Thursday, February 16, 2023

They Sit and Play With Their Moth-Eaten Reagan Action Figures...

...all day long.

He is their True Conserative fidget-spinner.

No Fair Remembering Stuff


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good afternoon, Mr. Glass.

I'd recommend Jefferson Davis as the Buzz Lightyear to Reagan's Woody, but I imagine most rightwingers don't even know what Davis looks like, despite sharing his values.

Best to you and your loved ones.

Robt said...

I am very close to predicting the presidential election right after the 2024 presidential election will give the GOP base the candidates the want now.

Candidates as the current KKK Grand Dragon, The Oath Keepers new leader (if not in prison), the Proud boys Florida chapter president (if not in prison), A Putin oligarch.

Reaganite, Bushies, Trump, Pence, GOP type vanguard have all become Liberals in the eyes of the base.

Out of burning itself down via arson or aa great GOP mass shooting.
I am not even sure it the GOP general voters were to show up in force in the GOP primaries. My prediction will near closer to to being proclaimed.
One thing for sure is, They are going to have to face banning and burning the Bible because once they ever read it. They will conclude it is not safe for children.

Which will lead to banning evangelical pastors who preach it. IT here is no end. No bottom. Nothing will quench the thirst of haring and harming others. It is an euphoric drug for them. They are heavily addicted to that drug.