I could stand about three minutes of Paul Ryan pontificating to Charlie SYkes about what Kevin McCarthy could do if A) he didn't remotely reassemble Kevin McCarthy and, B) if the GOP were an entirely imaginary other party instead of the shithole of bigots and imbeciles it has been for decades.
From then on, for fear of my gorge becoming buoyant, I took it in small sips
At around the 9:30 mark, the "What's the maximum amount of revisionist
bullshit we can pack into the minimum number of words" contest really takes off.
Sykes: So...how did we get from, say, 2015, 2014 where you... were the face of and the most well-known member of the House of Representatives? How did we go from Paul Ryan being the face of Republicans in the House to Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Ryan: I think it's the digital age were in. I think we have a new wing of our party. I think the Democrats have the same thing...
The internet is to blame? Check.
Everything bad started in 2015? Check
Both Sides Do It? Check.
Ryan goes on to lie about Joe Biden
being exactly as bad as Donald Trump on economic issues.
Then he lies about the GOP's nearly-successful campaign to gut the Affordable
Care Act, reframing it as a heroic act of deficit reduction that would have
merely "reformed" the ACA.
Ryan is enough of a cold-eyed cynic to cop to the fact that Trump voters are basically brainwashed cultists who don't give a shit that Trump is a fascist or that he tried to violently overthrow the government or that he is, in a hundred other way, manifestly "unfit" to hold office. But because, according to Ryan, Joe Biden's presidency is such an abject failure and the Democrats and the "Left" are so much worse than the imaginary Republican party which exists only in his head...it is imperative that Democrats be defeated at any cost.
This, in turn, means Trump must not win the GOP nomination in 2024 because
he would drag the rest of the party down with him. So opponents should
stick to going after Trump as a loser and forget about going after Trump as
the monster that he clearly is because the brainwashed cultists who are the
base of Paul Ryan's party purely love that shit.
Joe Biden is just as bad as Trump? Check.
The GOP base may be brainwashed cultists...but Dems are worse? Check.
The GOP will do just fine as long as it magically transforms itself into a
completely different party? Check.
Ryan explained that he stays on the Fox News board because he wants to help Conservatism through this "moment" its having -- as if Fox had a little too much to drink and needs to be helped into a cab, or had a little fight with its roommate and needs a couch to crash on for the night, or has reaped the deranged harvest of spending a generation pandering to bigots and imbeciles and needs a Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver (h/t Brother Charlie Pierce) out there pitching woo to the crazy-but-not-quite-deep-end-of-Newsmax-crazy Republicans to keep them from scrambling down the rat-line and off this sinking ship fprever.
Ryan explained that his fealty to the Murdoch monster factory is necessary
because Murrica needs "pluralism" and Fox News must remain a bastion against
the "woke" conformist commies like, well, you and me. We who used our
godlike influence over the culture to "bludgeon" others into conformity.
Sykes did point out that, um, it's actually Republican governors and
legislators who are banning books and such. Ryan allowed as how he
"wasn't a big fan of that". But, he argued, that's why you need cultural
institutions like Fox News up on that wall! Defending "natural law"
(Ryan is big into "natural law") and protect us from, y'know,
the same scumbags that Fox News works so hard to get elected.
Ryan explained that the only real problem with Fox News is Tucker Carlson, and
Ryan is there to try to make sure all those *other* not-Tucker-Carlson voices
on Fox -- the noble and completely imaginary True Conservative voices on Fox
-- are protected and nurtured.
Ryan is also hopeful about the 2024 GOP primaries, because in addition to the
"Trump 2.0 lane" he sees a "Reagan 2.0 lane" down which a true "classical
Liberal conservative" could zoom to victory...by, uh, winning all 17 true
"classical Liberal conservative" Republicans who remain in Paul Ryan's party?
We learned that Ryan apparently remains "good friends" with every Republican elected official still walking on two legs. That Mike Pence has some great ideas about deficit reduction. And that Fox corporation board member Paul Ryan is not going to publicly utter one mumbling word that's critical of Rupert Murdoch's sprawing, fascist propaganda empire.
If one is a woke Liberal troublemaker whose memory is intact, one cannot help but visualize the Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver practiced this farrago of lies, deflections and rationalizations in front of a mirror one hundred times, surrounded by notecards full of talking points that had been delivered every hour on the hour by one of Murdoch's minions.
And if one is a woke Liberal troublemaker whose memory is intact, one cannot
help but remember that Ryan is just one of many, many Republican ghouls and
hobgoblins that Charlie Sykes, in his role as the Rush Limbaugh of Wisconsin,
raised to national prominence and inflicted on our poor, wounded
I tapped out once Ryan started down his labyrinthine diatribe explaining why
massive corporate tax cuts would sooner or later reduce the deficit, and why
the only way to save Social Security was to hand granny's Social Security
check over to hedge fund managers.
House Speaker Paul Ryan is acknowledging "nobody knows" if the sweeping tax cuts Congress is enacting will produce enough economic growth to fend off soaring federal deficits
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) December 20, 2017
For me, this was like prematurely unearthing a time-capsule full of Ayn Rand
essays and dogshit true conservative grifter double-talk that we had once
hoped we would never see again in our lifetimes.
A time-capsule that we had put in the ground for some future generation to
find as they searched for answer to the question of why America went bull
goose loony nuts back in the late-20th and early-21st centuries.
I Am The Liberal Media
Thanks for all you do, DG and BG. Especially listening to two liars lie for profit and social disruption. I doubt I could have kept my stomach in check as well as you did.
Totally OT but falling into the category of SERIOUSLY OH MY DOG WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE: apparently, Pres. Biden and Dr. Biden ordered the same thing in a restaurant! And the internet has THOUGHTS. And of course, because "people are talking," it is NEWS. I give you the Washington Post's Emily Heil, writing with what we may assume is a straight face about the eating habits of the first couple, because obviously that is exactly what Americans need to read about right now.
WHO DOES THAT, indeed.
Paul Ryan. UGH!
Best I can add to this is , the stench liners on. There is no air freshener that can make it acceptable and I am in search of fresh air. to breath freely.
Paul the fuck Ryan? Consider "tax cuts pay for themselves" to be the seed crystal of lies that allowed the bigger, more recent lies to grow.
And the "competent conservative economic policy wonk" bullshit as a foreshadow of the Santoses in the goddamn GOP today.
I've long been anxious that he would make some lame, destructive political comeback, but that was before I found out that he was already doing that from his seat on Fox's board.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
may i summarize?
biden's time as leader is a failure because taxes didn't go down for rich people and furthermore we are not sharing less..
also angry stupid people look foolish and that is also a failure. ryan will need them as soon as tomorrow...
he wants to help Conservatism through this "moment" its having -- as if Fox...
...were going through an unhappy phase at the moment, what with its father dying, and the mortgage, and Fox Sports going out with men.
(Lemon curry?)
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