Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Burn The Lifeboats Early and Often

As the Republican party daily sinks to new depth of depravity and madness...

...things are getting so bad that even Skinny Pete and Badger are starting to slide towards the exit. 

So sorry kids, but the exits are all closed now.  And the piper must be paid.

So as the flaming wreck of the Trump campaign starts to break at the keel and slide beneath the waves, and the rats begin to scurry down the rat lines, desperate to separate "MAGA" from "the rest of us"-- ...

 ... you know what needs to be done.

Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

The orange GOP guy says, If he loses election. He will move to Venezuelan". Noting there is no extradition agreement with UDA.
Makes one wonder.........

wibble said...

I would like to see him try. His Secret Service detail would have him pinned to the floor so fast his combover would still be floating.

Anonymous said...

I can definitely imagine Trump fleeing to Venezuela. And the I can also imagine President Harris getting on the phone with the Venezuelan president and saying “Mr. President, we would love to buy more oil from your country. There’s just one condition…”