Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Ep 736 No Fair Remembering Stuff Podcast: Whoops, Fani Willis

"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.  -- Douglas Adams


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Jon Sitzman said...

"... and thank you so much for doin' that. We love ya."

We love y'all too, DG and GB.

The only thing I wish is that there had been more of this cast, though I understand why there wasn't. Still, wonderful work and good to hear.

Stay safe and thanks for all you do.

Robt said...

Remember how Nixon resigned and Ford stepped in and pardoned him to bring the country together and heal.

Later Nixon interview, he answers the big pointed question .

Illegal? "Well when the president does it, it makes it legal".

And America has not been healed or together since.

There has been lots of people that go to jail and lose their rights to have a gun and such other things. The media has been very concerned if Trump is convicted he can;t be put in jail because he has a security detail.
But like a citizen losing his rights like not owning a gun. Trump should lose his security detail and the jail guards can provide his protection like others.
Recall Trump ordered Brennen to be fired before he could retire so he would lose his retirement. He had to sue to get it.

Then there is the hype of moving Trump's curt cases out of those "Dep State areas" where he cannot get a fair trial.

Perhaps they would like Trump to move his trials to %the
avenue in broad daylight . Where he told us he could shoot someone and get away with-it.

Personally, I think AG Garland should had named at least 5 Special councils. To investigate and prosecute sectioned off pieces of the Crime pie. Each prosecutor gets a slice of the Crime pie.

And any judge could hold Trump in contempt and revoke his out on bail.
Even if it was for two days bind bars in jump suit and dining on the fancy cosine offered at the jail. Let him spend some time recording another "Whoa is me" song with his fellow inmates. Like the song he recorded with the J6 convicts.

It would be like the Elvis jail House Rock but with Goldfinger playing the role of Elvis.

About that media notion that if Trump gets elected President he will pardon himself. I imagine the contracted out SCOTUS majority would then hear the case ad rule for the GOP.
Thing is, remember, Nixon resigned. Sure they made the deal with Ford to pardon him. But Nixon did not pardon himself.

Can Trump actually be put behind bars. If he can't or the judges won't then Biden should go deep state all over the place for their is nothing to stop him. If Congress was to impeach him, he could just sign a over riding presidential ordr superseding congress to stay in efface.

Rebecca Clayton said...

Can we see the spreadsheet? Please?