Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Endless Republican Pony Hunt of Mr. David Brooks

Republican horseshit.

Mountains of Republican horseshit.

And when you get to the top of the front range of the mountains Republican horseshit, you realize that, like the Rockies, the mountains of Republican horseshit go on and on, range after range.

And leaning from the balcony of his ivory tower that sits atop one of the mighty mountains of Republican horseshit, David Brooks looks upon the hundreds of miles of jagged peaks of poop that stretch all the way to the horizon, and is consumed with one thought:  "Out there, somewhere, must be the most awesome Republican pony that ever lived!"

This is from the PBS NewsHour yesterday.  I have highlighted the places where Brooks lets his fantasy Republican party and his fantasy Tim Scott completely off the leash.  

David Brooks:   The Republican Party obviously went in a very different direction. And now Tim Scott is adjusting to the winds. And so he's probably pro-Trump. He's probably a little anti-Nikki Haley. South Carolina politics is the roughest state politics in the country, in my opinion.  And so betrayal is nothing new. And so Scott and Haley have had a — not a great relationship, even though she appointed him.  And so it's — betrayal is the art form. And if Tim Scott becomes vice president, the vice presidential candidate, frankly, I'd be happy.


Brooks:   Tim Scott is a pretty good — he's a good senator. He's a good guy. He's a good human being. He would have a — if he was elected, he would have a moderating effect on the Trump administration.


Brooks:   And maybe someday there'd be a future President Tim Scott, which would be a lot better than what the Republicans are offering.

Even before he put the MAGA hanky on his head and did his little buck-and-wing dance endorsing Trump, Scott was very obviously not a good senator, a good guy or a good human being.  And now that he has sold off his soul at Huge!Markdown!Prices to Donald Trump, there is nothing redeeming left at all.  Just a husk of black skin Trump can put out there like a marionette in the hopes of coaxing a few more credulous dopes into thinking that he can make their lives better.  

And everyone knows it. Certainly Brooks knows it.  And after $75 of airport scotch, I'd lay odd that Brook could be provoked into saying so.

But not on PBS.  On PBS Brooks is paid to perform a very specific function, which he now carries out with all the enthusiasm of a goof from HR reading a clear-out-your-desk-we-wish-you-well-in-your-future-endeavors script for the 10th time, late on a Friday afternoon.  

It has been a strange and singular thing to see the ideological terrarium in which David Brooks operates getting smaller and and more suffocating with every passing month since the high cotton days of the Dubya administration.  To see all his political fantasies slowly dying of oxygen starvation until, at last, he is reduced to this state of nearly comatose political apathy.  Just ...saying...words.  Anything.   Anything.  Exhaling stale packing peanuts of time-worn syllables -- which everyone involved knows are nonsense -- just to fill the air.  

An empty, exhausted ritual,  performed in the name of a deity which everyone involved knows does not exist, but they plod on because no one knows any other way.  

And as long as Mr. Brooks has his New York Times credential, none of his other employers are going to reading him the clear-out-your-desk-we-wish-you-well-in-your-future-endeavors speech any time soon.  


I Am The Liberal Media


Jim from MN said...

"Exhaling stale packing peanuts of time-worn syllables -- which everyone involved knows are nonsense -- just to fill the air." Brilliant! Simply brilliant.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Hold it
A one, two, three

I-I-I-I-I David Brooks wants a pony
Well, you can celebrate anything you want
Yes, you can celebrate anything you want

I-I-I-I-I do a MTG hog
Well, you can penetrate any place you go
Yes, you can penetrate any place you go
I told you so, all I want is you!
Everything has got to be just like you want it to

I-I-I-I-I pick a MAGA
Well you can radiate everything you are
Yes, you can radiate everything you are