Thursday, July 04, 2024

When the Republican Party and the Mainstream Media Work Together...

...the unbelievable becomes believable and the impossible becomes possible.

Put your back into it boys!  

You only need to keep it up for a few more months.

I Am The Liberal Media


Pagan in repose said...

Fantastic work Driftglass. FANTASTIC!

Marc McKenzie said...

I am no fan of AI art...but dammit Driftglass, when you do it I cannot help but be impressed.

So now I have the "Driftglass exception" as in, "I hate AI art, but I will always make an exception for Driftglass".

Robt said...

Recent news article titled, "with SCOTUS immunity scenario using Seal Team to assassinate your political opponent, leaves Seal Team open to murder charges"

With ridiculous pieces like this the media wonders why their business future fades.

Consider, pres. orders Seal Team to murder his opponent and they carry it out. prosecutors try to investigate for proof. You cannot investigate any decisions from White house anymore to collect evidence because official acts are off limits now.
Even if somehow by the lightening bolt from God himself caused a prosecutor to actually indict and this Seal Team murderer found guilty by his peers.
That president that ordered the assassination merely flops out a presidential full pardon.

With dumb ass news people write dumb Ass manure and the media outlets publican them. It tells you they are about entertaining, amusing even on serious news items.

The Press's constitutional amendment protecting them was put in place to inform citizens to make the most educated decisions like when they vote.

Can't be done now that entertainment is the business model.
Nice government/country you have there after us founding fathers stuck together instead of hanging individually and all those who fight the tyranny of the king.

Once the King is comfortable in his awesome powers. To all those religious folks that believed this king would impose their religion on others that they could not convert freely and thought forcing religious conversion and adherence by their king.
What do they do when that king chooses a religion they do that is not theirs?
You see, a king only cares about the king and everyone else is there to serve the king. That doesn't include their God.
So immune King sends out Seal Teams to assassinate all the clergy elders? So many scenarios, so little freedom.

Jon Sitzman said...

The New York Times has, as of this election cycle, dispelled any conceivable doubt that it is a conservative Republican publication. I cannot see an arguable case to the contrary.

Thanks for all you do.

Jon Sitzman said...

Hey again, good people. You may want to put a mouthpiece in before you read the following thread - your teeth may get ground to paste otherwise.

Thread by David Frum (I KNOW) on ThreadReader

It's one of those things where even if I don't like who's saying it... at least they have some public/press visibility, so I hope that it's a good thing they're saying it.

I hope someone listens. The press won't. The public... might.

Thanks for all you do.

Robt said...

I am so a mused by all the media selective go to pets to scrape the skin off President Biden after his one bad outing in the debate.
Still have an expectation to measure Trump's cognitive ability because the media has never , never interviewed him and digging into his agenda. Details of his policies.
For instance, Repeal and replace Obamacare. And what would you replace it with, Trump would answer , "with something that provides more care and costs much less. That Obamacare is a disaster! It is a radical liberal thing. Replacing it will be easy!".
No follow through. I mean some simple questions, . What exactly do yu see as bad? So you think having a plan that has a quality standard of basic coverage is bad?
* Where is your health care plan replacement? If you repeal there will be nothing to fall back on until you might get around (if ever) to passing something or even show us a blue print?
No anecdote's like , selling across state lines. States have health care commissioners and have state rights. Besides, many companies headquartered in a state purchases its employee health care out of states where they production plants that are covered by that out of state health care plan the company purchased. Sold across state lines. Can insurance companies rescind long time costumers who paid for coverage because they find out they have a catastrophic illness?
They could not ask any of the basics. But they could interview Trump over and over covering the same thing without learning a thing. As if it was a rerun of thing learned the first time.
On the side, I listened in to K.O. on his podcast where he is publicly having a nervous episode over Biden .
This is the same L.O. who about 3 weeks ago was calling for the campaigns to highlight the ages and oldness of Trump and Biden. He proudly insisted Biden wins the o" OLD" debate of the two. He really pushed it.
Now, he elaborates on all the calls for Biden to go. And speculates an old that should ,could might or maybe happen.
It was a K.O. panic podcast that doesn't inform me. Adding to confusion. Causing suspicion suggesting alaarms.
Everyone wanted to see Biden verbally bitch slap Trump up and down. Not me. Wanted to hear policies ideas, agenda directions. But I already have a good idea.
Now since the SCOTUS Trump is Putin decision. I wish can hear and see Biden putting his new found powers to use. Ordering the ITS to audit everyone in the GOP. Removing every GOP congressman's security clearance that was/ is involved in J6. Over ride the SCOTUS rulings that went against the president and put the justices on notice that the ordered the AG (Garland) to investigate the justices for corruption and treason. Sign an exec order to strike down the SCOTUS decision of Citizens United.
Tell the Senate he is sending SCOTUS nominees to be confirmed to balance the court. Exec order a SCOTUS ethics code with articles to remove and or puncih justices who do not abide or the president will remove them if the senate will not act.
You see, I have a long list of new power policies and agendas the president can employ for his campaign.
He can order any and all voter suppression state laws be stricken down and send FBI to investigate those who stand in the way. Arrest them and investigate later.
You know all the power uses the GOP imagine using but for rotten immoral vile objectives.

The SCOTUS right wing knows Biden will adhere to rule of law and count on it.
SCCOTUS rules student loan program of Biden is unconstitutional, Biden can now simple Exec order (be bold as the Chief justice put it) and tell the justices they are wrong and he is correcting it. What could the 6 justices do then? They cannot impeach him nor use any official act to in vestige home.

Did you hear Hoe Biden is old?

Robt said...

DG, in case any of your cats get stressed from the silly season.
Here is something for them to relax and get back to what they do best.
On the YouTube

Your cat will thank you for it. But cover your keyboard.

Grung_e_Gene said...

The Corporate Media loves Trumps “showmanship “ and he and his cadre of fascist ghouls are promising Holocaust 2: Electric Boogaloo and what reporter wouldn’t want to make their bones covering the death camps and destruction of America. Ratings Gold. Plus the tax cut!

Green Eagle said...

I'll take the opportunity to repeat something that has been one of my most basic political maxims for a couple of decades now: The Democrats could beat the Republican party into oblivion with one hand tied behind their backs; what they cannot do is beat the Republicans and the press working together.

Robt said...

I demand the media resign form the election. They are not competent.
I think they need to take a competency test. On their teleprompters or not, they go into fits of schisms.

You notice the press is so in loss of reporting news due to their lack of mental acuity .

* the media must take a competency test and show us the results or resign from the election coverage.

So where is the news coverage of the polls that show mistrust of the media's ability to cover elections is competent.?????

Robt said...

Andrea Mitchell falls asleep live during her interviews. Jake Tapper wanders obliviously. Most FOX TV hosts are displaying paranoia so severe, they have separated from reality.
Sen. minority leader Mitch McConnell have absolutely had brain freezes that lasted long enough his handlers must remove him from the situation.
Where is the calls for him to resign? Why haven't the press make "B" lines to the quaint right wing coffee shops and talk with all those average MAFA insurrectionists? Maybe take a camera crew to the prisons and interview the J6 GOP hostages?

The media tells us Democrats want Joe to go. That they do to bother with Trump lies and such because his voters don't care. So no reason to cover it.

So where do they get the idea I care and think Biden should resign/
Didn't bother with Reagan. SCOTUS justice Rehnquist for years was solaced on psychodelia drugs to manage his mental condition while he was ruling on what was and was not constitutional.
Trump fell asleep and would fart in his sleep in court. The judge didn't even chastise his legal team to make sure he stays awake.
The same incompetent press that will show us video glimpses of Trumps mindless rally wandering mindless bas fairu tale stories to nowhere. Do not run to question his donors or provide 24/7 screeching about it.

How they use the words , Democrats fear, The left is panicking, Liberals are of course in disarray. As the GOP majority House after almost 2 full years of impeachment hearing of President Biden that never has any basic accusation of evidence to open such hearings. All the hearing GOPers on right wing media 2 to 3 times a week promising they have all the juicy goods and will impeach him.
These lunatics are still in disarray, failures all and if you interview them including the Speaker, they will tell you they are impeaching and have evidence they still refuse (cannot prove) they lie that they have.

Why hasn't the media demanded that the MAGA Trump cultists take a competency test before they are allowed to vote????