Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Chris Christie: More Political Pornhub for Elite Pundits

 At the risk of being hauled up in front of a Blogger ethics panel on charges of pedantry, I will now repeat a snip of something I wrote back on November 4, 2020:

...outside of the tiny circle of Never Trump Republicans who seem to exist almost entirely on teevee and Twitter -- surprise! -- neither the tens of millions of dollars that credulous Liberals poured into the Lincoln Project nor the Liberal Political PornHub videos they cranked out budged even a fraction of the Republican base one inch. 

In fact, after four years of mayhem and madness, Republican support for Trump actually deepened, widened and hardened this time around.  From Brother Charlie Pierce:

He Got More Votes Than Last Time

Almost half of the country looked at the way Donald Trump has functioned as president since 2017 and said, definitively, that they wanted four more years of it. We are who he thinks we are—a huge proportion of us, anyway.

So how the hell did that happen?

Well, I'll tell you, but first allow me just a moment to bathe in the dark hilarity of me --  a dirty, disreputable Libtard blogger nobody -- having to once again explain to Republican political professionals how their fucking party actually works.   A party which they made their first fortunes building, and are making their second fortunes bitching about.    

So let's start with a term I coined and have been using for long time now to describe the Republican base.  "Reprogrammable meatbags" -- A term which which I have been told many times sounds too harsh, but is simply the literal truth.  After all, we are all bags of meat.  And as to the other thing, indulge me a quick story which I've told once or twice on The Professional Left podcast.

And then I told the story,  but that's not why I'm reposting this today.

I'm reposting this to go on the record for the 5th or 6th time this year about one of Trump's earliest and most reliable load-bearing stooges, Chris Christie, who Very Many Liberals and Never Trumpers are now falling all over themselves to applaud for "taking on Trump" in ways that no one else is doing.

And it's true that he's making a big splash all over the various media outlets which [checks notes] Republican voters never watch, never read and are pretty sure are run by commie pedophiles. 


Nonetheless, all the Very Serious People got very excited by all of this, and are presumably holding themselves is a state of tantric pundit ecstasy by very carefully ignoring the one very inconvenient fact about Christie's campaign that I may be literally the only person out there talking about.  That for every right-handed haymaker Christie throws at Trump, there is also a left hook aimed at Biden, for whom Christie has repeatedly said he would never vote because Biden is apparently a doddering commie under the sway of the "extreme left".

But it doesn't matter if he's shitting down our Liberal necks while he pisses on Trump because -- wheee! -- at least he's pissing on Trump.

For fuck's sake people, have a little pride.  And quit mistaking political PornHub featurettes created to make Liberal ganglia twitch and Liberal wallets open for an actual strategy that doesn't involve a gratuitous teardown of Joe Biden -- only candidate who, in the end, has any chance of keeping Donald Trump the hell out of the White House. 

[Note: All the usual caveats about Trump dropping dead, fleeing the country or landing in prison apply.]

I Am The Liberal Media


commchf said...

Trying to make a donation but am told I have to login and then told I can't login.

Anonymous said...

As soon as Christie can get republicans to laugh at dumpf, it's all over for the tubby orange rapist.

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

Maybe Mr. Christie, Ms. Coulter, the Never-Trumpers, etc. should team up to form the Suicide Squad***.

Best to you and your loved ones.

***For the record, NOT an endorsement of them killing themselves. It's just a reference to them being useful villain(esse)s looking for a quicker ticket to being members of ordinary civilization

Robt said...

With Christie, it is difficult to het past his immoral actions as Governor.

It is even tougher to accept even when and if he speaks truth. To take him credibly.

Christie is the same guy who saw Trump settle his Fraud University.
Christie watched Saw Trump pay a porn star for sex while his 3rd wife was nursing his newly born child.

Christie was aware Trump ordered Michael Cohen to be put back in hail for promoting a book he wrote about Trump and the judge had to overturn the president and the U.A. A.G Barr.
Christie was as aware as I, that Trump was found guilty for stealing from a Kids Cancer Charity he operated and stole money from. Stole money for kids with cancer to get treatment.
And Christie was good with it because he thought their was something in it for him to be zip lips for Trump.

Will we hear Christie condemning Trump for his law breaking and how he (Christie) supported Trump's criminal activity and promoted him and tell us how screwed up he (Christie) was for abetting the criminal Trump.

I am waiting.......

Cheez Whiz said...

It's important to remember that the problem Never Trumpers have with Trump is not his "ideology" (for lack of a better word), his goals, methods, or style. It's that Trump is going to bleed the Republican Party dry and toss it aside. He will drive the Gravy Train off the rails and into a ditch, walk away and sell it for scrap. He's fucking with their phoney-baloney jobs. That's it. In the words of Logan Roy, he's not a serious person, but even that's not their problem with him. All those people who think they built, run, and own the Party, he doesn't give a shit about them, and they are powerless (so they claim) to do anything about it.

Tony said...

So you’re suggesting that a Republican can still be a traitorous, lying, fascist piece of human garbage even if he notices one thing that was obvious to honest decent sane normal people six years ago.

That tracks.