Monday, August 14, 2023

Stay Off My Corner, Mona Charen

So last week Mona Charen decided it would be fun to critique a David Brooks column.   

Without consulting me, or availing herself of my 18.5 years of experience in the field.

And after her column started with this promise -- 

Trump Supporters Are Responsible for Their Choices
On David Brooks’s attempt to get inside the MAGA mind.

-- I found out why.

You were aware that our new "allies", really despise us, right?  Remember Winston Churchill's definition of a fanatic? Someone  "who can't change his mind and won't change the subject”?  It's like that.

Hardcore Cons like Charen have spent their entire adult lives professionally despising us.   The subject line of everything they wrote and every speech they gave was basically "Dirty hippie libertines are responsible for every bad thing in the world"

Which made their grudging, seething, forced-march out ot the Party of St. Reagan especially galling.  Turns out, the crazy was coming from inside the house all along.

It also initially made their involuntary career change pretty awkward.  They had to stop typing "Dirty hippie libertines are responsible for every bad thing in the world" and start typing "Donald Trump and virtually every Republican I have ever known and respected turned out of be either fascists or really, really cool with accommodating fascist and dirty hippie libertines are still responsible for almost every bad thing in the world, also too". 

And while you can practically hear the lays of enamel being sheared off their molars every time they are required to talk about the state of their recently-former party, you can also feel their palpable sense of relief whenever the opportunity to get back behind that old, familiar Weekly Standard-era mule, and plow a few more furrows in their beloved "Dirty hippie libertines..." south 40.

Charen engages with Brooks as if they're two old gossip mongers at the backyard fence, spreading third-hand rumors that clearly comfort them about what those awful "progressives" are up to.

Here's a sample. 
BROOKS, STILL SEEKING to describe the worldview of Trump-supporting populists, does have a fair point when he takes progressives to task for wielding what used to be called politically correct language as a weapon. They keep changing the names of things to demonstrate their bona fides. Brooks notes that elites know all the correct terminology, while “members of the less-educated classes have to walk on eggshells because they never know when we’ve changed the usage rules so that something that was sayable five years ago now gets you fired.” A recent example of this language switching is driving me crazy. Have you noticed that progressives now say “unhoused” instead of homeless? If there is any earthly reason for the change, I cannot detect it. It’s virtue signaling. I doubt if using the old term would get you fired, but it’s a thrown elbow by the cognoscenti.

By my count the "latinx" thing has come up about three million times on Charen's Bulwark podcast.  Really bugs the fuck out of her -- a resentment which she IMAX's all over "members of the less-educated classes."  But if Brooks knows five actual "members of the less-educated classes" to whom this actually happened, I'll eat my hat.  If Charen knows three such creatures, I'll eat my shoes for dessert.  

And as I have noted elsewhere, how is it that using "latinx" instead of "hispanic" is such a wild hair up these mope's collective asses, but using "low-information voter" instead of the more accurate "redneck moron" doesn't' bother then at all?

Charen does pick some medium-sized nits over the sweep of Brooks' claims and the weakness of any data he purports to have to back up any of those claims, but still thinks the whole masturbatory idea of the "elites" like you and me being responsible for the rise of Trump to be a useful exercise

Brooks writes that most people in elite circles think of themselves as the forces of “progress and enlightenment” while viewing Trump fans as “reactionary bigots and authoritarians.” Perhaps to play Devil’s advocate, Brooks offers an alternative view. I think it’s a useful exercise even if some of Brooks’s arguments got my back up! 
In this alternative view, the “anti-Trumpers,” he writes, are actually the bad guys who, through selfishness and arrogance, made Trump inevitable. Brooks employs “we” when discussing anti-Trumpers, though the origin of his critique stretches back to what at the time were called “limousine liberals.”

Charen even sneaks in a quote by the Right's favorite amatuer phrenologist, Charles Murry, because these people cannot help themselves.
There is, of course, zero mentions of the vast and staggeringly well-funded Conservative media machine which has spent +30 years honing Republican voter rage, racism and paranoia to the point where it can  split atoms or overthrow governments.  Nor is there any mention that both Charen and Brooks spent their entire professional lives serving that machine and breezily lying to the general public about the white supremacist madness that was roiling just below the surface of their Party of Personal Responsibility.

And in the end, Charen returns to the safe harbor of the Biggest Lie of All.  The one that shelters and sustains her and Brooks and hundreds of other professional Havers of Terrible Opinions.

See if you can spot it!

It is wrong to lay all of the resentments and grievances of non-elites at the feet of progressive elites, but Brooks seems to be doing so to prod those on the left to reflect a bit more on their own role in our polarized culture. Both sides would profit from that. Contempt is a two-way street. Manhattanites may disdain conservatives in “flyover country,” but the good ol’ boys of Arkansas aren’t exactly overflowing with admiration and appreciation for liberals, either. 

And once again, just like *that*, the entire Obama administration and its eight-year exercise in trying to do all the things Charen and Brooks swear progressives never do just...vanishes.  

Why Does David Brooks Still Have A Fucking Job?


Robt said...

For the record as humorous as it may be to see Mona citing Brooks like Niki Haley cites Trump. Well, it causes a tickle in the nose making you feel the onset of a sneeze.

Brooks or Mona attempts to evaluate MAGA inner most thoughts is no different than panning for Gold in your toilet.

Why they do not ask all the brain washing republican propagandists that has fed this zombie horde all these years?

Thing is, MAGA does not read Brooks nor Mona. Hell, Trump doesn't read them either.

I am surprised Mona read Brooks to comment on him!
No secret here, I do not read them. They are shallow words written in shallow waters. I could read their title of their article and grasp the same old pulling gum of the bottom of their shoe and then stepping in dog shit.

When it comes to hate and needing enemies to have reason to live their lives. They even loathe and hate on their own base.

Which tells you what we knew all along. They do not represent people, it is all about the wealthy and their chosen circle's of superior race who has only one ideal . That ideals to have all the power for themselves.

Mona and Brooks are profiteers off this and surrenders their own moral standards in their own lives to this agenda. When they do not believe in the issue, they cave and pretend they do. Forcing their ass to behave as expected until their mind accepts what they become.

Mona and Brooks cannot accept the hard truth. The GOP has moved on and it's base is nothing that resembles what they claim today.
They are like the moderate republicans that were purged from the congress.
They are what Sen Lying Ted Cruz calls, "Squishes".

Squishes that want to be part of the financial funding of the GOP to Prosper for themselves and pretend they still remain a true republican today. Which is the GOP MAGA base.
It is now who they identify with.

JHB said...

Charen can't detect "any earthly reason for the change" in language usage beyond reflexive liberal-blaming because she's a coprolite.

On all sorts of social media, things that were "sayable five years ago" get you demonetized. So other words and phrases that don't trigger the algorithms emerge. It's the free market in action, Mona, just like you ordered.

But at least the ghosts of Rockefeller Republicans can have the last laugh as your hell-spawn treats you the way you treated them.

Robt said...

You know what in the media is tiresome and boring?

Republican host interviews republican guest and trash Dems or anyone.

Media show hosts interviewing other fellow show hosts and discuss how we need to be concerned about the republican voters. What are they thinking? Why are they so angry?
Who made them angry. why don't liberals and democrats take more time to meet and understand the republicans that are so angry and compromise with them.. Why?

Normally the orange bore shedding his macho tears and mean words about those legal authorities indicting him.

But I tend to find it acceptable that our legal system had the orange guy fearing an orange jumpsuit. Fearing it enough to cru out to his MAGA, the big bad dude, the Chosen one, the greatest businessman in the universe, the greatest republican ever in our solar system. The deal maker who paid to have written his book, "art of the deal", (cannot make a deal.

So I can endure the sniveling of a weak man who can't handle a witch hunt or stop one. Who is all so strong and tough, he whines to his cult followers that cannot think for themselves and find themselves crying for their sniveling leader.

It is a soothing sort of sound. Not quite the ocean waves sound to fall to sleep by.
If Karma could make a sound that only those who for so long has deserved and earned to her it that sound to ease and soothe the wearing soul after witnessing all the horrors from a man who Karma was made for.

Frank Wilhoit said...

Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.

Fisking Brooks, as I have consistently pointed out, is a mistake. As they say about mud-wrestling a pig, it wastes your time and it makes Brooks look (and imagine himself) more important than he is.