Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Ep 685 No Fair Remembering Stuff Podcast: The Mother of All Third Parties

We must not be misled by left-wing incompetent news media that, day after day, feed us a diet of fantasy telling us we are bigots, racists and hate-mongers.   -- George Wallace
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No Fair Remembering Stuff is a Professional Left podcast production and is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Robt said...

My attention moved on after Wallace was shot.

I recall thinking his spewing of hate attracted his shooter.

After his shooting he went into obscurity to me. I would have better memories in place if it wasn't for Wallace.

It is like that still with many on their path to hell.
I did not know all you recounted after his shooting.
Sort of interesting but a drag on lives all the same.

I don't recall any republican taking the debt ceiling hostage of a republican president to cut or privatize Social Security or anything else for that matter.
GOP had full control of government during Trump and they borrowed $3 trillion to pay out their tax cuts to wealthy people leaving debt to be repaid with interest. Bailed out farmers for their China trade war.
Not once did any GOPer incite or scream from the FOX mics about debt.

There is a lot of good memories Jeff Beck like many other talented musicians provided great memories.
Beck was definitely one f them and his music lives on for all to enjoy.
The contribution of a Jeff Beck verses the contributions of a George Wallace is the grandest of canyons in divide.

memories comes in different flavors. Some lifts your spirits, some teach you hard ugly lessons. some make you thankful when they do not come to fruition while some that succeed gives you hope for the future.

Jim Butts said...

That was brilliant, DGBG. I can confidently guess about the pile of work it took to research, write, and produce this episode of your podcast. Congratulations and thank you. I’ve lived through everything you talked about except the Thurmond period. And I’ve been active in following the politics going on around me. But this podcast showed everything that we’ve been getting a whiff of for decades. You’ve made a great contribution to history and the people of this nation.