"Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike."
-- Oscar Wilde.
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Not that my opinion matters, but:
"Should we boycott MSNBC?"
Yes, and more. Boycott MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo, even NPR (which is probably the least colonized and co-opted).
The current iteration of America's national mass media, especially the political branches ensconced in NYC and DC, is unsalvageable. It's not moribund, it's malignant. One of the biggest linchpin events in beginning to move the US out of this current horrifying era is the sea-change of current media outlets. That may happen by the big outlets losing enough subscription money that they start wondering if maybe obviously thumbing the scale for the GOP is a bad idea. It may happen through the eventual retirement of the Bush-era holdovers who've colonized the outlets. But one way or another, the existing format and culture of media has to completely change.
America must let the national outlets know that they have no credibility. They have spent decades propping up Fox News, rubbing shoulders with its personalities, propagating its messages. They have to all - ALL - crash down and lose their stranglehold on national discourse.
Or to use an older but still apropos quip (PLEASE NOTE that I am NOT advocating physical violence): "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
Thanks for all you do, BG and DG. Happy Frigg's Day.
I too was jaw-dropping pissed off at MSNBC when I saw 3 effing conservatives on my only "liberal" TV channel. Old Moaner "60 grit"Charen, never tRumper Rubin & the man Republicans grabbed from "planet black."
I don't know how many channels I get on DISH, 75 or more but only one partially liberal channel and it's headed in the wrong direction.
Oh well, this too may come to pass.
Having never owned a television, boycotting anything on television for me just entails not watching videos of them on my computer. Ironically, I have found a Russian website called "Top News Show" where I can reliably get Rachel's show and sometimes Alex's show, whereas looking for them on YouTube can take an hour and is sort of hit or miss. I have doubts about the impact of not watching them on said website, so I will probably continue, unless they do something to really piss me off...
Personal aside: Snow. Six or so feet of it. More on the way. Two days ago I got an infection in the place where a tooth used to be and my face swelled up and I have a fever.
The fever is fucking with my balance and last night I fell down three times between the bed and the bathroom. Luckily, I wasn't hurt beyond some bruises, but getting up off of the floor in time to make it to the bathroom was really hard. Did I mention that I'm disabled from a stroke? Anyway, we paid a nice young man from the Christian Camp to shovel a path down to the car yesterday, and today Briana was down there trying to shovel the hard, icy snow away from the car so she could drive to town for groceries. She was almost to the point of despair when one of the guys from the Christian Camp showed up with a front end loader that knocked the corner off of the snow bank between the car and the road, and she just got back with a week's worth of groceries. So while I still feel shitty, we will live another week.
Thank you again for the podcast. I didn't sleep at all two nights ago and I still feel weak and tired, so I sort of sat down on my bed to listen to it, and woke up to the end music, so I had to go sit at the computer and relisten to the last fifteen minutes.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
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