Thursday, July 13, 2023

Put Joe Lieberman on the Blockchain...

...then throw the blockchain into the Laurentian Abyss, along with the ABC News bookers and producers who thought it was a great idea to give this noxious fossil air time on a national news network.  

Yadda yadda. 
The Extremes on Both Sides. 
Yadda yadda.
World without end.

Me?  I'm Partisan A.F.


PZ Myers said...

He's not dead yet?

chrome agnomen said...

only from the shoulders up.

Robt said...

Is it possible Sen Manchin is Joe L's long lost cousin ?
Their character traits are so similar.
Someone should run a check, like they did on Ancestry dot com where they found Newt Gingrich's distant heritage to the German Cockroach.
Not the American cockroach or the woods cockroach.