Monday, January 01, 2024

The Age of Persuasion is Over

It's been over for a long time now.

The zombie Right now exists in a continuous state of aggressively rejecting basic observable reality and the craven Center refuses to entertain the idea that Both Sides aren't equally terrible. 

It's still a free country and you are still free to spend your precious time and energy as you see fit, but I would humbly suggest you stop trying to persuade bigots and imbeciles that they should stop being bigots and imbeciles, because by thunder, it turns out they just fucking love being bigots and imbeciles.  Either that or they're grifters making a buck feeding poison to bigots and imbeciles.

And stop trying to persuade the congenital fence-straddlers and 3rd party twats that Republicans -- that whole fucking party, from top to bottom -- is, in fact, a lethal threat to democracy and Democrats just aren't.  This was obvious +30 years ago, and if they haven't figured it out by now, it means they've either made a religion out of being willfully obtuse...or they're grifters making a buck off of these credulous cowards.  

And, finally, in general, stop staring into the abyss and insisting that it should just stop being so abysmal.  If you want to put the word "should" to productive use, write alternate history science fiction.

If you enjoy preaching to the choir...or declaiming to an empty auditorium, great.  Have a blast.  There's an app that used to be called Twitter that is full of like-minded people.  It's mostly an overflowing toilet of fascism and Temu ads, but you might find some comfort there among people who spend a lot of time indulging in these verbal calisthenics.

But, at this moment in history, if you expect any material change to the world to come of it,  you are wasting your time.

Because however well intentioned this preaching to the choir...or declaiming to an empty auditorium may be, in the end, all of it is, to quote cap'n Mal, "...a long wait for a train don't come."

I Am The Liberal Media


SteveSteve said...

This is true.

Patrick Stoffel said...

The Vox news website has their "Future Perfect" 24 things they think will happen in 2024. The first one is 55% chance of Trump returning to the White House. The second is 85% chance the Republicans will retake the Senate. Either of those would be horrific. Both will be catastrophic. Happy Frick'en New Year.

dinthebeast said...

Digby posted a hit of optimism last night. Optimism is like any other drug: not everyone is up to the rigors of its use:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Steve in Manhattan said...

Remember when W's minion Karen Hughes was running around the Middle East trying to explain to gas station dictatorships how great democracy was? The dictators, rather predictably, decided that what they were doing was just fine thank you.

Robt said...

Blessed are those who take on anther year of not making the life's mistakes of Trump and MAGA. Well the entire GOP for that matter.
Indictment free, Insurrection free, free from donating to pay the self proclaimed billionaire Trump's debt and legal bills.
Although we haven't been free from his freedom of blaring Christmas tirades of hateful wishes to ranting of who he hates to have his Cult members perform threats and violence toward his proclaimed enemies for him.

There are many of folks that will live through this new year without cursing, blaming, threatening apolitical opponents when they get a flat tire on the way to work or they Seriously foul up on the job and get fired. Whatever it may be and it could be anu minor natural thing from ants finding your garbage can to it began raining as you left the store to get to your car. Someone bad and evil did that to you. There are plenty of noises broadcasted to instruct the Cult membership, pointing them in the Right wing direction of who to blame. Of course, once they blame. Guilt is predetermined which leaves punishment and for them. They are all the hangman by decree.

What amazes me is how many zombies of the GOP base desperately want to tell me al about their conspiracies and previsioned history. How a voice for the TV box (not a burning bush) came and spoke to them. Blessing them with sight and vision none of mankind has ever possessed.
They do like to attempt to covert others. Must be hard to justify themselves and it must be lonely in that mentally depraved hole they dug which they now cannot get out of even when a rope ladder is dropped down for them.

But this is more about the rest of humanity who now must tolerate it al and do it with a means of keeping restraint and sanity.
Some day another one of the MAGA cult will find himself not playing Star Trek to be the Clingon that , "disagrees with the Trump rudeness but loves his policies". Policies they can never seem to define explain or point to as accomplished and how it did not fail.
Like economic policy of a China Trade War which He lost for America. And how it cost )last I seen), approx. $34 billion of good old socialized bail out with tax payer money to the farmer and AG related.
What a great policy.

Yes, A new year of promises of repeal and Replace without a replacement for the ACA.
To vote for retribution of those who poke Trump's false pride.
How he chose himself to be the chosen one and paid some schmuck to second the motion. And somehow this really makes America great and our lives better.

More secular affairs out of his wedlock between to consenting country leaders (Trump and Putin sitting in a tree K-i-s-s-i-n-g). Love letter with Kim Jong Un and Donny. And the China leader Xi who he accused of hacking our election, wile return to MAGA Lago for the best chocolate cake. And again, America becomes great when Xi eats chocolate cake~!

Again Trump's trickle once more down to us to live luxuriously from t. Just like we became great again when the Hookers trickled down on the hotel bed for Trump to amuse himself with.

Remember how great we became from these policies?

When I hear them stop stoking the Trump policy knob and admitting they were failed. Then they cn call themselves , NEBER TRUMPERS". Not until .

Anonymous said...

Note to self: nice post;
File under "Note to self"

Aerschig said...

OK, you've said what you think is useless for people to do. What do you think they should do?

Green Eagle said...

Amen, brother. I've pretty much given up posting anything on my own little blog after 15 years or so, and over 5,000 posts. I used to feel, like you, that I had something to say that people needed to hear, but now, every decent human in the country knows exactly what is going on, and the rest have just had their brains polluted to the point that they are unreachable. I frequently try writing new posts, but I generally just give up because I have lost faith that any reasonable argument or discussion of the facts can change anyone's opinion any more. And I do not see any solution to this problem. I've been saying for some years now that, with all the abominations perpetrated on the country by the Republican party, nothing equals their developing a mechanism to permanently destroy the thinking capacity of their followers, leaving this residue of tens of millions of brain-dead suckers who will never change until the day they die. A pessimistic way to start the new year, but there it is.