Thursday, July 27, 2023

Professional Left Podcast Episode #731

"...but when the President does it, that means it is not illegal..."   --   Richard Milhous Nixon


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dinthebeast said...

Gee, don't I remember a few decades of certain people trying to warn the people charged with making policy decisions that if we don't stop pumping carbon into the atmosphere things were going to get uncomfortable?
In fact, don't I also remember the day W weaseled his way into the white house with his wrecking crew of oilmen, a certain group of folks saying "Well, that's it, the planet is gonna fry."
Being right is the right thing to do, but it doesn't always feel good.
And what about the economy? You know, the one that is fucking miraculously not falling into a recession despite the best efforts of all those assholes who really want it to? Biden saw what the goddamn Republicans did back when he became veep and said "You know, we're not gonna do that this time. We're gonna gamble that we can stamp out unemployment and try our asses off to mitigate the consequences." Even the motherfucking New York Times is saying that he will "stick the soft landing"... I would tell the New York Times where they could stick the rest of their coverage of the economy if I didn't have to have a subscription in order to read Paul Krugman's newsletter, but I do, so I haven't.
Thank you again for the podcast. The heat isn't bad up here at 5,000 feet, but down in the valley they are roasting. Our AC consists of leaving the window open, so murdering mosquitoes is on the schedule a couple of times a day...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

Ever notice how loud mouths like Trump or Newt are/ were able to make unsubstantiated claims of other people and accuse them of things without proof?

Then there is the name calling.

Trump seems prolific at this, Lying Ted, Sloppy Steve, Little Marco, Sleepy Joe, "I call her Nancy",

Why is it the press runs with these for the longest time when aimed at a Democrat? There are plenty GOPers that got names or accused of things.

Why isn't the media still running air time on "Lying Ted" when reporting on Sen. Cruz?

Why is it Lying Ted is no longer accused of him and his father being involved in JFK's assassination?

To this day how is it Trump did not shout out that Lying Ted snuck into Canada from Cuba to easily sneak across the Canadian border as an immigrant.
That all those immigrant haters (as in Texas with AG Paxton) re elect Lying Ted the immigrant from Cuba to the Senate for Texas?

This tells me the immigrant haters would accept a immigrant Mexican if he first travels though Cuba. Then to Canada. And to the USA where he goes to Texas and becomes their U.S. Senator.
but hey, they are republicans and there is o valid consistency to measure them.