Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 817: Chop Wood, Carry Water, Curse SCOTUS

"You blitz all night!" -- Coach Yoast, Remember the Titans


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Robt said...

The information needed to arrive at a well educated decision on how I vote for people to represent me is getting worse.

There has always been lying misinformative media outlets from the beginning.
What has changed sense the "old Days" is there is so much more lying outlets to sift through , to Dugard.

For the media after the debate going full zany over Biden's performance. Totally ignoring and dismissing Trump's continuance of packing as many lies and bullshit with as many false accusations he can get in. That performance gave us things like, "I did not have sex with a porn star. Which he never stood up and stated in his trial over the porn star. But there t was, on TV, a republican candidate lying to the faces of republicans he did not have sex with a porn star.
Did the media later go out and ask those republicans that wanted Pres. Bill Clinton impeached and removed for his consensual sex out of his marriage and how Clinton went on TV and "said he did not have sex with that woman.
How distraught they were over Clinton lying and how do they feel about a republican candidate lying like he did to them to their face on TV??
But that was then and a democrat and all? It is different now? Or, were they faking and all frothed up by partisanship? Only need to look to that S. Carolina governor with 4 kids who went to Argentina to have sex outside of his marriage and lied to them he was out hiking on the appellation trail. Divorce followed, he was not removed as governor. Actually he ran for the House of Reps as a GOP and was elected. It only Morality is a very finicky thing for the GOP.

As for the SCOTUS ruling of immunity and power of the president. Right now President Biden does not have to adhere to any SCOTUS ruling, I The presidential oath of office is now a useless formality.
Who needs SCOTUS anymore? SCOTUS rules Biden student loans are not constitutional, now as the new improved and poerful president. Biden can go ahead and override SCOTUS with immunity for disobeying their ruling. As long as he does it as an official act.
The possibilities are vast for Biden. But what does he say< he doesn't want the powers and he won't use them.

Were Trump will use them and to prove he is powerful with immunity he will have a 12 year old girl brought to his bedroom in the white house and molest her. Then send her back to her family, because , it was an official act. Because, he said it was, because SCOTUS said so.

Even if Biden is seriously experiencing OLD symptoms, I am not voting to be entertained, lied to, have America turned over to religious theocracy zealots and criminal NAZIOS.
If Biden can win and resign one week later. I would be fine with VP Harris taking the reins. It is why VPs are there for.

Again, now there is no SCOTUS decision that a president needs to adhere and administer. None. Congresses for that matter.

dinthebeast said...

OK, two things: First, ask the ghost of Terence Hallinan whether Kamala Harris can beat old white, male, entrenched dynastic candidates.
Second, aside from the paid for media figures who are doing their awful, stupid jobs for their awful, stupid bosses, the thing I see my friends who are freaking the fuck out looking desperately for right now is for Joe Biden to be winning.
I didn't watch the debate, because I never watch those things, but I did watch the Stephanopoulos interview, and it left me with the same feeling of uncertainty that is at the heart of all of the freaking out, as far as I can tell.
Then later I happened upon this video from Beau of the Fifth Column:


In it Beau recounts watching the interview with folks he describes as "normies", people not steeped in politics like we are. He said that he didn't say anything to them while the interview was on or during the conversation that followed, except to point out that the whole "nobody but the lord almighty" comment was just good politics that keeps other politicians from seizing on perceived weakness and attacking. Then he noted that the entire format of the interview was Stephanopoulos asking Biden about his weaknesses and/or ailments and Biden listing his accomplishments. On a major network, to an audience of folks concerned about his footing in the race. Beau posits that a 30 second spot on such a broadcast would set you back a couple hundred grand, and that Biden pretty much got eleven million dollars worth of media out of the deal.
He compared the shrewdness of the gambit to things Mitch McConnell might do.
I found a small portion of that winning that I have been craving in that take, and a bit of reassurance that the pundits really are up their own asses about this election and there are serious people making serious strategic decisions about it in real time.
Thank you again for the podcast. I am kinda torn about the entire Republican base being fully MAGAfied, because according to the goddamn New York Times, 71% of the thousand people closest to me are Republicans, but in my travels about town, the MAGAs are beginning to stick out like sore thumbs to me, and there just aren't that many of them. That doesn't mean that there really aren't something like 71% of the people I see around town who vote Republican, but MAGA is looking more and more like a disease to me, and I'm getting more sure of myself in spotting those afflicted with it. Can some of the other ones find their ways back to the land of the living? I won't bet the farm on it, but I would be less surprised by it if it were to happen than I would have been, say, last year.

-Doug in Sugar Pine