Monday, July 08, 2024

So Far, Every Pundit's "Let's Tear Up The Ticket and Replace Biden" Scheme...

...faces the same problem.

The Step Two problem.

Should anyone care, I have no interest in any plan that does not solve the Step Two problem.  Because any plan that doesn't solve the Step Two problem isn't a "plan".  It's just childish public faunching and whining about something that makes you upset but over which you have no control.  

I know that idle "Assume a can-opener" speculation is how pundits pay for their opera tickets and penny-loafers --

There is a story that has been going around about a physicist, a chemist, and an economist who were stranded on a desert island with no implements and a can of food. The physicist and the chemist each devised an ingenious mechanism for getting the can open; the economist merely said, "Assume we have a can opener"!

-- but it amounts to nothing more that mopes who are no more in the know than you or me, moving air around to affect some ineffable insight which you and I lack.  

I Am The Liberal Media


Grung_e_Gene said...

Come now Drifty. Certainly you of all bloggers know this is a coordinated media campaign to ratfvck the Democrats. After all think of the horse race! The ratings! Why… the Dems in Disarray articles are writing themselves!

XtopherSD said...


Mr XD said...

The word of the day, and probably the rest of the summer, is "faunching"- Thanks boss!

SouthSideGT said...

Step Two also involves requires substep questions that also need answering. Here are a few. There are probably more.

Can POTUS just discharge his lawfully won delegates enmasse to a candidate that all the subgroups of the Democratic Party find acceptable?

Would that be acceptable to ALL the Democratic orgs in every state?

Failing that do DNC rules require that the Democratic Party run primaries again to determine a candidate?

And if the Dems just ignore all their rules about primaries THAT will be the story.

And if Dems opt for a an open convention where the "good conscience" idea in the DNC rules ignite a floor fight in Chicago of unimaginable intensity, THAT will be the story

There are no good questions much less good answers. The deck is as stacked against democracy as it has ever been and it's scary that we have to hope that enough Americans don't vote for a convicted felon/rapist who has cheated EVERYONE he has ever come in contact with. The asshole in question once bragged ON CAMERA he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and get away with it. He has been holding a a gun to the head of democracy itself and he is getting ready to pull the trigger.

Davis said...

Heather Cox Richardson says replacing Biden would be a disaster.