Monday, August 07, 2023

It's The "Jeb!" That Makes It Art


From the Florida Phoenix:

Jeb Bush, Newt Gingrich to serve as part of U.S. Sen. Rick Scott’s reelection finance committee

As part of his efforts to get reelected to the U.S. Senate next year, Republican Rick Scott unveiled his National Finance Committee Wednesday, featuring a number of current and former GOP lawmakers such as Jeb Bush and Newt Gingrich.

(Jeb Bush is a former Florida governor; Gingrich is a former U.S. House Speaker.)

Other prominent Republicans serving as Scott’s “honorary” finance co-chairs include current U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio, Utah’s Mike Lee and Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson. Former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry fill out that list.

In a press release, Scott said that he is the top enemy of national Democrats going into this election cycle...

Rubio is just another dead fish floating on the boiling political currents of  the Florida GOP.

Mike Lee is a lunatic.

Johnson is a Putin FleshLight and worse than Lee.

Jindal is a splinter of old wannabe presidential timber that was left out in the elements for far too long.

Gingrich was Trump 1.0.

Rick Perry is at least three terrible things but I can only remember two of them.

But Jeb?  Hasn't the "Bush" name been sullied enough to shame the next ten generations already?

Burn The Lifeboats


bowtiejack said...


Neo Tuxedo said...

"Please collapse."

Kasteel said...

Love the "Putin's FleshLight" image.

Fritz Strand said...

At least he is incompetent and should not, like his promoters, do massive harm.

Kelly in Texas said...

Perry is a know secessionist if that's one you forgot. When he was our governor he threatened to pull out of the Union. Again.

Robt said...

Just wait...

It is going to be Herman Cain.

Hold on to your wallet, it is going to be Rubio.

A Turd blossom, like a Rose blossom, have stems with many thorns

Each and every thorn has a prick just for you.