Thursday, February 15, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode #779: The Jon Stewart Blowback

“Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don't ever apologize for anything.” -- Harry S. Truman


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Hal Rager said...

Too many (the vast majority) seem to be under Stewart's sway with the acceptance of his proffered 'equivalency.' Likewise the softball treatment of the Thatcherite editor. Very disappointing, but, all the way to the bank, right?

Nick Jr. said...

We open on a Trumpistani re-education camp in Utah.
Two men sit with their backs to the camp's outer fence topped with razor wire. It's Jon Stewart and Bill Maher.
Both men are sore because Keith Olberman and the other inmates beat them with bars of soap wrapped in towels every night.
Bill: "You know who I blame for this? Joe Biden."
Jon: "I was gonna say the same thing!!"

rockysci said...

An old friend of my from HS works for TDS and has been defending Jon Stewart online. I wish someone would help me retort because he actually wrote: "Most dems don't want Biden to run and we didn't have to be in this spot. When I met Biden almost a year ago, all I could think was "please dont run again dude". I and most of TDS do not believe that Biden can beat Trump. So we're gonna critize the idea of him running again" This is from a producer at the show. I really want to chime in without calling him an asshole.

Robt said...

Happy Anniversary

There is a problem though. Before any further blogging or posting we need to have a evidentiary hearing. You know, like the Fanni Willis one.
Was BG blogging with DG to profit? Were they conspiring while cohabitating?
Was it Dutch treat when out together or was there pay to play?
Will need to have your divorce lawyers testify as well.
Was there any paying for cash and where did the cash come from?
This and then Judge Lose Cannon entertaining Trump filed request to postpone the trial until after he dies.

Or now, the Appeals court and perhaps the SCOTUS considering to take serious one of the most frivolous lawsuits of all time over Trump's life long immunity for anything and everything.

II am witnessing a wealthy man's justice system. Where the courts will entertain American people with the most ridiculous frivolous bullshit that any and all courts should just dismiss on the filing.

dinthebeast said...

The RNC doesn't have the kind of jack that Fergus needs now, but with any amount of luck, Lara and the wingnut will grift everything they do have away to pay for Fergus' legal bills and leave the senate races underfunded enough for some savvy Dem campaigning can hold that chamber.
There. That was an honest-to-gawd optimistic opening sentence.
Jon Stewart never really was on our side, and he made that clear repeatedly during his run at the helm of TDS. The things he is good at are still bearing fruit in other areas of the media in the form of his original crew and their current ventures.
Happy anniversary.
Briana got a call from her cousin Betty this week, and when Betty started talking about the new world order and the invasion from the southern border, I wanted to hurt someone. She's very religious and Briana reminded her about what the gospel says about the least of these. She'll never vote for Biden, but this is California and he'll win here anyway.
Thank you again for the podcast. More atmospheric rivers, but no more snow in the forecast, meaning the cat will complain but still be able to go outside to do his business.

-Doug in Sugar Pine