Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Ep 734 No Fair Remembering Stuff Podcast: Matthew Dowd is a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

"If you tell the truth, it becomes a part of your past.  If you tell a lie, it becomes a part of your future.  -- Author Unknown


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1 comment:

Jon Sitzman said...

Good morning, DG and BG!

To your point regarding Mr. Dowd making YOU, DG, personally a strawman for "Democrats," I like to hope that maybe you underestimate your own reach.

It sucks that you and BG haven't been able to break into mainstream media circles. The transparent, risible excuse that you're "too shrill" and use swear words (quelle horreur!) doesn't even count as a fig leaf. The message - that the overwhelming majority of the MSM is complicit in conservative Republican (and Libertarian) wholesale destruction of American democracy - is what they absolutely refuse to ever give any air.

But we listeners - look, we do try to share the message, and even speak out (with some anger), sometimes. "Both Sides DON'T" is a semi-common refrain because people (us) do listen, and do talk about your podcasts. We're in comment sections if we can be, pushing back on the bullshit.

All this to say, Mr. Dowd might be complaining not just about YOU, personally, but about the fact that thanks to your work and its audience, he doesn't get the Scot-free pass to reinvent his past whenever he wants (i.e. when he needs a new source for his paychecks).

I may be out on a limb. I might be overstating. I don't think I am. Much as I love y'all, do know that you're not the only liberal voices decrying the BothSides™ BS. DailyKos, DemU, NoMo, Digby... I could go on.

The point is, I think the word really is spreading. Distrust in national-level MSM does seem to be growing (among conservatives too, if for bad reasons).

So you might not be the only reason Mr. Dowd likes to complain that Democrats won't let him have a clean slate for the asking. Your shadow (and that of other liberal outlets) may be getting longer.

A lot of this is me smoking hope. But dammit, give me another toke.

Keep doing what you're doing, y'all. Thank you.