Thursday, July 06, 2023

Professional Left Podcast Episode #727

Image via WCIA/Diane McNattin

There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm. --   Willa Cather


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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Jon Sitzman said...

I'm just a few moments into the 'cast so far, so... expect my normal spall of comments as I finish the rest.

Just wanted to quickly note that while I have never met the two of you, visualizing you both as the voices of hope and humor when it felt like the world was about to FUCKING END... that makes perfect sense to me. That feels totally in character for you. "Good is good in the final hour, in the deepest pit." (There's more to that quote, as you know, but it's grimmer than we need right now.)

Thanks for all you do.

dinthebeast said...

OK, a few things about adversity: Last winter we got between 6 and 10 feet of snow (and by some goddamn miracle, PG&E kept the power on) and the neighborhood did kinda pull together. Our next door neighbor loaned us a snow shovel, as ours was down in the carport, not just under all that snow, but down 29 stairs to get to it. After Briana crawled out of the window, used the shovel to get down those stairs and got to the car, a nice gentleman with a front end loader cleared her path to the road so she could get to town for food. Then, another nice gentleman from the Christian Camp let us pay him to shovel a path to our door, which was covered above the top of the doorframe. Being disabled, I'm not much help shoveling. Then there were the groceries that the camp couldn't use because nobody could get there that they gave to us, that we were able to use some of. Without the assistance getting the car onto the road, we might have not had groceries for a couple of weeks.
So this week was kinda difficult, also: Wednesday, on our way to take me to a doctor appointment about an hour's drive from here, the car went off of the road and flipped up onto its side. We have someone in Oakland working on getting another car (a white Honda) and Briana has managed to scrape together enough money to make a down payment on it, but it will require her to get to Oakland to pick it up, and that might be another week. Until then, Vons grocery delivery and Amazon...
I read about "The Bear" and thought, yeah, just about everybody I ever worked in a restaurant with thought there should be a show about the things that go on there. A lot of humor and a lot of team work, and a lot of folks who would otherwise be seen as misfits doing heroic shit every damn day. Musicians and actors chock-a-block.
Fergus and his violent idiot hordes have got to be brought to book. Sure, the goddamn secret service can probably keep the Obamas safe, but that doesn't give the damn fool license to send the crazy bastards after him.
Thank you again for the podcast, I knew it had to be bad when last week's podcast never came.
Remember the song that Biden took the stage to in Ireland that got him so much (rightful) good press? Here's a couple of women covering it and it will knock your socks into the next county:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

good to hear your okay.

I think of the scene in the movie Independence Day, at the beginning.
When Will Smith walks out to get his news paper in the morning and finally begins to notice all his neighbors scrambling. Finally looking up to see the gigantic alien space craft..

Maybe the first time you walk out side and realize the Zombie Apocalypse has been going on.

Better yet, after refusing to answer her phone each time the Free-Dumb Caucus(more like Cactus cocks) calls her to let her know she was excommunicated from the powerful GOP caucus for being a Squish. As Marge 3 toes answers her phone to hear they douched her from their nether region ranks. That smack of surprised reality leaving a palm print across her face. Lordy, what will she tell Bannon or Gorka.
Perhaps if she prays sincerely and hard enough, her God will reach up from Hell and set things right wing for her.

In case you bored. Check out Israel's protests over Netanyahu and his right wingers wanting to make their supreme court justices and other judges like the Federalist Society's that the GOP stacked . Just for us title people.
It seems Israelis folks aren't sitting around talking about it. They are in mass out in the streets.

Netanyahu is indicted. He was out of office as prime minister and got himself reelected and like Trump, he wants to corrupt the courts to exempt from from prison and accountability for crimes.

Right wingers will be right winging no matter where they be.

Fritz Strand said...

Wow!I figured something was up when you missed posting your blog but didn't get how bad it was. Good to hear you came out okay.