his favorite bible story. I think he wrote Breakfast of Champions as a sort of humorous allegory to Job. One of my undergrad profs said Job is postmodern. That's the cool thing about Job--he can be all things to all people, except the fundies, who mysteriously skip over him at the old bible verse buffet and pluck something less opaque out from under the sneeze shields.
Actually, with this essay, Driftglass has strayed out where the buses don't run (or where the hoot owls fuck the chickens, as we say out here in flyover country). A lot of people on the left are uncomfortable giving an ounce of credibility to anything connected with Xianity because we don't want to be like THEM. If you're uncomfortable with all this "god" shit, you might might try the Joseph Campbell approach: all the world's religions are a set of stories humans make up to explain the unexplainable. Each story is different, and each has its own beauty. Making metaphors is a basic human need, one of the ways we express the grace within us.
I always saw Job as man's indignant howl of protest against the capriciousness of god, fully justified and utterly impotent. When I feel that way myself, reading it makes me realize I'm not the only one. Which is how I'd answer jedwards' post above: nottaworry. I don't see writing (even political writing) as a way to change anything. It's better to just create, and if someone is changed by it, terrific, but I think it's beside the point. Political work is somewhat more down and dirty: phone calls, leaflets, a table at the farmer's market, and currying influence within government buildings. A couple months ago on Kos, someone actually posted, "We don't have time to read fiction; we have to save the world." I was too flabbergasted to even reply something like, "I think I'd better save my soul first, or I'm not gonna be much help."
J.Ed, it's coming...look at those poll numbers. Aint no speeches gonna turn this around, not for more than a point or two, and that won't save them.
We're gonna take at least one house of congress, and as someone said earlier, watch the committee hearings gin up to go after all the lying bullshit.
Slow, implacable tidal surge...
thanks guys, for the vote of confidence. yep see sfmike's blog where he mentions thursdays at the fed bldg in SF, that's activism and commitment.
TB - the surge of which you speak?- this past weekend out here on the N.W. coast of california we got a tsunami warning and i was hopin' but it didn't come.
that would have been a diversion. there's a bible story here but i'm not going there.
and yeah - i figured you knew there was an "i" in test-ta-cul, just givin' you a hard time.
J'ed, where in NorCal are you?
I'm in Myrtle Beach, S.C., but I lived in the Santa Cruz area for 17 years.
Neat place, and I miss California, but lord, it got crowded and expensive.
Of course, it's happening in Myrtle Beach, now.
Eartha, good stuff!
half moon bay, ya know, where the big waves are?
Thanks TB and jedwards for the words of encouragement. Tanbark and Driftglass have become muses for me since the two of you started riffing off each other over on Gilliard. Let's all stick by each other and settle in to watch some interesting times unfold.
That was me eartha as anonymous. Am posting from work. Bad! Bad! Bad!
I hope Tanbark's right, but (s)he overlooks one thing: the voting computers (I call 'em "HAL 1984"s, after Clarke's rogue computer and Orwell's dystopian novel) that are made and programmed by companies in bed with the Elephascists (I refuse to call them Republicans anymore). As long as they control those wretched machines, they can blunt the wrath of the people.
From the Phantom Zone, Kid Charlemagne
I'm gonna put 500 bucks in a sock toward the day the house votes on Chimpy's impeachment. And on that glorious, wonderful day, I'm gonna use those benjamins to get to a central location where the wine will flow like water and the snark will flow like wine. Chicago sounds about right. Who's with me?
Rox, I am.
And J'Ed, I know Half Moon well. The ghosts of Grizz and Spaniards come down the Manzanita Canyons to the beach, to take the morning fog. You can hear them talking and growling, when the wind blows from the north.
And, Kid, you're as right as a snake. We gotta watch them. I'm hoping that 20 months from now, the mood in the country will be so angry that they have to do a Duvalier-family exit, and head for Costa Rica, or somewhere.
Anon, thank you. For mentioning me in the same breath with The Man, if you show up in Myrtle Beach, you get the best seafood din-din on the "Grand Strand"...made MY day...
to roxtar and tanbark, make it three- i'm in.
lets hope it's not some god forsaken winter month. oh forget that thought, winter, summmer, whenever, let's just hope it happens
I live in the Milwaukee area, so I might just be able to make it down there for this Chicago thing!
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