Sunday, January 07, 2024

Sunday Morning Comin' Down


I am currently working on an algorithm that will go through 18 years of my posts about Meet The Press and just swap in the name "Kristen Welker" for "Chuck Todd" and "David Gregory" and Iraq War-era "Tim Russert", and the post them as new.

It would save me all kinds of time and energy, and at this point it is so very clear that our political media does not give the tiniest shit about journalism and is completely immune to criticism -- and that Republican politicians know that and therefor feel free to lie with impunity -- that at this point all media criticism is doing is documenting the atrocities (as we used to say back in the day) for the benefit of some theoretical future historians who may be interested in how things in the United State in the here-and-now got so fuck up when everyone involved knew exactly what was broken and why, but those with the megaphones refused to speak that truth out loud.  

Today was also "Give a Lying Republican Sack of Shit Some Airtime" day at CNN as well, so...

Meanwhile, over on PBS on Friday, Mr. David Brooks of The New York Times was rooting for a 9-0 Supreme Court decision throwing out the Colorado 14th amendment case against Donald Trump.  

Mr. Brooks allowed as how he is "not a legal scholar" and therefore has no fucking idea about the merits of the case, but as a man with his finger firmly on the pulse of what the elite coastal .00003% of America who ride in the Acela Corridor quiet car with him whenever he has to commute to and from his wealthy suburban enclave, Mr. Brooks is certain of a few things:  

Brooks:  A lot of Americans have no faith in any of our systems. A lot of Americans have no faith in the other half of the country. And so we're in danger, in my view, of coming apart at the seams, of really entering a terrible era of violence even, political violence.

And so, in my view, if some lawyers took Donald Trump off the ballot, half the country would say, that's it. We're done here. This is a totally rotten system...

Yes, Brooks really is arguing that the traitors and morons of the Republican party -- who already overwhelmingly believe the lie that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election -- are in danger of losing faith in American democracy if the constitution under which American democracy operates were actually enforced.  

And so, as has been true of Brooks' advice for the past 30 years, whenever the sane, Democratic majority is confronted with the deranged demands of a violent, racist Republican minority, the only sensible thing for Democrats to do is...capitulate to the mob and give 'em whatever they want.

Brooks:  So I'm hoping the Supreme Court will not uphold Colorado, but let the voters decide. In my view, we have to let the voters handle this one...

And so how does the Supreme Court handle this? If it becomes a partisan decision, then their part — then their — the legitimacy of the Supreme Court is even more in trouble.

Notice that for Brooks, the only acceptable and legitimate non-partisan solution to this issue would be a unanimous or near-unanimous decision in favor of Donald Trump and the deranged GOP.  Not for, y'know' "legal" or "constitutionally supportable" reasons, but because only by giving the Trump and his mob what they want -- only by appeasing the fascists -- does Brooks believe the court's plummeting legitimacy can be checked. 

Brooks:  So I'm hoping and expecting that John Roberts is going to work super hard to make this 9-0 or 7-2 or something like that, and maybe, if not restore some legitimacy, at least not have a legitimacy freefall, which I think is what we're looking at.

The Alert Reader will note that Brooks never bothers to mention why the court's legitimacy is at an all-time low.  Nowhere is Clarence Thomas' open, two-fisted corruption mentioned.  Or Thomas' wife's chin-deep involvement in Trump's attempted coup.  Or the theft of the Garland seat from Obama.  Or the packing of the count with perjurous Federalist Society hacks by Trump and McConnell.  Or the overturning of Roe.   Or, or, or...

Republicans have been gut-shooting the legitimacy of the Supreme Court and the lower courts for decades, but Brooks couldn't navigate himself to this obvious fact with a team of Siri, a sextant and a dozen Sherpa guides. Instead, hacks like Brooks treat all Republican atrocities like miserable weather: it can't be stopped, no one is to blame, and the best we can do is accommodate ourselves to it.  

But the real daisy here was Jonathan Capehart, from whom I expect very little during these PSB puppet shows, and who always delivers exactly what I expect.  

Having watched the combo of "Brooks and..." off and on for decades now, the PBS in-house rules are clearly "No disagreeable disagreements" and "No calling David Brooks either stupid or a liar or a stupid liar", all of which gives Brooks an enormous amount of room in which to operate.  

And Carpehart, who obviously wants to keep this very respectable PBS gig, never crosses those lines.  And thanks to a bit of awkward stage management, the moderator carefully steered Capehart around the necessity of directly addressing any of the ridiculous bunkum that Brooks had just laid out by instead reading aloud from a statement from a Trump PR flak::

Amna Nawaz:  Well, I want to read to you part of a statement we have just gotten from the Trump campaign and, Jonathan, get your reaction to what David just said and to this.

They say in a statement from Steven Cheung, Mr. Trump's spokesman: "We welcome a fair hearing at the Supreme Court." They argue this is a bad faith election interfering, voter suppressing argument to remove him from the ballot. I'm paraphrasing here.people had said...

And Capehart stuck to that and only that and let Brooks' garbage scow of rationalizations float right past uncommented upon.

Huh.  Well I guess nothing Brooks said could be that objectionable or Carehart would have, y'know, objected, right?

And yet, just hours later at his other gig -- his MSNBC gig -- Capehart and congressman Jamie Raskin had all kinds of spicy stuff to say about the clarity of the plain test of the constitution, the severe credibility problems under which the Supreme Court operated thanks entirely to Republican perfidy, the ridiculousness of the arguments that Trump's attorneys were advancing, and so on.  

And yet, just hours earlier, under the glare of the PBS lights, Capehart could not summon a single syllable of his obviously well-formed opinions to object to Mr. David Brooks' flotilla of bullshit.

And why?

Because it's all just a show.  

Because of the ground rules of the two different puppet shows he appeared on just hours apart.

And because ... money.  Always money.

Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

Not a lot of the polling is worth much when GOP/Trump are driving it with money and their media. It is why Biden foes his own internal polling.
Too many MAGA cultists who will say anything to polling and of course a lot of it has to do with the wording f the poll questions.

If Trump makes it to the election day without prison. If he fails to win election. He is going to shed art of the big cry tears. It is why he is spoofing polls and media runs amok with it.
Think? If Donny loses. What does Stefanik do. Where does MAGA go ? Who do they anoint as cult leader, Nikki? Vivek? Antler horn insurrectionist guy?
They aren't going to raise Q to sainthood. For one, if Q was so awesome he would not have needed Trump. But hey, I sense a Donny loss fills up the mental hospitals. Mass shootings at GOP fund raisers.. Stefanik will deny she was a Trump cultist three times before the cock crows.

The GOP should realize by now, When Trump goes not even Jim Jordan or Mike Johnson are MAGA enough. MAGA on their own will have difficulty finding a new cult leader like Trump.
With his hypnotizing according hands movement as he mesmerizes then along with his dementia special words that form no sentences.

Without a path forward. Even Haley's comet has a flight path.

I hope folks grasp that just voting NO on Trump is not enough. Voting out as man of the MAFA GOP in house and senate is just as impotent. It is one of my problems with never Trumper GOPers. They will vote Lying Ted, Suck up Lindsey and voted out is a lesson they will relish what is left of their miserable lives.
Most of all, it will stun the GOP billionaire donor class. Leave then confused of who and what to fund to undermine America.

You see there are many different shaped and colored assholes. Trump is the only orang asshole that makes him special to MAGA.

My opinion, MAGA is not reprogrammable t for the GOP to rebrand.

The not so dark side is with a Trump loss and a GOP senate and house..

For Stefonik, instead of wearing the Scarlet A. She can bear the Big Scarlet : for loser.

Robt said...


FTER 4 UEARS OF BEING TRUMP'S VP (FIRST APOSTLE ) AND ALL THAT LAYING ON OF HANDS. The race among Trump's inner circle to be the John the Baptist of our day prophet ing of the chosen on is coming.

What I haven't heard from Pence is that he has been vigilantly praying over Trump..
Does he ask his God to make sure Trump loses the election or does Pence believe he must make a tax dollar holy sacrifice and pass tax cuts for the wealthy to make it happen?
I know you said it is the silly time and it will be "lit". It just seems like Trump in the news hasn't waned since he left office. Which tells me even if he loses this election with or without prison. He will exit in media like a airwave cancer.

SteveSteve said...

Let's just end these shows. They have no audience outside the Beltway.

Dave McCarthy said...

Hmmmmm....This "let the voters decide" sounds familiar...

Oh yeah, THAT was the argument against impeaching trump!

THEN, when the voters CLEARLY decided, the GOP all said it was rigged and stolen!

But chances are that won't happen again, right Mr.Brooks?

Jon Sitzman said...

Peripherally related to article content, but worth a look IMO.

Very good Digby article: There Is More Than A Dime’s Worth Of Difference

I talk too much anyway, so I'd struggle to capsulize the import of this good writing (some of which is from Paul Krugman). Instead let me share the last two PPs:

>>> This does not surprise me in the least, neither does it surprise me that the media is happy to elide this distinction and pass on the gloom and doom as if it represents the whole country. Pundits commonly casually assert that both parties are equally partisan when it comes to objective assessments of the economy and other issues and it just is not true.

MAGA is dragging down the numbers because they worship Donald Trump and he lost. That’s what this is. And it really shouldn’t take a genius economist to say it.

If I may also quote myself from earlier today, replying to a Steve M post on NoMo:

>>> Respectfully disagree. The MSM would be abso-fuckin'-lutely delighted with a second Trump term, for the reason so aptly cited by Les Moonves. I firmly believe they'd prefer Trump over Haley for a similar reason: actual governing is BO-RING. It's finding common ground, working out how to do the most good while causing the least harm, exploring the Byzantine paths money carves through American politics, and generally just "making sausage" as goes the old saying. It's incredibly important for, you know, the future of this Dogforsaken nation, but it's terrible for clicks/eyeballs/dollars, which the media care about far more than a healthy USA.

Bear in mind, I also firmly believe the media barons see themselves as completely immune to consequence. If they contribute to the dissolution of the US as a functioning polity, if they watch this country effectively (and perhaps truly) become balkanized on their watch - oh well. They just want to sell papers to whoever's left. They don't care one whit about the average American citizen outside their little privilege bubble.

So yeah, no. The MSM (or at least its owners) absolutely want Trump to win again. Shit, how about we go ask Matthias Dopfner. He was quite vocal on the subject, as I recall (got mighty quiet about it after getting caught, though).

Thanks for all you do. Please keep doing it.