Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Virtual Particles, Michael Jackson and Mandates


Ok, bear with me.

Space is full of truly weird shit that I have always found completely fascinating. Dark matter, black holes (Hint to the world traveler: Never, ever call them that in Russian), string theory.

And “virtual particles.”

Out in the middle of the Big Empty (OK, yes, there’s no “middle”. Fuck you, ya picky bastards) these little guys just bang! into existence and then vanish. Always a pair – a particle and an anti-particle of various denominations – they pop in for a visit and then annihilate each other and disappear.

In fact, they’re the little jobbers that make singularities detectable. Right on the edge of the Event Horizon (that’s the Lobby of the cosmos’ own Hotel California, the Black Hole) as they skip in and out of existence, sometimes one half of the pair falls into the Abyss, and the other one flies away, making the ultimate nightmare Beast of the Universe sorta glow.

So why the hell am I talking about Virtual Particles?

Because they have a half-life that is almost immeasurably brief.

And by an eerie coincidence, if you take the length of that interval, and divide it by a billion, that is exactly how much I care about Michael Fucking Jackson.

He’s a pedophile.

He’s not odd, or eccentric or a troubled, sensitive genius. Or, rather, maybe he is those things – all of those things – but he’s also an unhinged pedophile.

When one or two red flags pop up, one might be tempted to temper one’s judgment, but when the firmament lights up with hundreds of warning lights, only an absolutely and willfully blind personality cultist can pretend otherwise.

There are lots of bad, twisted people in the world, and other than being famous, Jackson is no more or less worthy of my attention than any other. For example, I have a terrific niece who was molested by a trusted adult: she I care about in a deep and specific way.

The whole issue I care about generally, but in a more attenuated way.

As for Jackson, I didn’t follow the trial.
I didn’t care about the drama.
I loathe the Lemming Press Hordes: they’re just some mob of hacks scripted by Cecil B. De Mille, who apparently looked and looked and couldn’t find a single more worthy and important story to burn shoe-leather over.
I could not tell you the names of the Second Chairs or the Judge because I sincerely don’t give a good God Damn about any of this whatsoever, except in one particular way.

To my Republican friends, a few of whom I know read this blog, I say, if you are at all bent out of shape and cranky about Crazy Cali – crazy, Liberal Cali perhaps – I suggest that you heartily go Fuck Yourself, hard and angry.


Let’s see if this sounds familiar...

An obviously guilty, possibly unbalanced man who has been doing the same despicable, deviant and destructive things for year is finally held to account for his crimes.

His money and power and family connection have worked minor miracles keeping his ass out of prison, but his luck finally ran out.

At last he has to stand up and be judged for his crimes – his glaringly obvious crimes – and we hold our breath. We believe that no matter how big a fan someone might be, no one but a fucking IDIOT or waterhead could possibly overlook all of the rancid evidence of this man’s many High Crimes, right? We are cautiously optimistic; after all, it’s as plain as the nose that keeps falling off his face!

And the we are forced to stand there dumbfounded as he gets away with it. All of it. Scot free. And then he throws a party

Welcome, my GOP pals, to November of 2004.
Welcome to Progressiveville -- Population 49 million. And growing.
Welcome to a wisp of an understanding of what it’s like to watch a loathsome douche-bag being given a thumbs-up by a bunch of raging fucktards who, as it turned out, Holy Shit, really are that stupid.

So as this child molester parties tonight and celebrate his victory, remember Jackson doesn’t have a conviction you asshats: he has a MANDATE.

Or in words so small and familiar I’m sure you’ll have no trouble understanding them – He Won. You Lost. Get Over It.


Anonymous said...

That was so good I'm smoking a cigarette afterwards.

Drogon Saurischian said...

Brilliant! There's a place in Austin called the Texas Manhole where Michael Jackson could take his mandate...

Anonymous said...

Regarding the beginning of this post I recommend "Stalking the Wild Pendulum", by Itzhak Bentov. Gives neat insights on black holes.

Anonymous said...

At the risk of looking like I'm defending either one of them (I'm not), I'm a little concerned by the standard of evidence of the more minor one's "glaringly obvious crimes", as illustrated here, Steve's blog, and so forth.

As you said, you didn't follow the trial. Neither did I. I don't care either. But not having had those information sources, you're convicting based on what, exactly? The National Enquirer? Deeper Throat? Those voices that tell you to burn down churches?

I can't tell you about the crimes of the one who's not actually killing people by their thousands. I dunno whether he's guilty or not. But I am concerned with this "hang 'em high 'cuz he looks guilty" attitude based on things you're not privy to to be well...worrying.

Besides, I thought it was the other guys who were trying to do away with this quaint "rule of law" business.


driftglass said...

I genuinely don't give a damned about Jackson one way or the other, and I did not follow the trial.
Jackson sleeps with little boys. And has paid off the families of little boys he has done something with in the past but, as I said, I don't give a shit about this freak or his life.

I care deeply about the fact that there is an entire media army that COULD be used to investigate, oh, say the dirty doings of the Bush Administration that instead is focused exclusively on trying to force-feed me trivia and call it "news."

And my overall point was simply that, if you are a Republican AND you think Jackson should rot it prison because it's so clear to you that he's bent, child-molesting creep...well boo-fucking-hoo. Hop in the Way-Back machine, go back nine months, DON'T vote for a lying war criminal and give him your okey-doke that it's OK with you to continue being a lying war criminal, and then come tell me you sad story.

Until then...bite me.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the enemy here, Drift. I agree with your point, and I'm not interested in defending the guy, nor the media. In fact, I agree wholeheartedly with the point you were making.

I'm just disappointed that you and other normally progressive folks are condemning a guy you don't know outside of tabloid reporting with the same reasoning Bush and Co. used to get his war on. "He looks guilty, he must have WMD's or whatever."

Anonymous said...

Huh? On "tabloid reporting?"
No, I'm more than highly suspicious of him because of his OWN STATEMENTS both in that interview he filmed a while back and his actions with "settlements" with previous families of young boys.

Looks like a "molester?" Other than the stereotypical nerd-o shakey bastard on TV crime shows molesters in real life look like all sorts of people.

Is my bro-in-law convinced "he looks like a freak! He did it!" You betcha. That has nothing to do with his politics, it has to do with his biases. There are a whole lot of reasons given by Jackson himself to feel fairly confident that a guilty man was let go.

Not from his looks, from his statements.

Anonymous said...

One of my coworkers heard about the verdict before I did. She asked us to guess what it was and I said "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity." She gave me full credit for calling it. But really, after twenty-odd years of his peculiar behavior and utterances how could you not figure something pederastic was going on?


Anonymous said...

If you were Jackson w/o the money and fame you'd be looking at 20-40 years in prison right now, and rightly so. If you were Bush without the money and family connections you'd be selling shoes in a mall somewhere and spending your nights at AA meetings.

Phoenix Woman said...

RE: the trial --

Taibbi's Rolling Stone article from a few months ago made it clear that while this particular case against Jackson was nonexistent, the prosecution was counting on a bunch of white people wanting to make Jackson pay for all the shit he's done in the past.

Taibbi also said that the national media really and truly did a horseshit job of reporting on the case, failing to give a proper outline of the most salient points. So even when they're covering tabloid trash, their favorite subject, they still manage to fuck it up. Probably deliberately so.

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