Sunday, August 13, 2023

UPDATED: Sunday Morning Comin' Down: How Long Has This Been Going On?

UPDATE:  Thank you all for the guesses.  No, I didn't write this in the 1980s or 1990s, because while I did think such things and say such things, blogging didn't exist then.  Nor did I write this in 2001 - 2003 because I didn't start blogging until early 2005, which is when I did blog this:  October 25, 2005.  

18 years ago.  

In lieu of an umpteenth vivisection of the Sunday Shows to reveal how godawful they are --

-- and how godawful they have always been, today -- if you're up for it -- a little one-question quiz the likes of which I guarantee you will never see in The New York Times.  



If I told you I had written the following...

This morning, rolling along... full of dying flu virus, I almost felt the meekest, most theoretical peek of pity for the poor Moderate Republican coming on.

Not, of course, the Fundy CHUDS who shame the good name of Christ with every breath they draw.

Not the three-toed, chittering Failed Men who make up the vast George Wallace wing of that Party...

But for the Mods...[because in  a few] short years, the Moderates have lived to become everything they detest. Every word of clucking reproach they yelped in snickering glee during the [previous Democratic administration] has gotten caught up in the [following Republican administration] Treason Cyclotron, sped up to light-speed, and is now coming screaming back at them like a sack of radioactive axe-heads.

Their worst nightmare is in the process of coming true, big as a mountain in stilettos, carrying a sledgehammer in one hand and a 40-foot-long straight razor in the other, and there is not shit all they can do about it. Because everything they believed or touted or crowed about or tried to rub in our faces is in the process of coming down around their ears.

Every. Single. Thing.

...and this...

The leaders who swore to them it was all holy and justified ... are outed as a Confederacy of traitors and liars and fools. 

Their pet media, nothing but perambulating pustules, refilled with hate and mendacity every night by White House messengers.

That they have never been anything to the GOP but chumps: little sacs of cash and votes and “mandate” to be squeezed dry with impunity, because Moderates are basically beat-down whores who will always go wriggling back to their abusers.

But now it’s not one thing that’s melting down; it’s everything. The serial cons that have kept the grubby Mods goggle-eyed and heroin-loyal are all falling apart simultaneously and there’s nothing but decibels left in the Shiny Object Bag to keep them from noticing the awful truth.

That their Leaders are traitors.

Their heroes are liars.

Their dogma is a joke.

Their President is a feeble-minded creep who has fucked up everything he has ever touched.

It’s as if their mothers suddenly ripped of rubber masks and have shown themselves to be the spree killers they’ve always been.

...and this...

How terrifying that must be. I mean, I’m wrong about a lot of stuff...but everything?

Every God Damned Thing?

And worse – so very much worse – not only were they utterly wrong about everyfuckingthing, but the Evil Liberals were right all along.

The big picture. The fussy details. The arithmetic. The real, racist heart of the GOP. The various myriad, casual betrayals by the ... White House.

All of it.

The Liberals were right, and the Moderates had been given no fewer than 30 years of warning that this is precisely where their idiocy would land us.

I can’t even imagine how it must feel to know at some level that your whole world is a farce, and your whole belief system is a Ponzi Scheme run on you by thugs who never gave a shit about you, or your family or your dearest peon dreams.

... after counting the tree rings,  and checking the carbon dating, when - within a year or two -- would you guess I had written it?

Answer in comments or on Twitter or wherever.    And then meditate on why our Never Trump allies really, really don't want to hear a mumbling word from us Dirty Disreputables of the Left.  

I Am The Liberal Media


XtopherSD said...

Early Bush years.
Later Bush years.
Trump term.
I'm not enough of a Driftglassologist for precise dating.

Bruce.desertrat said...

I'm gonna say the Shrub Kukistocracy, only because you weren't blogging during the Reagan and Nixon years...

duquesne_pdx said...


Er um 😐 said...

Newt Gingrich era?

Robt said...

I haven't figured out exactly who Choy is competing with over at the FOX or the FOX-Max.

Batiromo? Ingraham? Doochie? Aon of Doovhie?

Chucky, At a time of so many real and actual issues that are reaching critical stages that will harmfully effect Americans. You are spending valuable air time on paparazzi starve shark tank viewing oblivious .

Why is it issues as, a SCOTUS majority that has been contracted to the billionaire funded Federalist Society and are simply implements to assert what these wealthy few pay for. I guess the Fed.. Society bid was higher than China's or Putin's.
That the GOP received payment to the Fed. Society to impose their agenda and to provide Lega protections from their corruption and illegal activities For how much of a donation to the GOP for their reelection and to a;;ow all the voter suppression required for the GOP to attain and retain power.

And Chucky, Rep Comer is doing all that in congress which you do on air and understand.
Hinter Biden is not elected to anything and is not a candidate for anything. I will not be voting for Hunter Biden not even as a write in.
Hunter Biden can pay a prostitute and have sex while snorting Coke on top Of Hillary's Emails and Hilary's testimony over Benghazi and still, he won't be worse than Trump the MAGA and Trump family's offenses that doesn't seem to cause you any pause at all.

Again, you post another example why I do not waste time watching such nonsense that gets me to the bridge to nowhere.

Fact is, Chucky should title his show,
bridge to nowhere. Cure for nothing. Along that line.

Anonymous said...

when the neocon dream went on full display as the fraud it always was

Julie said...

I'll guess 2003.

wibble said...

I'd date it to the second term of C-Plus Augustus (h/t to C. Pierce).

marshwren said...

As someone old enough to remember such things, the Left has been warning centrists about the Right for the past 60 years. And it stretches decades and centuries further back than that. But for present purposes, I'll take "Goldwater" for $400, Alex...

Jon Sitzman said...

My guess is you wrote this between 2008 and 2012.

As to the show segment - look, this is why Mr. Todd's threadbare defense that "if you bark back, they never come on your show again," is obvious bullshit. This isn't just letting Republicans lie; this is doing their lying for them.

Todd knows the lies are lies; he's not stupid. He knows he's carrying water for one of the sides (though he'd surely deny it with some pretzel logic defense).

All the denials and weasel words are meaningless. The MSM is, by and large, in the tank for the GOP. This is why I try to encourage folks to drop their NYT and WaPo subscriptions. Good crossword puzzles, Wordle, and recipes aren't worth it. The good reporting that comes out of other parts of those publications isn't worth it. So long as the editorial boards can report consistent profits, they'll keep platforming deceit and propaganda.

Hope y'all had a good weekend in Driftlandia. Stay safe.

ToddBC said...

From the archives of Steve Gilliard's site?

meremark said...

BENGHAZI! Mission all-falsies. Fucķed ewes.