Monday, February 03, 2025

The Triumphant Return of the Tone Police: David Frum Edition

It took David Frum 36 paragraphs of The Atlantic's real estate -- the very tail end of the article -- to get all the throat clearing and hand waving and reminding readers of that which they already know all too damn well out of the way before he could finally getting around saying about what he really, really wants to say:  If Democrats want to win they need to kick progressives to the curb and hug Liz Cheney harder.

The most immediate task for the anti-Trump coalition in these early months of 2025 is to avoid more mistakes. President Joe Biden ended his presidency by listening to advice to grant clemency to thousands of drug offenders, including heinous murderers. Who offered that advice? Don’t listen to them anymore! Fight Trump where he’s most vulnerable, not where progressive interest groups are most isolated and most dogmatic. Build unity from the center, rather than indulge the factionalism of the ultra-left.

A great many Americans despise Trump for the basic reason that he’s a very nasty person who speaks in demeaning ways and does cruel things. The movement to stop him should look and sound and act nice. If you get reprimanded for “respectability politics,” or caricatured as “cringe,” or scolded for appealing to suburban “wine moms,” that’s when you’ll know you’re doing it right.

Sorry, I don't mean "Democrats" since that is apparently a dirty word that scares suburban wine moms, and not an outfit that a hero like David Frum would ever associate himself with.  Instead, as you can see, regardless of what your voter registration card might say, you and I and the +75 million of us who voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are now merely a duchy in David Frum's polyglot "anti-Trump coalition"

And our job is to sit down, shut up and let the likes of David Frum run the show.

And if you have been paying attention to the rapid colonization of the media by Never Trumpers like David Frum and noticed who is being elevated (Neocons) and who are being shunned as pariahs (Liberals), it sure as hell looks like  the real project here is to turn the Democratic party of 2025 into the Republican party of 2005.  The Republican party of the Good Old Days, when David Frum was making his living writing books about the genius of George W. Bush -- 

-- and the bright future of the Republican Party:

For those of you keeping score at home, the graphic that leads off this post was not whomped up by me this morning.  No, it was whomped up by me several years ago for a post I wrote ("David Frum Has Written a Very Long Article to Avoid Saying a Very Short Sentence") deconstructing a nearly identical article, also by Frum also in The Atlantic, also telling Liberals to shut up and sit down.  

Were I a betting man, I'd wager a bottle of 15-year-old Redbreast Irish whiskey that, based on this article, Mr. Frum will be a featured guest on several Very Large Political Podcasts in the very near future.  And modesty forbids the foul-mouthed, commie Liberal proprietor of a tiny blog in the cornfield of the Midwest from reminding you that this relentless push to turn our party into Republican-lite is exactly what he has been warning about on his tiny cornfield blog for over a decade.  

Because (to repeat myself from here) this is not how an ally -- who has been allowed into our midst against the better judgement of several of us and on what should have been a very fucking conditional probation -- talks.

This is how a colonizer tells you to step aside.

Burn The Lifeboats


Neo Tuxedo said...

"What ‘offends’ conservatives about the welfare state is that it is economically inefficient: it destroys value by systematically encouraging masses of people to behave in reckless, value-destroying ways, which ultimately hurts those masses themselves. The cost of maintaining the safety net eventually frays even the satefy net, and then you’ve got nothing. Of course, this is putting the thesis rather crudely and ignoring numerous variants. But never mind that. It turns out economic inefficiency isn’t what ‘offends’ conservatives after all, at least not Frum.

The great, overwhelming fact of a capitalist economy is risk. Everyone is at constant risk of the loss of his job, or of the destruction of his business by a competitor, or of the crash of his investment portfolio. Risk makes people circumspect. It disciplines them and teaches them self-control. Without a safety net, people won’t try to vault across the big top. Social security, student loans, and other government programs make it far less catastrophic than it used to be for middle-class people to dissolve their families. Without welfare and food stamps, poor people would cling harder to working-class respectability than they do [now].

The thing that makes capitalism good, apparently, is not that it generates wealth more efficiently than other known economic engines. No, the thing that makes capitalism good is that, by forcing people to live precarious lives, it causes them to live in fear of losing everything and therefore to adopt – as fearful people will – a cowed and subservient posture: in a word, they behave ‘conservatively’. Of course, crouching to protect themselves and their loved ones from the eternal lash of risk precisely won’t preserve these workers from risk. But the point isn’t to induce a society-wide conformist crouch by way of making the workers safe and happy. The point is to induce a society-wide conformist crouch. Period. A solid foundat[i]on is hereby laid for a desirable social order."

John Holbo's classic 2003 sporking of Frum's 1994 book Dead Right, as seen at

DocAmazing said...

Frum can immediately, at once and with no equivocation denounce the fascism and white supremacy *by name* that has overtaken the Republican Party. If he cannot do that, he needs to take a seat.
(He needs to take a seat anyway, but putting him on the spot is a Useful Exercise.)

Cinesias said...

Hey you guys! Lemme on the god damn life raft!

Robt said...

Republicans have their perceived enemies right now, they are not the same enemies of the past like Commies. They are now fellow Americans. Oh, they are any republican that does not kneel and nod YRS to Anything Trump.
The squishes. Except once he does something that negatively effects the republicans. Then they become the Squish enemy.
The Dems, the Libs, the Independents, the libertarians, the DEI, the colored skins. They may run out of an individual category of people to hate and punish but they will always find new ones to replace because they have to hold on to their image of they being pure, genius and more godly that others and the lesser infields must be put in their place or exterminate. It leads to extermination everything.

Their sole existence is establishing an enemy and being superior to them.

Robt said...

Is todays David Frum a RINO? A squish" A liberal? Is he what republicans now call Wole?
Just asking..

Anonymous said...

The sign in the picture at the top is wrong. It should say: "Mind your manners Libtard".

Other than that, excellent article!