Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Ongoing Adventures of Rick Wilson: Internet Tough Guy

Today I listened to yet another lively and revealing exchange between recently-former Republicans in which all inconvenient history was whisked away and replaced with:  

Rick Wilson once again taking credit for things he and the Lincoln Lads never did.

Rick Wilson boasting about seeing the No Labels threat before anyone.  Months ago!

Such conversations are always so...educational.  

But most entertaining of all was listening to Wilson continuing to use his real superpower -- reptilian amoral flexibility -- to seamlessly transition from being a paid, Right-wing political hitman who gleefully took the filthy lucre of crackpot Conservative billionaires and used the unlimited crackpot-billionaire funded resources available on the Right to help build a Republican doomsday...

...to attacking stupid Dems and stupid Planned Parenthood for not being better able to counteract the Republican doomsday machine that Rick Wilson helped construct using the vast resources and unlimited crackpot-billionaire funding available on the Right.

Part of Wilson's latest tiny-man-on-a-large-soapbox jeremiad against Democrats was his assertion that everyone has known for 50 years that the Right was pouring billions of dollars into creating the think tank/law school/wingnut-welfare pipeline they needed to stack the courts and overturn Roe.

Everyone knew it!  And, according to Wilson, for 50 years Dems generally and Planned Parenthood specifically have just been twiddling their thumbs, doing nothing to protect women and now it's too later.  

Wilson is used to bathing in a limitless supply of Conservative blood money, so apparently he cannot understand why we Dems don't deploy our army of crackpot Left-wing billionaires who would focus single-mindedly on a single issue for decades and spend an unlimited amount of money to move it along.

Wilson is used to working for Republicans who were intent on shutting things down and blowing things up, so he does not seem able to comprehend why Planned Parenthood didn't just fire its health care professionals, shutter its clinics and sent aside its expensive mission to -- 

  • Help people live full, healthy lives — no matter your income, insurance, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, or immigration status;
  • Provide the high-quality inclusive and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care services all people need and deserve — with respect and compassion;
  • Advocate for public policies that protect and expand reproductive rights and access to a full range of sexual and reproductive health care services, including abortion;
  • Provide medically accurate education that advances the understanding of human sexuality, healthy relationships, and body autonomy;
  • Promote research and technology that enhances reproductive health care and access.

-- and instead spend billions and billions of dollars over the past half century building a Liberal counterpart to the Federalist Society?

Huh?  Huh?  

Riddle me that!

I'm pretty sure almost no one cares but me, but it is remarkable how someone whose firm, principled position on abortion five minutes ago used to consist of...

...mocking Dems for suggesting that his party would ever overturn Roe:
...making it clear that the Very Reasonable Republican Party would never do such a thing:
...relentlessly slagging Dems who defended abortion rights as alarmists, suckers and profiteers:
...eye-rolling Dems for being so darn stubborn on guns and abortion.
...sneering at Dems for being "radically out of touch" on abortion.
...boasting about his own pro-gun-massacre, anti-choice credentials:
...and warning that abortion would always be a losing issue for Dems:

...now has the huevos to ask Liberals to fund his Lincoln Project because Liberals are chumps who don't know how to fight for what they believe in and only he and his fellow recently-former Republicans have the wherewithal to stand up for a woman's right to choose.  

But if the past couple of decades have proven anything, it's that when the media is in your corner, you can get away with whitewashing your past as many times as you wish and no one will say "Boo!" about it.

Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

Right wingers like Rick you shine light on obliviously wander around with their loud mouths blaring into everyone's ears over abortions that they themselves (as Rick is a male) will never have to face),

He will never have say an ectopic pregnancy and need an abortion to save his own life to see another day to get pregnant.

Rick Wilson and his ilk refuse to admit what they know in their heads but will never openly admit, That Roe V Wade was the compromise.....!

Not one woman was forced , physically dragged in handcuffs to have and abortion by law enforcement. The women that decry banning abortion with Mr Wilson are women who may have had a perfectly healthy pregnancy with no serious complications. But there are Anti Abortion women who found themselves in a serious unviable pregnancy and quietly sought out abortion for their special circumstance after preaching against it to everyone that would listen. Do they publicly speak out in dense of serious circumstances that does not need a politician lie a football coach from Alabama to decide for them what medical treatment they are allowed?

When the SCOTUS Federalist Society justices who all lied in confirmations they respect established law. When 6 of these Justices all cite their personal held religious views to decide over turning Roe V Wade. violate the very first Amendment that states, "Government shall not establish religion", and The " Freedom of religion".

All six justices cited their personal religious beliefs in their decision and each ran around to religious organization gathering to bask in religious applause to feel their power in the name of their Gd.
Hell, Justice Alito flew to the Vatican for his accolades from the Roman Catholic Church.
I remember the outcry of electing JFK. He is Catholic and if elected would take orders from the Catholic Pope and not serve Americans.

As the right did then. As they do now and continue to. They always accuse others of what they would do.

It was under the guise of small government. State rights.

State rights like the Bush/Gore election where the Florida state supreme court ruled and ordered the state to return and count all the ballots. The SCOTUS overruled the state Supreme court and ruled to stop counting the votes and Bush won.

So, knowing many states had state GOP majorities (many with an abortion ban on books and ready to go_ The SCOTUS knowing this overturn Roe allowing the states to bring the GOP national abortion agenda to these states to impose that national abortion agenda of theirs.

No, there is no city or county in the states that are allowed to legislate their own laws that differ from the state legislatures. Oh, no. Not that small of a government. They have a GOP majority in the state and they alone can now be BIG government over the smaller government entities.
Texas padded laws overturning cities laws that restricted guns. State GOP legislature majority made laws to make them slaves to the big state GOP government because that small government was not doing what the GOP national agenda was.

So I stated and so it is written......

Robt said...


I t doesn't stop at Abortion. The Civil war was not decided correctly. FDR's entire legislative accomplishments are/were never constitutional.

When a GOP controlled state legislates only republicans are allowed on any ballot. The Federalist justices merely take the case and rule it is a valid state right because some judge who wash known as the "witch hanging judge" had made rulings in the 1600's England regarding that right.

They rule Christians in business can discriminate as long as they cite their religious views. But the person denied does not have his religious views to seek service unconstitutional?
Can I discriminate against a religious person who does not hold the tenants as I?

There is a great scene in Inherit the wind. A court room scene where Spencer Tracy addresses pitting Catholic against Protestant and protestant against Medoids.

It should be required viewing for these Federalist justices. Before confirmation hearings and made to address the issue of it.
I mean they all said they would not discuss hypotheticals during confirmations and now we see them taking hypothetical cases with no standing.
What if as a Christian if I start a business and a gay person wants me to provide service.

Who had standing in the Student loan forgiveness case?

Who showed sanding of harm in the university case of diversity admissions?
Rush Limbaugh would say it all the time on his radio show, "we are trying to erase FDR and his New Deal"

Jon Sitzman said...

G'd afternoon DG and BG!

I'm sure you are both way ahead of me on this one - FOR THE LOVE OF DOG, PLEASE TAKE SCREENSHOTS OF THOSE TWEETS. With supporting metadata if possible. Hell, bookmark the Wayback coordinates of them as long as they exist, so you can show a clear through-line up to the point that they get enough airplay to become politically inconvenient. Because that's the exact moment that Wilson or one of his employees will delete them.

(Or Twitter might just all go away. You know. That is a thing that could happen. In either case, please keep the proof!)

Thanks for all you do!

Jim Butts said...

I am consistently impressed with your ability to express your ideas in words. You sometimes identify yourself as a writer. I would wholeheartedly agree.