Who... the hell are you to tell us we shouldn't be running an avalanche of hysterical "Dump Biden" stories?
What...an old guy Biden is.
When...are Dems going to dump Biden?
Where...will Dems decide to dump Biden?
Why...isn't our avalanche of hysterical "Dump Biden" stories working?
I Am The Liberal Media
Thanks For the early morning chuckle Driftglass. It's good to laugh at day break
I see you cited the old outdated Beltway Journalism.
The new improved one
If your are paid to write a hit piece and take the money prior doing the deed. Then it is a hit piece nd if you take the money after writing it, then the money is a gratuity and it is not a hit piece.
The Kellygirl amendment of alternative definitions to Who, What when, where and why.
"How" can be added and it may omit the 5 W's.
Sources are now your benefactor who pays you to write what your told.
Sources may remain secret to exclude any verifications.
You "missed out" (as the British say) the H:
How...long we will keep kissing conservative ass until we realize that conservatives are going to accuse of us "liberal bias" no matter what we say, do, think, or are, until we stop saying things, doing things, thinking things, and being a thing?
While I have been physically ill all of this summer, the constant bombardment by the MSM dedicated to handing our country over to despotism, and the weak-kneed bleats of despair from the credulous and silly, who seek to lead us all away from potential danger by preemptive surrender, have been more sick-making yet. Guess what, Vichy "democrats", spreading your credulous fear is as bad as being honestly on the Beast's side, and there is not one of you who I would not gladly see tarred and feathered, you are traitors. Sure, you go on spouting your silly-ass bullshit opinions, but I will slap each and everyone of you down, harshly, as you come to my attention. Your 1A rights do not extend to helping undermine the rule of law with hearing about it, ya buttnuggett.
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