Wednesday, June 28, 2023

It Was Closing Time at the Democracy Bar

And all night long, the Never Trumpers had been hanging out at the Republican end of the bar where they'd always gotten lucky before, trying out their best lines like -- 

"Have you ever done it Reverse Buckley-style?  Where I stand athwart you while you yell 'Don't Stop!'?


"Have you ever heard of the term 'Balanced Budget Buddy'?"


"Oh, you beautiful babes from Breitbart, for whom we have traveled through time... Will you go to the Marco Rubio prom with us in 2016 ? We will have a most triumphant time!"


"Are you the Party of Lincoln? 'Cause you’re causing an uprising down south."

-- and getting brutally shot down over and over again.   Until, at last, the entire Republican party left with the Lying Orange Racist Asshole they'd been waiting for all along. 

The owner was announcing "Last Call" and starting to flick on the lights.  

So, bloodied but unbowed, the Never Trumpers ambled down to the Democratic end of the bar, where some of us had been clocking what these now-sorta-but-not-really-former Republicans had been up to for decades.

We were quite aware that they had previously succeeded in bedding the bigots and imbeciles at the Republican end of the bar by relentlessly catering to them,  flattering them, calling them patriots and lubricating their imagination with tall tales about how we Dems were all filthy, America-hating, terrorist loving, baby-murdering monsters.  

And up until now, it had always worked.  

Of course, over the years, it had gotten progressively harder to pry the bigots and imbeciles off their bar stools and into bed, so these soon-to-be-sorta-but-not-really-former Republicans had to continuously crank up the terror and hysteria of the wild lies they told about us Dems.

But at last the day had come when all their honeyed Paul Ryan sweet talk failed, and the entire Republican party was swept off their feet and out the door forever by the aforementioned Lying Orange Racist Asshole that the bigots and imbeciles been waiting for all along. Which, ironically, was made possible thanks to all the groundwork that had been laid by the all the unctuous flattery and ludicrous lies that these same soon-to-be-sorta-but-not-really-former Republicans had been troweling out for decades.

So, now out of options, these "Never Trumpers" ambled down to our filthy, America-hating, terrorist loving, baby-murdering end of the bar with the following pitch.

Look, you're all stupid and ugly and I hate everything you stand for.  However, the place is closing so I will allow you to come with me to a cheap motel where I will deign to fuck you.  

But there are conditions.

First, I will need you to continually praise me for my heroism, while I continue to refer to you as stupid and ugly.

Second, you will refrain at all times from mentioning the decades I spent at the other end of the bar, or my past, or, basically, anything I have ever said or done before now.

Third, I will need you to procure for me several lucrative book deals.

Fourth,  I will need you to procure for me lots of lucrative gigs in the media.  At a minimum I will require continuous coverage on your horrible Commie cable channels where I can promote my own media startup, and a number of choice op-ed positions in major American publications.

Fifth,  in addition to millions of dollars in free media every month, I will also need you to give me lots and lots of money for my various startup media companies, for my startup adverting companies, and for my various consulting companies and so on.  And by "lots and lots of money" I mean, in total, thousands of times more than you have ever given to any Liberal podcasters or bloggers (who had been right about the Right all along.)

Sixth, be aware that I plan to use all of this free media you're going to give me and all of the money you'll be sending me to run my own startup media companies to go right on taking shots at you as stupid and ugly, and I will continue to deflect criticism of my sorta-but-not-really-former party as a  Both Sides problem that "we" are all responsible for.

Finally, I will need to grab your shit and get lost as soon as I'm done fucking you because, as I said, you're stupid and ugly and I still hate everything you stand for. 

And before you answer, you should know that if you don't unconditionally agree to all of these conditions,  the world will end!

For the latest from the "Always say 'we' and always blame 'both sides' and 'partisanship'" front, we turn to Liz Cheney and the Republican Accountability Project:

I Am The Liberal Media


dave said...

the masters and the never trumpers share a singular goal...greed.

the hooples are hatey and feary....and will continue to live paycheck to paycheck with their AR-15's on the credit card and church's collection plate right next to the trump legal defense pac contributions; same!!

the anger of the never trumpers is they worked so hard to get the hooples riled and in a straight line then trump..he jacked their ride, they want it back...

Jon Sitzman said...

Well, this is just a damn fine article from Tom Sullivan on Digby (JB Pritzker cameo FTW!), but... the last little bit, a truly righteous rant from George Hahn, might just make your toes curl in appreciation. I won't spoil it. Just give it a listen.

Stay safe!

Robt said...

Liz Cheney doesn't grasp the notion that even if she is elected as a republican she is supposed to represent those who do not vote for her and Democrats too.

Representative totem pole of priority.
* what is best for yourself.
* What is best for your biggest private donors.
* What is best for your national parry's mega donors.
* What is best for your party.
* What is best for future business owners that could be potential future donors.
* What is best to convince people to be reliable party loyalists.
* How to from future GOP voters and how rig the election system for yourself and your party.
* ensure gratitude of larger groups of loyal GOP voters like the religious right and make sure they are pampered.
* The elected officials personal held religious views.
* Making sure any and all votes on economic issues is used for their insider trading for their economic gain.

Me and you are not even on the list to represent let alone a priority.

--- "What we’ve done in our politics is create a situation where we’re electing idiots...

I sure wish idiots like Liz who was elected from her own described situation and purposely worked hrd to create those zombie idiots to elect the idiots. It is her party that has inflicted long term propagandists like Rushbo on Americans. Who Use religion to control those in faith to only view the
GOP as God's choice.
Liz is upset as a nepotism legacy whose deraigned party turned on her when she had a tiny inkling of statesmanship she felt she could use to propel her to president but the Zombie Horde was to hungry for human flesh..

She and other republican's ran their party down so far it is below hell.

They still haven't the self awareness to realize how their party bubbles in anarchy and corrupting Which is the same thing they sell to get elected as what they want to do for all Americans.

Has Liz made the Denial transformation of becoming a conservative independent?

You see, betrayed and eaten alive by your own zombies makes one feel they are not of that party. But they cannot let go. Cannot realize and fully admit their conservative words of values and superiority is merely self deception or institutionalized. Very tough to let go of fully.

Worse than a habutual drug addict who comes to the point of having to sober up and stay that way. They still try to hang with their pals that are still using drugs and staying in that world. If they stay long enough they go back to using so they must change their life, environment, relationships and way of life. Truing to stay and hang with all those partiers is not breaking the habit.
We have all heard of the sober drunk. No, he is not drinking anymore but continues to act like he is.

You do not have to be a veteran who sacrificed and risked everything in war to defend America to be upset when Liz Cheney's party spent decades and fortunes to bring the GOP to what it is today and the impatience of one as I with these "Idiots". And when I say idiots, I include the Manchin's and Senimas.
Because Americans are not on their list of representation.