Thursday, May 02, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode #800. That's 800!

"800 episodes!?  No wonder I feel tired!" -- driftglass


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


JHB said...

As I've been saying since my teenaged self saw (checks watch) Reagan pandering to creationists in the 1980 election, we need to get more fundamentalists/evangelicals on camera saying "Catholics aren't Christian" and put that video in front of Catholic audiences. The general public, church groups, everybody. Make it clear that when these people talk of "Christian values", they don't mean YOU and your values. They mean theirs, which consider you to be a devil worshiper.

JHB said...

The exact origin date of the term "hippy punching" is a bit irrelevant, since the practice is older than the term. The phrase may have turned up in the Obama years, but the deeds were done during the Clinton administration and even before.

driftglass said...

The origin of the term matters to us b/c we're friends/colleagues with the woman who coined it. The term “hippie punching” was introduced to the mainstream media by a friend of the podcast and my wife's colleague at Crooks and Liars, Susie Madrak, during a September 2010 White House conference call with bloggers in which Susie called out Obama senior advisor David Axelrod.

Meremark said...

1952 "'Checkers'-Nixon in IKE re-election" is half wrong.
IkE elected 1952 or IKE re-elected 1956

I think I heard 'Checkers' originally -- it was a Thing in household of my rock-ribbed Republican father -- and iirc that I heard the original, in 1952, then it must have been on radio (and I was precocious). 1956 we got TV and I was old enough to comprehend, plausibly remember, it.
BTW, my father never told his secret ballot but ... he talked politics and in the 1960 run-up to Kennedy / Nixon election he talked back to the tv asserting he could "never vote for that crook Nixon," who he hated viscerally from his brother's reports having served with Nixon in the Navy in WW II. After JFK won, Dad's political chatter seemed to hint this was the first time he ever voted for a Democrat. Although he never explicitly told the secrets between only himself, the ballot and the voting booth ... and the grave.
Subsequent years he actually complimented Kennedy's performance.
Kennedy's murder visibly saddened my father, the closest I ever saw him to shedding tears. Which tears Dad stoically hid from us kids but, at times he muttered, 'probably Nixon did it.'
We watched the cortege every hour it was on TV.

Sorry I got swept up. Just saying, fact check your words 'Checkers' and '1952' and 're-election.'

Item, the second: I was in Lincoln Park (Chicago) protesters in 1968.
In some comments elsewhere I stated 'today's (tv-magnified) student protesters are a fraction of the number of all-ages protesters back in the day -- "all we are saying is give peace a chance" -- 'Million Man March,' 'half-million gather at Woodstock,' 'I have a dream' on the Mall, e.g., in my attempt to de-magnify fear-tv footage.

Now, feeling the protests have wound down, (yet the 'file' footage will replay all summer and beyond), my aftermath comment is:

The protests would have ended quietly if you had chosen but 1-of-10 from the swarm of police seen on the screen, overall, and had flown that smaller contingent to Israel to apprehend Netanyahu. Protests solved. Instantly. Everyone back to their dorms.

Olbermann today said police arrests data show, curiously, 47% are people have no affiliation with the colleges on whose campus their protesting was arrested. Paid mercenary provocations? Hired mobs like Brooks Brothers' 'riot'?
You decide.

dinthebeast said...

Considering all of the lies we have discovered in her upcoming book, can we really even believe the Cricket story? I think we can and here is why:
I grew up around bird dogs, German Shorthaired pointers, and they were great dogs. Like all bird dogs, you can't let them around chickens. Everyone who has bird dogs knows that. Well, everyone except my dad in 1965, when we were stocking our acreage with farm animals and tried repeatedly to raise some chickens.
Not happening. Didn't matter what we did with the chickens, the dogs would find a way to get them. When we built a coop out of redwood and chicken wire inside the fucking barn, the dogs dug a passage under the barn and tore out the floor of the coop to get at the chickens. Those are very smart and resourceful animals, those bird dogs. Also, one of them did get kind of aggressive after she had puppies, and as she was the better pheasant hunter of the two, my dad sold her to someone with the wherewithal to deal with her on more land than we had. We got the other dog spayed and never had another issue with her for the seventeen years that we had her. So Kristi could have been telling the truth, or perhaps having heard these things about bird dogs from other folks who actually had them, made up a sick and twisted story to try and appear sufficiently ruthless to fit in with today's Republicans. Either way, it was a stupid thing to do.
I was seven in 1968, but my brother was seventeen, so there were quite memorable conflicts within our family over the student protests on the news all of the damn time. We had moved to California from Oklahoma in late '59 (before I was born, thank the flying spaghetti monster) and my dad's attitude hadn't "evolved" to where it would later in his life, and he wasn't having any of it.
He accused the students of wanting to overthrow the government a lot, and I can sort of understand where he was coming from then: he worked for the US Forest Service doing road location at the time, for him a goddamn dream job that paid him a "raise a family on it" salary to walk through the wilderness all summer. My brother had to register for the draft, but drew a safe-ish number and didn't get called up. A few of his friends did, though, and did the sort of things that were somewhat common at the time: went and came back different that when they left, fled for Canada on a Harley and got caught trying to cross the border, joined the Marines and went all-in on the whole thing. Lots of stories there.
Thank you again for the podcast. Biden giving the interview to Howard Stern was a near perfect fuck you to the New York Times, and Colin Jost calling them "Wordle" at the dinner was sadly hilarious.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Retired Patriot said...


And thank you for being a voice for The Cornfield Resistance. You bring to us the words and concepts critical to understanding our nation today. And how we got to where we are!


Dave McCarthy said...

the notion that "someone snuck it into the book" is, of course, absurd on its face. There's also the fact that Kristi NARRATED THE AUDIO VERSION! (sorry for yelling; I got exercised)