Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Professional Left Podcast Episode 875: FAFO Farmers Reap What They Sowed

“whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” -- Galatians 6:7


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1 comment:

Robt said...

Without going to some rural republican diner to find out what right wing brain washing words drool out of their mouths. Sire Parrots don't drool the mimic.
They elected a guy who committed tax evasion on a grand scale to manage the country's all.
After colluding with Russia to get elected, he went on to extort a country with military aid who was already at war and being invaded. To this day the media in al, does not state that Russia began its aggression then during the T Adm.. He orchestrated an insurrection .
He left the White House accomplishing the greatest historic feat of adding $9 trillion to the national debt. Remember the national debt and our grand children servitude because of it?
This is the guy they trust?
This round,, he is running the scam of taking money tax payers already paid for operating our government . Telling us they can;t afford it. That things from cancer research is fraud but Elon Musk contracts for Space X is worthy. They make up lies of abuse like paying for terrorists (Hamas) transgender surgeries so feeding the famine stricken has to go.
Prez T who cheated on his taxes his entire life will fire all the watchdogs of government from the AG's of federal depts. to Consumer protection is a waste but funding law enforcement to stop bank robberies, is worthy.
The national debt is in the $trillions. They cut taxes last time and it did not produce what they remised.
This time, they are cutting government to make it efficient. If you notice they are cutting entire sectors of government that is efficient.
Not one copper penny of this is going to be used to pay down the national debt, not even the $9 trillion Trump added to it.
This leaves us without the money we were taxed for (we will not get back which will go to wealthy tax cuts and we do not get the government / services we already paid for with our taxes.
Trump is government. They trust government now? Without al the IG's and oversight people? Trump is simply going to trust all his criminal hires not to steal, his fraud hires not to fraud, Not to abuse or waste?
With all this cutting government. Trump has been spending and projecting spending. Buying Greenland, war to take Panama, Being Gaza and building a new place for the wealthy to chart their yachts to? At the price of our military deaths and tax payer money?
So you get a tax break of a few hundred, your cost of living is skyrocketing with not ceiling in sight . Tariffs alone.

Tax payer should not have to pay for Elon Musk/s Tesla's, his Space X adventures nor his satellite tracking in space to prevent them from colliding with other space objects orbiting Earth. Let him pay for it.

Just know, America is in some heavy Debt. No matter what they cut from government. The money is going to have to be borrowed with interest repaid by us peons and that includes the MAGA peons.
Apologies, it is difficult to put it all in and keep it semi short