Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Portrait of Vance Frantically Erasing His Twitter Archives

I Am The Liberal Media


Robt said...

The JD Vance pick by Trump gives Ohio a chance to elect someone more like Marge Green or perhaps on of Putin's Cossack henchmen to send to the senate to sell out America for his personal profit.
Ohio who tan the petition drive to overturn the ban on abortion in their state by their beloved GOP they are conditioned to vote for. Because their GOP would not listen to them.
They don't even know what the JD stands for.

Ohio had to petition drive for the ballot to overturn GOP governor Kasich's banning of unions.
Don't they know they can vote for someone that actually will represent the people and not the wealthy donors, lobbyists and national party whims?
But there is no republican that will stand with the people .
O was sure Trump would have picked a Boebert, marge, Tucker Carlson, or Victor Orban as a part time VP.

But he can just fired them and find another VP. Or hang them and find another.

dinthebeast said...

You called it:

J.D. Vance Scrubs Website

July 16, 2024 at 8:08 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 14 Comments

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) has apparently scrubbed his Senate campaign website of its anti-abortion message, Bloomberg reports.

From the old site: “I am 100 percent pro-life, and believe that abortion has turned our society into a place where we see children as an inconvenience to be thrown away rather than a blessing to be nurtured.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

So JD Vance is anti abortion. Well, he is a republican and automatically is religious.
But not merely religious. His religion supersedes your religion. This gives him the power to farce everyone else to comply and obey his religious laws or be punished under his theocratic laws.
He wants Iran except using his religion to rule.

We all can see he moral aptitude of his word and honor by the way he upholds his oath of office as a senator to defend the constitution.

Nick Jr. said...

JD Vance employs the same tactic Trump uses when he's asked about the fact that everything he says is the exact opposite of everything he said a few years ago. He just blathers on and answers the question he would prefer the reporter had asked until he runs out the clock. Reporters, for their part, typically employ what I like to call the Tim Russert style of interview:

Republican: Bullshit non-response
Reporter: Tepid follow-up
Republican: Bullshit non-response
Reporter: Moving on...